Evgeny Ogurtsova (Zhenya Ogurtsova) - biography, personal life, photo, news, book, Lena Tretyakova, Relations 2021



Bright appearance, rapid look, punchy character and musical talent of the cucumber was the distinctive features of the leader of the "Ranetki" group. After the collapse of the collective, the creative singer lives a full life, not forgetting about music.

Childhood and youth

Evgenia Ogurtsova was born in one of the Moscow hospitals on March 29, 1990. In 3 years, the girl first sat down for the piano, later graduated from a music school with honors.

Classical studies was given to her easily, teachers called Zhenya Wunderkind. Parents proud of the success of his daughter in school, school exams The girl passed the external.

In addition to musical and intellectual abilities, the talent of the organizer manifested itself. At the age of 16, the girl came to mind the idea of ​​creating a rock band from girlfriends. As a result, the first composition of "Ranetok" was as follows: Lera Kozlova answered the vocals and drums, Natasha Snakova - for the Solo Guitar, Anya Rudneva - for the rhythm guitar. Eugene, of course, stood up for keys. Through the Internet, she found the fifth "Ranetk" - Lena Tretyakov, bass guitarist.


In 2005, the Ranetki group for the first time declared itself as a music team. Young, perky, talented girls performed first on small sites, in little-known clubs. The circle of fans consisted of former classmates, friends and parents. An unfamiliar public rushed into the eyes of a red-haired curly keyboard, energetic and clockwork.

Zhenya was not only a source of energy, but also a collective brain. Thanks to her, the group in 2006-2007 began to invite "to warm up" to famous musical festivals. Girls did not miss the chance to get acquainted with such groups as "Umaturman", "roots", "city 312", and to start cooperation with them. "Ranetok" was already recognized on the street, the number of fans grew, but the deafening success of the girls achieved a little later.

In 2008, the team was offered to write a soundtrack to gaining popularity among young people "Cadet", which went to the CTC. "She is alone", "Ranetki", "Cadets" - the uncomplicated texts and music of these songs instantly remembered the audience, and the group in one moment became the subject of adoration of millions. Their discs and photos with autographs were bought fans like hot cakes.

Given the unequivocal popularity of the maiden team, the creators of the "Cadet" were not confused and organized a new project - the series "Ranetki", giving the opportunity to girls to play themselves and tell about the creative path of the team. According to the script, participants changed their names, and "Cadets" were invited to shoot - Arthur Heller, Vadim Andreeva and others.

In the series Singer Zhenya, as in life, an excellent study, which is strict parents do not give a drop of freedom, constantly holding within. Despite the lack of acting experience, Ogurtsova coped with the director's assignment.

When the series was released on the screens, the heroines instantly conquered the audience, the success of "ranets" was provided. After that, Eugene as part of the group was invited a couple of times in films on episodic roles: in the TV series "Happy together" and in the film "Once in Baden-Baden".

In 2013, the Group decided to terminate creative activities, the last concert was given on June 1 at the Rio TC site.

After the collapse of the group

Evgenia could not stand on his feet after the breakdown of "Ranetok". At first she lived with her mother and combined solo concerts with work in the store "For adults".

Ogurtsova continued to engage in vocals, wrote songs. Her solo career was not so fruitful, the result was several concerts and a couple of tracks that were not embarrassed on the tops of the charts.

A more successful project has become a group created by a singer, called "Redhead and devils". The musicians played quite in another direction, different from the fact that "Ranetok" fans accustomed to. The team developed, spoke at the festivals, recorded tracks and released professional videos.

The former soloist "Ranetok" Lena Tretyakova created a project called Kuraga on Yututyuba, who quickly gained popularity. Zhenya, who retained a warm relationship with her, supported a girlfriend. The performer on the canal was shared by the tips on raising children, losing weight, discussed relations and advertised cosmetics.

Ogurtsova in collaboration from the field recorded the track "Well, what kind of asshole you are!" And pleased fans by collecting them at solo concerts.

Personal life

Suddenly, for many Yevgeny Ogurtsova in 2010, at the peak of popularity, married Paul Averin. Love broke out at first sight, besides, a couple had a lot in common: the future husband was also engaged in music, playing on the pipe. The novel developed rapidly, a few days after the acquaintance, the young made tattoos on carax with each other's initials. If you look at the foot drawing, it turned out naughty - F (Zhenya), Oh (Ogurtsova), P (Pavel), and (Averin).

Signed lovers in love 4 months after dating in Dominican Republic, on the Caribbean coast, 4 months after the acquaintance. The wedding was simple, and the outfits are Hawaiian. The marriage lasted three years, after which Eugene and Paul Averin divorced.

October 3, 2015 Eugene again married, this time the designer Anatoly Ramonov became the chief. Before the new, 2016, Zhenya gave birth to a long-awaited son, who was named Mark. The fans were incredibly surprised by such a turn of the events, there was no hint on the celebrity page in the "Instagram" on the fact that the performer is pregnant.

After the birth of Evgeny, she lost weight - given its small growth in 163 cm, it reduced the weight of up to 53 kilograms and admitted that the son became the motivation to bring the figure. Changes allowed not to be ashamed of shots in a swimsuit and even go to experiments in candid photosets for social networks.

In February 2019, Zhenya informed fans that they decided to divorce with Anatoly. Spouses ceased to communicate. In one of the Vlogov Ogurtsova, he was told that the former husband turned out to be an irresponsible person. Having left the house, he was not interested in the son and family problems.

The new round in the personal life of the singer began three months after the divorce. In Account, the celebrity told subscribers that he was going to marry again. Selected, Nikolai Osipova, Ogurtsova hid to the wedding itself, which, by the way, surpassed all the expectations of the performer. On this day, Eugene was surrounded by girlfriends, and the dress that was put on a happy bride was created by her design.

In 2021, the singer pleased fans with the news about what the second child expects is a girl. Evgenia shared in social networks that she was planning children with his spouse, but still was shocked when he learned about pregnancy.

Health status

Overload and stress is a natural part of the life of artists, they are perceived as a norm, not focusing on how negatively these factors affect health.

Evgenia, during the take-off, "Ranetok" showed an acute form of pancreatitis, which did not prevent the management of the group to insist on the participation of the girl in the tour. The consequence was a series of wrinkles right during concerts.

In 2018, the singer again led his health. Vision on the left eye of the cucumber began to fall rapidly. The diagnosis was rare and disappointing - retinal atrophy. The method of treating this disease does not yet exist.

Evgenia Ogurtsova now

Bright and saturated with emotions take off the creative biography of cucumber and now affects her life.

In the spring of 2021, a video appeared on the Yutiub-Channel Kuraga, in which Eugene said that he writes a book about the "Ranetki" group. The goal of the project, according to the comments of the girl, was the desire to help young performers and, perhaps, save someone.

In the summer, the work called "Ranetki. A happy card in hell "saw the light. Ogurtsova showed a career path not only from his positive side. She told about the invasion of show business, private relations of the group's governing link with the participants of the team and the "dark stories" of other celebrities.

According to the singer, it was very scary to write about the candy soul. Eugene admitted that the consequences of frankness was afraid, but at the same time she considered her duty to tell people the truth.


  • 2006 - "Ranetki"
  • 2009 - "Our time has come"
  • 2010 - "never forget"
  • 2011 - "Return Rock and Roll !!!"
  • 2012 - "Return Rownok !!!"


  • 2008-2014 - "Ranetki"
  • 2011 - "Amazon from the depths"


  • 2021 - "Ranetki. Happy card in hell "

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