Mikhail Delyagin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Mikhail Delyagin - politician, publicist, television and radio host. A prominent Russian specialist and a consultant in economics, head of the Board of Trustees of the Organization "Institute of Globalization Problems", a valid member of the Raen and a member of the Fair Russia party. At 30, he became a doctor of economic sciences.

Mikhail Dlyagin

And Delyagin is the author of hundreds of articles and dozens of books in economics and politics, a member of the Izborsk Club, an honorary professor of the Chinese Jilign University and a MGIMO Professor.

Childhood and youth

The future scientist and politician was born in the spring of 1968 in Moscow in the engineering family. Parents Delägin - Nina Mikhailovna and Gennady Nikolaevich - worked for Soviet defense enterprises, so-called "mailboxes". The deleagin-senior is known in scientific community as the founder of alternative fuel for the energy industry - water-born.

Economist Mikhail Delyagin

Mikhail was brought up in rigor: the parent order was not challenged, and was unquestioned. The young man graduated from the school with a gold medal and entered the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, choosing the Faculty of Economics.

At 18, after graduating from 1 course, Mikhail Delyagin gave the duty to his homeland, served 2 years in the army. In the autumn of 1987, the ordinary arrived home for the first time and organized a collection of signatures in support of the Opt Boris Yeltsin at the faculty. Investigation began, but the sample of the handwriting of Delägin did not take - he returned to the service. Activists and classmates did not give out Mikhail who wrote an appeal. At the faculty of the history of "conspirators" found and kicked out of the university.

Mikhail Delyagin in youth

After demobilization, the student returned to his studies. On the 3rd course, Mikhail Dlyagin wrote a brilliant course work that took a prize in the competition. Igor Nits turned out to be the head of the work.

In the summer of the 1990s, the former leader who became the first adviser on economics in Yeltsin, he recalled the talented student and introduced into the expert group of the government office of the Supreme Council. At that time, Mikhail Delyagin turned 22 years old.


In 1992, Delledge was presented with a diploma of an economist with honors. In the same year, Mikhail, who worked in the White House without a separation from study, became the main specialist of the expert group at the head of state. The duties of a young specialist included operational analysis and forecasting the economic situation in the country and abroad.

Politician Mikhail Dlyagin

A year later, a new page appeared in the work biography of Mikhail: he became the vice-president of Kominvest, which invests in various spheres of Russian business. In the spring of 1994, Deljagina appointed the main analytics of the analytical center under the President. In this position, the economist worked for 2 years, without separation from work, defending his thesis in his native university on the topic of development of the Russian banking system.

In 1996, the Assistant Head of State on Economic Affairs Sergey Ignatiev called Mikhail Delägin to become a referent in his team.

Books Mikhail Dlagina

In 1997, a specialist worked as an adviser to the Government of Anatoly Kulikov and the First Deputy Head of the Government of Boris Nemtsov. In 1998, a 30-year-old official became a doctor of economic sciences, defending his thesis on the subject of economic security of the state.

According to the adviser, Mikhail Delyagin worked until 2003. He worked with Yuri Maslyukov, Nikolai Aksenko, Evgenia Primakov and Mikhail Kasyanov. From the summer of 1998 to April 2002, he headed the institute of problems of globalization, where he returned after 4 years. In the spring of 2017, Delyagin became the supervisor of the Institute.

TV presenter Mikhail Delyagin

Mikhail Gennadevich is famous for performances and articles in the press. His willingly publish Russian publications "Tomorrow", "Arguments and Facts", "New Gazeta", "Vedomosti", as well as newspapers and magazines of Germany, France, India, China. Peru Delägina belongs over 1000 articles posted on the pages of the world press. He is the author and co-author of three dozen books to acute socio-political topics.

In the professional field of authorities for Mikhail Deljagin are economists John Meinard Keynes and John Kennene Galbreit. In 2005, his book "Russia after Putin" ranked the second step of the ranking of Russian publicists writing to socio-humanitarian topics. Leaded Alexander Zinoviev with the Book "Okatimier". Articles Deljagin appear on the official website and publicist.

Personal life

The reference to the imitation of Mikhail Dlyagin called mom. Marrying in the mid-1990s, he created a strong family. Raisa Valentinovna's wife gave her husband two children.

Mikhail Dlyagin loves to travel

Family for Mikhail Gennadevich is something holy and unshakable, but "family duties" he rejects. If the spouses come back home before, it prepares dinner. The housing repair may well have a spouse if Dellagin is too dense working schedule.

In his free time, loves to travel, skiing, dive into the sea bunch with aqualung or just sleep.

Mikhail Delyagin now

In 2017, the radio "says Moscow" ceased cooperation with defense. The cause of Mikhail Gennadyevich called the change in the editorial policy and the refusal to coverage of economic problems. Now politician and scientist comes to radio ester as a guest. He focused on the author's forces on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, where the actual events of society and the country.

Mikhail Delyagin in 2018

In 2018, in front of the presidential elections, Mikhail Delyagin "walked" on the main applicants to the chair number 1. He noted a tectonic split in the opposition ranks. Alexey Navalny called on their boycott, and Mikhail Khodorkovsky veiled agitated for Pavel Bescrain.

Delyagin called "quite natural" that the candidate from the Communists supported a large business. A similar situation happened at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Communists collaborated with capitalists using their contradictions with the authorities. For the Khodorkovsky communist, the bresher was presented with a convenient contender, which is easily controlled.


  • 1994 - "Where is the" Great "Russia?"
  • 1997 - "Russia in depression: Economics: analysis of problems and prospects"
  • 1997 - "Economy of non-payment: how and why we will live tomorrow"
  • 2000 - "The ideology of the Renaissance: how we leave poverty and marasmus: a sketch of politics of the responsible government of Russia"
  • 2003 - "The global crisis. General Theory of Globalization: Lectures "
  • 2005 - "Russia after Putin: Is it inevitable in Russia" Orange-Green "revolution?"
  • 2007 - "Retribution on the threshold. Revolution in Russia: When, how, why
  • 2007 - "Russia for Russians"
  • 2007 - "Fundamentals of Russia's foreign policy: matrix of interests"
  • 2008 - "Revenge of Russia"
  • 2008 - "Drive of mankind: globalization and global crisis"
  • 2009 - "How the crisis wins himself. Science save, science risk: Simple tips! "
  • 2010 - "Fools, roads and other troubles of Russia: conversations about the main thing"
  • 2011 - "The Path of Russia: New Official, or why not need to" pour out of the rashki ""
  • 2012 - "100-dollar government. And if the price of oil falls? "
  • 2014 - "Time to defeat: conversations about the main thing"
  • 2015 - "Russia in the face of history. End of the era of national betrayal? "
  • 2015 - "Overcoming the Liberal Plague. Why and how we will win! "
  • 2016 - "Sveti Darkness: Physiology of the Liberal Clana: from Gaidar and Berezovsky to Sobchak and Navalny"

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