Inna Afanasyev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Inna Afanasyeva - Belarusian singer, performer of many popular hits. The artist loves for stateness and sincerity, optimism and unlimited talent. A lot of awards and titles did not affect the character of the performer, she never became a victim of star illness.

Childhood and youth

The pop artist was born in Mogilev in a simple working family. Pope Vladimir Mikhailovich worked as a welder, and Mom Nina Petrovna is a cook. In addition to Inna, Oleg's younger brother rose in the family. One of the bright memories of childhood Inna Vladimirovna - Vacation in the village of Grandma: Runs the bare baby in the meadows, the songs of Alla Pugacheva shed in the evenings and dreams about the scene.

Dreams began to come true very soon, because nature was awarded the girl with a voice voice. Her gift noted the school teacher and led Inna to the Poland of Pioneers. Here the "Raduga" ensemble was born here. The head of the novice musical team Nelly Bordunov appreciated and happily accepted the young singer, instructing her the role of soloist. For Inna Afanasyeva opened the doors to the amazing world of music.

Inna got, as they say, from the ship to the ball. The ensemble quickly gained popularity, no government-level concert was held without him, "Radugu" was welcomed on radio and television, moreover, a series of endless tours was stretched. In the 8th grade, a gifted girl for the first time knowing personal success: left behind the rivals in the "Red Carnations" competition, which was conducted by television.

As part of the Rainbow, Inna spoke to the end of the school. Having received a certificate of secondary education, wanted to continue learning music and went to enter the Gnesinka, but did not pass through the competition. The girl was preparing for admission to the pedagogical university, but it was not possible to realize the idea: Afanasieva road crossed with the future spouse Valery Streltsov. The young man worked in the "Spectrum" ensemble and persuaded the girl to join his ranks.


In the first year of cooperation with the Inna group, success was awaited. The young singer became the winner of the first prize of the Republican Competition of Pop Music. And in 1988, already coming out from the "Spectrum", she ranked 3rd at the All-Union Festival of the Polish song.

From this point on, a grand climb of musical Olympus began. The young performer accepted the offer to solo in the National Orchestra, who was led by Mikhail Finberg, and moved to the capital of Belarus.

The creative biography of the artist is filled with dating and collaboration with many famous musicians and singers. Inna Vladimirovna went on stage with Alexander Serov, created songs in a duet with Igor Krutny, chase with concerts on the expanses of the Union as part of the Song Theater Alexander Tikhanovich and Jadvig Poplavskaya.

The peak of popularity fell in the mid-90s. His huts "Guitar and Rosa", "Gorych Yagada", "Mom", "Varab" and other compositions sounded in every home. With the artist were pleased to cooperate the best authors of the post-Soviet space, Afanasyev was waiting with concerts in various corners of the CIS.

Since 1995, Inna Afanasyev began to be filmed in the clips. The audience remembered a bright video on the song "will come true - it will not come true", it was the first most expensive clip created in Belarus. The work was appreciated even in Europe. In the same year, Inna presented fans the debut album "will come true - will not come true."

At the beginning of zero, the popularity of the artist did not fade, the people sow new songs "Pearls" and "Star", occupying the first lines of charts of radio stations. Inna Vladimirovna changed the image, began to arrange grand concerts and actively record albums. The singer also tried forces as a TV presenter: the program "Breakfast with Inna Afanasyeva" was held at the Belarusian Channel.

In 2007, the singer was marked by an important event: she received the honorary title of deserved artist of the Republic of Belarus. And a year later celebrated the 20th anniversary of the creative path, and with a scope. The woman created a fragrance of spirits called AFINA, replenished with a discography with the album "I will be with you", starred in the Benefis on the ONT channel, and then went with the colorful program "Careless game" in the native country, looked into Ukraine and Russia.

In 2012, the artist arranged a theatrical show "The History of My Love". The audience enjoyed unexpected arrangements, mix of pop and theatrical genres in the performance of famous singers and musicians. Inna Vladimirovna wanted to surprise the public, and she succeeded. In the following years, Afanasyev did not cease to delight fans with concerts and new discs.

After a break in the career due to changes in personal life, in the spring of 2017, Inna Afanasyev spoke with a solo concert in Minsk, performing his best songs. On December 1, she gave fans a new single called the "Winter Tale".

In 2018, the singer held a traditional prizes in a large Minsk shopping center and received from the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Medal "100 years of militia of Belarus." In one of the interviews, Inna Afanasyev, noted:

I do not strive to fill on the TV ... I appear on various significant events, holidays, the days of the city as a deserved artist of the country, I think that I should be on them. I was given a high title, and I should serve the country, serve the people.

In November, a large jubilee concert of the Queen of the Belarusian pop "My Love ..." took place. The event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the artistic career of the singer passed in Minsk with full shaggy.

Personal life

For the first time Inna married in 1989. In marriage with Valery Streltsov, the son of Ivan was born. To the question of journalists about the main thing in life, a woman is responsible that the role of mom is the most important achievement. Ivan Streltsov became a dramatic actor, lives with his family in Minsk and plays in the Russian theater.

In 2015, Inna Vladimirovna tried the image of her grandmother: Yulia Verkhovskaya's son and daughter-in-law gave granddaughter to Barbar. The singer argues that the girl is musical with diapers.

The marriage with Valery turned out to be quite strong, the couple was together for 14 years, but in the end I decided to part. In 2015, Inna disappeared from the scene, fans wondered, trying to find an answer. At this time, Afanasyev secretly married the St. Petersburg businessman Alexander Kotov, with whom he met on his anniversary. Husband, though he is doing business in St. Petersburg, but born in Belarus. Now Inna Vladimirovna with the chosen one lives in 2 cities and, it turns out, for 2 countries.

Spouses travel a lot, both love the road - airplanes, trains, cars. In the summer, we often drive the weekend at the cottage 120 km from Minsk, which is drowning in colors and fruit trees. In his free time, Inna Afanasyev loves to do the house, causing order, and his beloved dish calls simple fried or boiled potatoes. The singer dreams someday to acquire a white horse, which was dreaming in distant childhood.

Inna Afanasyev and today pleases the fans by the ideal parameters of the figure: with growth 164 cm its weight does not exceed 55 kg. According to the performer, it is easily as losing and gaining extra kilograms. To stay in uniform, the singer began to engage in Bodiflex. This allowed her to grow muscle mass. Inna result demonstrates appearing in front of the camera in a swimsuit.

Inna Afanasyev now

In 2019, the artist embodied his long-standing dream, releasing the Solo Vinyl record in Inna Afanasieva with Love ... An annual tour of Belarus's cities Afanasyev completed another grand concert in the capital. Photos of poster bills were posted on the personal account of the performer in "Instagram".

According to Inna Vladimirovna, the show "New and the best" is her last large solo performance. But the star does not say goodbye to fans, she will continue to produce new tracks and periodically appear in national team concerts.


  • 1995 - "will come true - it will not come true"
  • 2003 - "Pearls"
  • 2008 - "I will be with you"
  • 2009 - "She and men ... a duet album"
  • 2018 - "My love ..."
  • 2019 - Inna Afanasieva With Love ...

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