Daniel Defo - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



Daniel Defo is called the first British writer who popularized the genre of the novel. A brilliant publicist and a prolific writer presented to readers of half a thousand books, articles, pamphlets, in which she touched on the widest palette of topics. Defo wrote about politics, religion, economics, psychology and supernatural.

He became the founder of economic journalism and the propagandist of bourgeois sanctity. Ratched for freedom of speech and religious self-determination. But the main thing - Daniel Defo presented to humanity a fascinating romance about Robinson Cruzo, which replaced tens of novels and stories, films and serials were recorded.

Childhood and youth

The exact date of birth of the defio is unknown. A future novelist appeared in the London district of Kriplergate around 1660 in the family of a wealthy meat trade and the owner of the candle factory. Parents of Daniel FO - so the real name of the writer sounds - were adherents of the Presbyterianism, the Protestant direction, making a doctrine of Jean Calvin.

Parents saw her son in the future of the Presbyterian pastor, so at the age of 14 were determined to the spiritual seminary. After graduating from her, the FO entered the Protestant Academy in Stoke Newington. The young man succeeded in classical literature, Latin and Greek knew perfectly, but the pastor was not going to start: Daniel was manile commerce, a trading.

Bust Daniel Defo

After graduating from the Academy, Daniel Defo on the Council of his father settled in the office of a cycle company trading with foreign suppliers. 19-year-old Daniel mastered the basics of accounting in the office and at the same time he worked as a clerk in the shop of the trader stockings.

In the mid-1680s, Defo considered that he learned everything, and took up commerce: he opened a caring company in Cornhylla, who successfully worked for 10 years. Then businessman mastered new directions: he traded wine, tobacco and construction materials.

Expanding business, traveled to France, was in Portugal and Spain. In long workers' business trips, Daniel Defo acquainted with Europe, studied the morals and languages ​​of the population.

Daniel Defo in youth

Contemporaries described the British as a risky businessman, which was allowed to dubious enterprises and repeatedly rendered on the verge of ruin. But every time the defo found solutions that helped return money.

In addition to business, the British were interested in political and religious affairs. In the mid-1680s, the future novelist participated in the uprising of the Duke of Monmaut, who opposed the policy of the last British Catholic King Yakov VII. The authorities suppressed the uprising and executed Monmaut. Daniel Defo hid from pursuers and miraculously escaped punishment.


The beginning of the creative biography of English Prosaik is called 1697, when Daniel Defo wrote the first work that was called "Project Experience".

The name of the British thundered at his homeland after 2 years, after the publication of satirical pamphlet in verses "Purebred Englishman", in which xenophobia ridiculously. The reason for the composition of pamphlet was attacked by foreigners in general and King Wilhelm Orange in particular. Defo violently defended the reforms of the liberals and the revolution, he had the army of fans and enemies.

Writer Daniel Defo

The writer was invented by noble origin, a family coat of arms with three griffins and lilies, as well as the Norman roots, adding a particle "de" to a common surname. Soon "Mr. de Fo" merged into one word.

In 1702th, the author composed a new pamphlet called "The simplest way to divide with the discs." At first, the Parliamentarians, which the author advised to straighten up with Protestants by reference to galleys and hangs on the pillars, were delighted, but soon they understood the catch: the author mocked them.

Researchers of creativity DEFO called an essay by the literary event of the century. The text has made so much noise that the pamphletist was announced wanted. It was arrested in six months, put a cash fine and sentenced to a shameful post.

Statue of Robinson Cruzo

The medieval punishment was painful: they had the right to mock the street yawats, Lakely. But Daniel Defo unexpectedly trembled with flowers, and a crowd sang on the squares and streets in the squares of the pamphlet in the squares and streets.

The long-term debt, the writer offered a secret work to the British government. The "Agent of Influence" pledged to show the work of power in a favorable light. And the defense made a secret agent in Scotland, forcing spying and report to the British government about the opposition activities and influence the publications on the mindset of the Scots.

Daniel Defo - biography, photo, personal life, books, death 15461_5

After the consent of the journalist on the extended conditions for it from the royal treasury, a fine was paid, and the family of DEFO, which was on the verge of hungry death, gave money. The site of the appearance of articles popular in the people of Satirika became the page "Observer" - newspapers sponsored by the English authorities.

It is unlikely that contemporaries would know about the existence of the publicist Daniel Defo, if the writer did not give them a masterpiece, which adults and children adored today. Roman about a sailor from York, who fell after shipwrecks on a deserted island, first came out in 1719.

The idea of ​​the work of Robinson Cruzo rushed at the 59-year-old author after read history about the Scottish Sailor Alexandra Selkirka, who lived on a desert island, washed by the waves of the Pacific Ocean, 4 years. The lost sailor discovered the captain of the vessel Woods Rogers. He wrote a book that fell on the eyes of the defio.

Bottches Alexander Selkirk on the island

Then there was an essay about the adventures of Country, which became even greater interest in the character. Daniel Defo beat the hermit history, supplemented with fictional details and turned into a fascinating novel who conquered millions of the readers of the planet. His hero Robinson Crusoe lived on the island of 28 years.

The success of the book turned out to be stupid, and the author composed the continuation. It turned out to be less fascinating than the first, but also attracted the attention of millions of readers. The writer "settled" in the Great Tatari - a fictional country, under which Russia, Mongolia and Tatarstan mean.

For the second book - the continuation was followed by the third - as well as the second, not comparable to reader success with the first novel.

Daniel Defo in old age

To the question, there was a British novelist in Russia (in the second book about the adventures of Cruzo, he describes Siberia, Arkhangelsk), researchers argue that was not. About the Russian kings, the writer knew herself. In Russia, the admirers of the defo appeared 100 years after the publication of the novel: only in the second half of the XIX century a mass reader was born in the country.

Peru writer and publicist, often signed by Charles Johnson, belongs to 500 writings. In the mid-1720 he published the book "Universal History of Piracy." In the same years, four novels appeared, including "joy and sorrow mole Flenders" and "The Diary of the Plague Year". At the same time, Daniel Defo wrote and works about trade.

In 1726, the novelist admirers were delighted with a new book - the novel "Journey of England and Scotland". In the novels of the British prevailed historical and adventure topics.

Personal life

The writer married in 1684. He took the wife of compatriot Mary Tauffley - a girl with a rich dowry. After 8 years, almost 4 thousand pounds of Mary's sterling, as well as the savings of the merchant, swallowed bankruptcy.

The spouse gave birth to her husband eight children. Family life overshadowed the persecution of the authorities and lenders. They lived in the criminal quarter of the Ministry of Criminal Quarter, where London criminals lived, then in Bristol. Daniel Defo left the house only on Sundays - these days arrest the debtors was prohibited.


Died the world famous novelist alone. The publisher deceived by them pursued Defo and turned the last year of life to hell. Hiding from the pursuer, Daniel Defo left the family, moved from the city to the city, and when the publisher Nastig him and tried to pierce the sword, the 70-year-old writer disarmed the enemy.

Moved from fear and constant threats, the defo was hiding under strangers, removing apartments and rooms. In 1731, the writer removed the dwelling in the remote area of ​​London, where he died at the end of April. Nearby there was no wife or eight siblings. Sons went on shopping affairs, daughters married and acquired families. Finding your father in London's slums was no one.

Tomb of Daniel Defo

The cause of the death of the novelist is called the sweeping of lethargia. The harness on the organization of the funeral took on the owner of the apartment, and after to compensate the costs, the remaining things of the deceased apartment at the auction took. The death of the novelist newspapers responded with short necrologists, many - ironic, calling the defense of the "greatest citizen of the Republic of Grab Street" - the famous street of London, where low sewing writers were going.

A white plate appeared on the grave of the writer and journalist, soon overgrown with grass. But later, the century, in 1870, the British tabloid appealed to the boys and the girls of the country to sacrifice money for the monument to Daniel Defo - the centenary plate sprayed from the lightning strike. Thousands of admirers responded. A granite monument appeared on the grave with carved words: "In the memory of the author" Robinson Cruzo ".


  • 1719 - "Robinson Cruzo"
  • 1719 - "Further adventures of Robinson Cruzo"
  • 1720 - "King of Pirates"
  • 1720 - "Life and Pirate Adventures of the Nice Captain Singulton"
  • 1720 - "Cavallar Memoirs
  • 1722 - "Diary of the Plague Year"
  • 1722 - "Joy and sorrow of the famous Moll Flenders"
  • 1722 - "The history of the Colonel Jack"
  • 1724 - "Happy Kurtizanka, or Roxana"
  • 1724 - "Universal Piracy History"
  • 1726 - "The History of the Devil"

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