Karl Gudzhino - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, In Youth, Filmography 2021



American actress of cinema and theater of Charles Gudzhino is known for numerous roles in adventure films. She moves beautifully, reliably demonstrates bright emotions - from horror to combat rage. Despite the worldwide popularity, there are no significant awards in the film of the artist, but the star itself is not upset about this. She believes that her best roles are not yet played.

Childhood and youth

Natural beauty and charm got Carlo from the ancestors - Italians from the Father and Irish on the motherboard. Girl's parents lived in the district center of Sarasota in Florida (USA), but divorced when she was 2 years old. Karl was born on August 29, 1971, and in 1975 she moved with his mother in California. Since then, the childhood kids divided into two parts.

In one half there was a complete adventure of bohemian life with her mother in the West of the United States, in the Indian typi or van. In the second - a big father's house with a swimming pool in Sarasota. Karl Gudzhino, a successful orthodontist, not only called both children with his name (Carl has a brother Karl), but also engaged in their upbringing and development. The future actress went on vacation to Europe, played tennis.

Despite regular moving from the Atlantic coast of the United States to Pacific, the girl studied well and finished school with excellent marks. Karl wondered about the choice of profession and under the influence of his aunt, the popular TV presenter Carol Meryl, decided to become a model. The girl demonstrated children's and teenage clothes, but to make a career prevented a small growth for this sphere (165 cm with a weight of 55 kg).

On the advice of the same experienced aunt Carol, the 16-year-old Charles moved to Los Angeles, where he went to the acting courses. The biography of the model is over, the life of film actresses began. A student, like her girlfriend, went to castings and in 1988 received the first small role in the movies. Successful tape "Detachment from Beverly Hills" brought a young actress fame, began to be invited to television series and full-length films.


In 1993, the audience saw a young actress in one film with the already famous Robert De Niro and Young Leonardo di Caprio. The drama "Life of this guy", filmed by Michael Cateton-Jones, made Karl popular. A dozen roles played during the 90s contributed to professional growth, but the fame of the actress brought the role of combat mom of two Rouventians in the comedy "Children's Spies".

The comedy-adventure film, shot by Robert Rodriguez in 2001, liked the young and adult spectators so much that immediately at the first part followed the second and third. In all parts of Ingrid Cortez, who played Gudzhino, together with the husband of Grigorio (Antonio Banderas), bravely overcome the difficulties filmed on their heads by the fault of the shrill siblings.

Working with the director Rodriguez so liked Carla, that for the sake of the role in his "city of sins" the actress refused to joint filming with the wine Diesel in the comedy militant Adam Shenkman "Bald Nyanka: a specialization." Neonouar "City of Sin" is designed in an unusual black and white gamma with separate colors and highly appreciated by film critics - at the 2005 Cannes Festival, he received the Grand Prix.

In 2004, the Broadway Theater Debut of Charles took place: she played Maggie in the play Arthur Miller "After Fall". The work of the artist was highly appreciated by critics, so Gudzhino became the winner of Theater WORLD AWARD.

Speeches in the theater did not distract the actress from the feats on the movie screen. She starred in the detective TV series "Karen Sisco" in the role of brave and sexual police officer. No less savory image went to her and in the sensational "crop california".

Later in the filmography of the actress appeared fiction Zack Snipher from the life of the superheroes "Keepers", where Charla reincarnated into the heroine Sally Jupiter (Silk Ghost No. 1). Work on the film was launched back in the 90s, but to collect the group managed only in 2007. Shooting passed in the vicinity of Vancouver.

But in the blockbusters of the Snidder "Man of Steel" and "Batman against Superman", the audience only hear the actress: she speaks the ship aliens. But in 2011, the director suggested Carlo an interesting image: in the thriller "Forbidden Reception", she played two characters at once.

In 2015, the film-catastrophe of Brad Peteton's "Spark San Andreas" was released on the screens, where the main heroine Emma Gaines, which Gudzhino played, has to survive not only a divorce, but also an earthquake with tsunami. Contrary to expectations, the catastrophe returns the heroine in the arms of his beloved performed by Duin Johnson. The picture was filmed in Australia, and during the work of Carlo had to fulfill a lot of tricks.

Characters Characters in the "Cosmos between us" and "Game Gerald" operate in the fantastic future and in the world of fantasies Stephen King. In the plot of the second picture mentioned the fact of the solar eclipse on July 20, 1963.

In 2018, fans of creativity of the actress saw her in the lead roles immediately in two kinocartines and at a less noticeable role in the horror series "Ghost at home on a hill". The film was created by director Mike Flanegan for the Netflix platform. In the thriller "Elizabeth Harvest", filmed by Sebastian Gutierres in his own scenario, Gudzhino reincarnated in Claire - a servant in a mysterious house where terrible events unfold.

In the criminal drama "Family" - the work of director Mary Hirron - Character Charles also have to survive a lot of fears. The horrors pursue the performer only on the screen: in life, a woman's bodra, having fun and active. This is evidenced by the photo of a smiling glozhino in "Instagram" and "Facebook".

Personal life

Personal life of a popular actress is much quieter everydays of her characters and does not induce fans of scandals and hypers. Gudzhino is not officially married, she has no children. In the mid-2000 permanent satellite of the life of Karla, Sebastian Gutierrez became, however, the pair did not register the relationship. To both partners like to feel that their destinies are not connected with anything other than mutual desire to be together.

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Gudzhino and Gutierrez met on the set of drama "Kiss Judah", in which Karl played one of the main roles. The film became the debut of a young director and the first joint work of the couple. Becoming an actress partner outside the set, the director invited his beloved woman in several of his projects.

Charles Gudzhino loves dark chocolate and massages, engaged in yoga, takes vitamins and antioxidants that help her easier to transfer moving and shift time zones. She is friendly with a colleague Elizabeth Berkeley and admires the work of Hong Kong director Wong Carving. The best stay of the star believes dinner with friends and leisure conversations about life. Free time with his civil husband is spent at the resorts, which cannot but rejoice the paparazzi: Frames with actress in a swimsuit periodically appear on the pages of the media.

Karl Gudzhino now

Zack Snyder, with whom Karlok cooperates not the first year, is going to remove the "Return of the Dark Knight" with her participation in the role of a woman cat. The director has not yet segged to work on the scenario, but already sees the story as a whole.

Now the actress selectively comes up to his work. In 2021, it appeared on the screens in an action-comedy "Powder cocktail". Here the performer appeared in the image of a non-defenseless victim, and a sniper woman who hurries to help her friend.


  • 1989 - "The detachment from Beverly Hills"
  • 1993 - "Life of this guy"
  • 2001 - "Children of Spies"
  • 2002 - "Children of Spies 2: Island of Unbendable Hope"
  • 2003 - "Children of Spies 3: The game is over"
  • 2005 - "City of sins"
  • 2009 - "Keepers"
  • 2009 - "Women in trouble"
  • 2010 - "Electra Suite"
  • 2015 - "San Andreas"
  • 2015 - "Pines"
  • 2017 - "Gastrors"
  • 2017 - "Cosmos between us"
  • 2017 - "Game Gerald"
  • 2018 - "Elizabeth Harvest"
  • 2017-2020 - "Hunt"
  • 2021 - "Powder Cocktail"

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