Henry Miller - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



American writer who has gained the fame of the scandalous narrator of erotic scenes and autobiographical defects. The problem of the biography of Henry Miller is the intricant chain of the romantic relationships and the writer's loves that were reflected in the work.

Childhood and youth

In the family of German emigrants of Millers in New York on December 26, 1891, the Son was born, whom the spouses called, like the Father, Henry. Shortly thereafter, the family moved to Brooklyn, and the boy grew on the colorful streets filled with the most famous people.

Writer Henry Miller

The head of the family owned the studio on the sewing of men's clothing, and in the means Miller did not need. In addition to Henry, the spouses had a junior daughter of Loretta, suffering from dementia. After the death of the parents, a matured elder brother took care of the sick residue of life.

Since childhood, the future writer possessed the talent to attract people to him and start with friendship with the most different personalities. Sociable, open and charming - invariably became a soul of the company. Brilliant prose in the future, the boy has already heard a skillful teller as a child.

Henry Miller in youth

After graduating from high school, in 1990, the young man entered the New York Municipal College. Training lasted just a couple of months. Without perceiving teaching methods, Miller threw the granite of science. He did not find the calling and in the continuation of the sewing case of the Father.

And soon, the young seeker of adventure went to New York, where it settled on the first place of work in the "Atlas Portland Syment Company". And the ardent young man fell in love with a woman older than 15 years. Later, the writer admits that the age difference oppressed. Soon, an indomitable young man escaped from the beloved in California, where he worked with a collected citrus plantation.

Henry Miller

This period will be for Henry to search for itself and life vocation. The list of places of work and positions on which he tried forces turned out to be very impressive and versatile - from the sports instructor to the graveman.

After the lecture, Emma Goldman, which Henry visited in California, the new world of Kropotkin and Nietzsche philosophy opens. Gradually throwing Miller to the fact that at the age of 25, a young man decides to become a writer, without having no experience in literature at that time.


The works of the author became scandalous innovation in the literature of the post-war period. The books of the writer dozens of years were banned, censorship was lyutoval in litigation. Prosers did not risk so frankly and without sticks to talk about love, carnal pleasures and search for themselves. Critics were seen in Miller's novels only Chernukhu and licentiousness.

Writer Henry Miller

Meanwhile, the books of Miller - autobiographical and closely related to his life observations and experience. The philosophicity and intellectuality of prose, the picturesque sketches of cities - this is what really distinguishes the works of the American writer. Overcoming legal proceedings and appeared on the shelves of bookstores, the novels received incredible popularity and printed with millions of copies.

The popular trilogy was a cycle of three novels - "Cancer Tropic", "Capricorn Tropic" and "Black Spring". Books reveal periods of life and becoming a writer. So, in the "trunk of cancer" it is narrating about the led from the family of Brooklyn emigrants, failed to adopt vulgar life.

Books Henry Miller

His dream was writing the book. Animals instincts get into a hero with the desire for the beautiful and spiritual. Continuation and development The idea of ​​the hero combining incompatible features is found in the "Capricorn tropic".

The last part of the trilogy is somewhat different from shocking and outrageous predecessors. This is a novel about loneliness and about vain attempts to escape from it. The plot is filled with sadness and philosophical reflections of the author.

Henry Miller

However, the most scandalous work of Miller is called the novel "under the roofs of Paris". With irony, the author describes the nightlife of the capital of France 30s, with all the details of the freedom of love in the rhythm of the swing. The book is called Norman Maleler Best Erotic Roman.

At sunset, Miller leaves the writing career and gives himself painting. The works of the American rebellion are made exclusively watercolor and cost thousands of dollars. During his lifetime, the creator was not sold, but only gave everyone to everyone.

Personal life

A love, ardent, unbridled - it is not surprising that novels are based on the plot of the life experience of the writer, they went out with such bright. The saturated history of Miller's relationship with women filled with paints a description of the love and passion of the heroes of novels.

The first short marriage is concluded by a young man in 1917. The elected Pianist from Brooklyn - Beatris Silvas Weekens. In this marriage, the first child of the writer - Barbara appeared. The family was not destined for a long existence.

Henry Miller and his second wife Jun Edith Smith

In 1924, Miller meets Jun Edith Smith, who became not just the second wife, but also a woman who fully changed the world of Henry and the remaining muse for his entire life. It was Jun who insisted that the spouse is obliged to leave daily work and devote himself to creativity. The burden on making money fell on her fragile shoulders. However, in Finance, Miller was never strong.

Jun remained a shroud supporter of free relationship. In 1926 she had a stormy novel with Gin Kronski, who settled together with spouses. Henry violently jealously and did not tolerate his muse mistress, but was forced to endure her presence. Later, the rich fan of his wife finances the Publishing House of Miller, believing that the author of the works is Jun.

Henry Miller and Anais Ning

In 1930, Jun sends a spouse to Paris, believing that there is an ideal place for the development of creativity, and America stifles the author's talent. The first time the writer jeeps on his joon, and then in his life a mysterious Anais Ning appears. Unusual, unearthly woman fascinated the writer. Anais produced a charming influence on men - its intuition, intelligence and witchcraft did not leave indifferent.

But Miller never forgot June. He even introduced two women when Smith visited him in Paris. From this meeting it was worth expecting a lot, but only not what happened in reality. Jun fascinated Anais, practically seduced her, but did not come to closeness. This was frankly wrote by NIN in the diary, which received world fame. In 1934, Jun Same asked the spouse about the divorce, but remained forever in his heart. Fate dispelled Henry and with Anais. Being a married lady, a woman left Paris.

Henry Miller and his third wife Janina Lepsk

After the war, Henry does not imagine himself without any love married a young woman Janine Lepsk, who gave a spouse of two children. Later, the spouse will leave her husband, leaving him with children. By the way, Miller will be a loving and caring father, ready to devote himself to children.

The next wife was the fan of the talent of the writer Eva McLur. Henry did not confuse the difference at the age of almost thirty years. Collecting at the Film Festival in Cannes, the writer asked the resolution of his wife to take another woman with him. She did not speak out against, but was submitted.

Henry Miller and Wife Eva McLur

The last lady of the heart and his wife of the writer became a Japanese hoky tookud. Miller saw the singer in Beverly Hills, when that was not turned 30 years old. Henry came to every performance, with persistence offering hand and heart. And Hoki also thoroughly refused. But ultimately Miller broke the resistance of the young beloved.

The marriage lasted 11 years. As it was shared with the press Hoki, the relationship remained Platonic, but they gave the spouses more - understanding, trust and support. The girl did not get acquainted with the work of the famous husband. According to Japanese, she did not open a single novel Henry. Ping Pong Pong Pong.

Henry Miller and Brand Venus

The latest choices of a loving prosaic remained a young brand Venus. The girl was considered a novice actress. Without hitting the Miller seminar, the brand sent a letter to Lekrara by attaching photos. The connoisseur of female beauty immediately answered the girl, and the novel rose. In fact, the relationship was limited to the correspondence and wearing a platonic. 1500 letters sent by Miller's last lover, published later.


Henry Miller has lived full women, passion and love life.

At sunset, the writer met with Ana Ning. In 1976, a friend and beloved passionate adolescence went to the dying woman in the ward. Ning thanked Henry for a visit, but he sadly replied that he was not a visitor, but a patient. In 1977, Ning did not.

Henry Miller in recent years

And on June 7, 1980, at the age of 88, an ardent writer-antimoologist generation of the generation quietly UGAS in Pacific Palisadeus in California.

The works of the writer still continue to be published worldwide, the film is shielding with the participation of movie stars.


  • 1934 - "Cancer Tropic"
  • 1936 - "Black Spring"
  • 1939 - "Tropic Capricorn"
  • 1941 - "Under the roofs of Paris"
  • 1941 - "Wisdom of the Heart"
  • 1949 - "Sexus"
  • 1953 - "Plexus"
  • 1960 - "Nexus"

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