Lera Frost - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", Kurban Omarov, "House-2", plastic 2021



Lera Frost - a girl who managed to stand out even among the most outcast and bright participants of the "House-2" show. Thanks to an attractive appearance, strong character and confidence in the Own forces, Lera was not only not lost in the list of thousands of people appearing on the famous telestroy, but also won many fans.

Childhood and youth

The star "House-2" was born in Lugansk on December 21, 1993. The real name of Valeria - Demchenko, by nationality she is Ukrainian. Little Lera grew in an incomplete family: Mom and grandmother were engaged in education. As a television itself is confirmed in an interview, she liked to be in the spotlight since childhood.

At a young age, Valeria was not an excellent student and often caused discontent teachers by behavior. But in the theater studio and the choir, which Lera attended with much greater pleasure than school lessons, the girl was among the best disciples.

In 2011, graduating from school, Lera moved to Kiev, where he entered the university to correspondence department, deciding to become a journalist. In parallel, the girl worked as a model, and then DJ in the fashion clubs of the Ukrainian capital. The atmosphere of the parties, the holiday, the daily show came to the Lera in the shower. Already at that time, the girl began to dream of glory and popularity.

The path to Fame Lera Frost began with the "Goddess Shopping" programs and "I want to" via Groj "." And although the girl was not able to replenish the composition of this group, directors and producers noticed a bright beauty. Lero began to invite to popular TV shows. So, Frost became the heroine of the talk show "Says Ukraine" with Alexei Sukhanov (the analogue of the Russian program "Let them say", whose first leading was Andrei Malakhov).

The release of the transmission was devoted to the "injections of beauty" and other modifications of the face. The girl told about the plastic lips and rhinoplasty, to which he resorted to improve the appearance, originally not seemingly ideal. Frost emphasized that the updated appearance allowed her to feel more confident and had a positive effect on the DJ career. But rhinoplasty, emphasizes the girl, was necessary because of problems with the bridge. Later on the broadcast of the Male / Women's transfer, Lera also told that he had improved their hips and buttocks with plastic surgery.

"House 2"

In March 2015, a new page opened in the biographies of Lera Frost. The arrival at Dom-2 largely changed the life of beauties, opening her new perspectives and giving a lot of fans. She remembered the viewers of the project as an emotional and quick-tempered participant, constantly provoking quarrels and even fights.

The first relations inside the perimeter of the shooting platform at Lera rose with Oleg Burkhanov, but soon the pair was broken, and not finding a common language. After some time, the girl began to flirt with Sergey Katasonov, but also this relationship was not destined to last long: the guy left the project. The next young man who managed to captivate Lero Frost, became Maxim Rozhkov. Self-confident beauty did not even stop the fact that Maxim was then met with Christina Dariabina. The girl put a lot of effort to take possession of the attention of Rozhkov.

Soon Lera and Maxim had already settled into the room for lovers, and after some time they went to relax in the Seychelles. However, neither viewers nor the participants of the show have not believed in the sincerity of these feelings. The couple had to return to the perimeter, and then leaving the show at all. Outside the Leray and Maxim program failed to build relationships, young people quickly broke up.

Lera Frost, having rested from a round-the-clock sight of cameras, missed the "households" and at the beginning of 2017 returned to Telestroyka. This time the girl came with a specific goal - to charm the participant of the show Ivan Barzikov. He then met with Elizabeth Polyagna, and this time the ler could not break the undergoing pair. Then the girl switched attention to another young man who was also not free.

The chosen character was Sergey Zakharyash, who met with Lily Chetrara. However, Lera Frost appeared to a young man more attractive, and soon Zakhakhash and Frost began to meet. Offended Chetrarra did not give up without a fight and stated that she was pregnant.

For a while, Sergey had to return to the former beloved, but soon it turned out that the pregnancy was only the fruit of the fantasy of Lily Chetrarian. A couple of Valeria and Sergey reunited again, but not long ago: Lera decided to part with a young man.

The beauty was not long in solitude. Zahar Salenko became the new chief of Valeria, but also in this relationship everything was going smoothly. Zakhar changed the ler frost with Liza Triandafilidi. Lera left the wrong lover, but soon I found the strength to forgive Zakhar.

Personal life

Frost and Salenko, reconciled, soon left the project to continue to build a relationship in ordinary life, but the novel quickly exhausted himself. According to rumors, this time has already changed Lera. Faced with the former beloved on the set of the show "Borodin against Buzova", she tried to ask the Zakhara forgiveness, but he did not talk to her.

After parting, the girl was much lost weight, the subscribers even suggested that she was sick anorexia. Frost refused to comment on this assumption. Now her figure has come to normal, and with a height of 176 cm, the weight of the celebrity is 53 kg.

Many media attributed to the girl Roman with Cyril Caprise, hockey player and the Olympic champion of 2018. Young people themselves did not confirm these rumors. And soon Lera admitted that he was found with Alexander Sharygo, at that time a married son of an oligarch, who was a very scandalous reputation. These relationships lasted several months.

At the end of 2019, the Star "House-2" told about his unsuccessful pregnancy from the next boyfriend Paul Pichugin, also known as Pasha Fais control. According to Lera, the pregnancy has become a surprise for her, since they were familiar very little, but, after consulting, the couple decided to leave the child. Unfortunately, it was not possible to bear it: Lera had a miscarriage. Frost accused of all the "evil tongues", who talked about her nasty and forced to be nervous. Shortly after a sad event, they broke up with Pichugin.

Lera Frost continued to intrigue fans and viewers of the Dom-2 project. The fact is that at the beginning of 2020 the girl began to post photos with romantic signatures and hint at the appearance of a sincere feeling in her life. The name of the man Lera was not risen to open, explaining that publicity is not the best manifestation of love, however, judging by the photo of luxury gifts, it was a very secured person. For a birthday, he presented her bracelet from Cartier, earrings with sapphires and diamonds and a white gold designer ring. According to Frost, she was shocked by how much beloved spent on her.

Fans assumed that Lera met with a former husband Nelly Yermolaeva Kirill Andreev. They suspected a novel, finding photos from the same resort in their accounts in their accounts. Judging by the time when pictures were laid out, they were there together. For direct questions about their relationship, Lera was laughing.

In June 2021, rumors appeared that Frost was the same girl who was the cause of the disorder in the family of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov. The reason for such judgments was the emergence of a man in the Storsis of the former participants "House-2".

As it turned out, Omarov visited Anna Hyan's creative evening, where Valeria was also. Invalid commentators instantly ranked frosted the status of the ravine, and the wave of Heite collapsed. However, this time the girl did not change their habits and chose it in no way comment on rumors about Roman with Kurban.

In addition to the turbulent personal life, Lera is busy and music, however, while she came out only one single "Want." She planned to try himself as a TV presenter. In the 2020s, a new provocative show was to get out, on which participants built relations on the yacht. However, looking at the pilot issue with the participation of Frost, the producers decided to abandon the project, to find it too frank.


In March 2019, the ex-participant "House-2" published a video from his visit to Makhachkala, where she arrived as a wedding lead. It shows that the driver of a chic convertible, in which the celebrity is rifled, violates the rules of the road - crosses the double solid, exceeds the speed, cuts other cars. Subscribers outraged the irresponsibility of Lera. They demanded to attract video participants to justice, but the punishment did not follow.

Previously, Lera became a member of another scandal: she accused Jan Shevtsov, his colleague on "home-2" and a former girlfriend Raper Gufa, in the spread of HIV infection. According to Frost, she learned about her illness from common acquaintances and hurried to inform the project management. Soon Janu was forced to leave "Dom-2", and Lera suggested that this is due to its exposure. Shevtsova, however, was outraged by what happened and stated that she was slandered and she will deal with the Leroy Court. Finding out the relationship on the broadcast of the show "In fact," girls even got up.

Also, Frost was praised with the leading Yulia Efremenkova, posting her candid photos in his "instagram". In response, Julia called Lero socially dangerous and accused of a boyfriend in numerous trees.

Lera Frost Now

In June 2021, the filming of the author's draft of secular division called "New I and Lero Frost" started. As Valeria reported, she picked up the participants to his show itself, while there were no restrictions on age or for any other criteria.

Psychologist Sergey Seleznev has supported support for Lere. Together with him, the former member of the "House-2" set itself a goal to help the project's heroons cope with those or other problems, believe in itself and change their lives.

Now, besides working on the author's project, Frost continues to work on the production of its own line of clothing and perfume. In addition, it is an expert show "In fact."


  • 2018 - "Want"


  • 2021 - "New I am with Leroy Frost"

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