Elena Chromine - biography, photo, personal life, news, "house-2" 2021



Elena Chromine is known to the audience TV show "Dom-2". Externally, the blonde differs little from the rest of the show: the same accurate figure and full lips, medium height and long hair. But, in addition to the ability to intrigue and seek male attention, Lena has a painting talent. The young artist is in demand in his hometown and earns enough money to hold on in shape.

Childhood and youth

Lena was born on September 4, 1996 in Lipetsk. Childhood and school years have passed in this regional center. Parents surrounded the girl with love, but brought up in rigor. Lena early showed ability to study and went to the first class at five years, being younger than classmates. The girl's father watched his daughter's daughter to dress as it should. When other high school students painted and mastered high heels with mini skirts, Chromine wore a school uniform.

Elena Chromine as a child

Perhaps the protest against the father's authority is a female make a huge colorful tattoo on his chest. The theme of Elena's drawing chose a portrait of her beloved dog, her good friend. The girl's body decorates the portrait of a red dog, surrounded by red roses, and Father Lena does not want to communicate with a naughty daughter. However, she does not burn with an authoritarian father to put up with an authoritarian father, but friendly with Mom and younger brother.

An independent girl herself chose a matter of life. Elena Chromina since childhood likes to draw (in "Instagram" along with Selfie posted a photo of a small Lena and the first drawings), graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Design in the Lipetsk State Pedagogical University and created the original method of drawing. A student even performed a circus with his own number - for all time and energy.

Elena Chromine before and after plastics

In their hometown, the artist became known thanks to the paintings from the sequin, applied to the canvas with glue. Pictures, especially portraits, in the original author's manner were in demand in the homeland of young artist and outside the region.

Fame In wide circles, Lena brought a portrait of Diana shurgina, created during the scandal around this person. The artist tries himself in new styles and techniques, creates copyrighted toys and generously shares skill with students.

Elena Chromine wrote a portrait of Diana shurgina

The human body is a girl considers the work of art, but is improving with caution. The main tools for creating an attractive body artist considers sports and diet, and almost does not resort to the help of plastic surgery. According to Elena's subscribers in social networks, beauty lips are enlarged with plastics, and all the rest of beauty is natural.

"House 2"

The biography of the new participants of the long-playing project began on December 16, 2017, when a slim blonde first appeared under the sight of numerous video cameras on the shooting area of ​​the show. The first object of sympathy Elena Chromine chose Gritsenko's novel, who was passionate about Olga Buzova. Gritsenko briefly resisted the powerful pressure of a new member, and soon the audience saw a gentle kiss of Lena and the novel.

Elena Chromine and Roman Gritsenko

Confident babe made an impression on the rest of the guys. Acknowledged Lovelas Alexei Chaychitsa tried to conquer the favor of the girl, but lost Simon Martanin.

The temperamental bodybuilder touched the thin string in the girl's heart, and the participants of the "House-2" became a pair. To build a strong relationship turned out to be not easy: both partners were born with a quick-tempered character and do not know how to control emotions.

Elena Chromine in the show

Permanent thumbnail scandals passing into noisy fights have become an entertainment for the television viewers who follow the project. Lena and Sam tried to take care of each other, they provoked a partner to the outbreak of jealousy, they simply quarreled on the public.

Good moments remember: care for a partner, joint breakfasts and romantic dinners. Girlfriends in "House-2" chromine did not gain. As the participants say this TV show, "there are no friends here, there are only colleagues."

Personal life

Before joining the project in search of real love, the girl has already managed to be in serious relationships that have launched almost four years. The former guy is much older than Lena and tried to control the life of his beloved.

Elena Chromine

But the stubborn character did not allow the girl to remain in an unequal relationship and led Chromine to the construction site "House-2". According to rumors that the girl refutes in front of the camera, the beauty managed to work in escort.

Elena Chromina Now

Permanent conflicts in a pair of chromine and Martinishin led both to solve it. However, Lena's gap decided to celebrate with a scope. Together with Alexandra Cherno and Victoria, Borisevich went to karaoke bar, where he drove the longing wine. The alcohol improved the mood of the girl so much that she began to dance with Gleb Pearls, and later moved from dancing to kisses.

Elena Chromine and Simon Martinshin

This drunk fun broadcast in a live ether as drunk Alexander Cherno. Simon did not approve the entertainment of the former girlfriend and on the return of Helena to the glade arranged ugly fight. On the ether of the show, the closer was slightly corrected, cutting out the most brutal moments from the record. Nevertheless, the spectators saw and defeat the property, and the heads of the chromine head about the wooden shelf, and the loss of the girl with cold water.

After throwing anger, Sam left the project, and the broken girlfriend first followed him, but soon returned. Now Elena suffers, trying to forget the lunge partner, the reports of their state in social networks are swept away and writes.

Elena Chromine in 2018

The fearful beloved accuses Cherno and Borisevich's gap, who did not follow the colleague, Pearls, who did not resist chromine stickies, and each other.

Elena hopes to cope with depression and take up the construction of new relations, but until it knows how much time it takes to restore nerves and psyche. And the audience expect new scandals and other entertainment from the television show.

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