Henry VIII - biography, photo, personal life, wives, series, board



King Heinrich VIII Tydo Rules England in the XVI century. He became the second monarch from the tudor dynasty. It is known for his numerous marriages, because of one of them he rebelled against the Catholic Church, broke the connection with the papacy and became the head of the Anglican Church.

Portrait of Heinrich VIII.

The monarch suffered from mental disorders and by the end of his reign did not distinguish between the real political opponents, and where imaginary. After the English Reformation made England Protestant Country. His influence on the country is still felt. The life of the ruler was described in the top ten novels, films and serials.

Childhood and youth

Heinrich VIII was born on June 28, 1491 in Greenwich, England. He became a third child in the family of the king of England Henry VII and Elizabeth York. His grandmother was engaged in the boyfriend - Lady Margaret Befort. She instilled spiritual values ​​to the young monarch, attended the Mass with him and studied the Bible.

Fifteen years old died older brother - Arthur. It was he who had to go to the throne, but after his death, Heinrich VIII became the first contender. He received the title of Prince Welsh and began to prepare for coronation.

His father King Heinrich VII tried to expand the influence of England and strengthen the unions with neighboring countries, therefore insisted that the Son marries the Ekaterina Aragon, the daughter of the founders of the Spanish state and the widow of his brother. There is no documented confirmation, but there are rumors that the young man was categorically against this marriage.

Governing body

In 1509, after the death of his father, Seventeen-year-old Henrich VIII climbed the throne. For the first two years of his rule, Richard Fox and William Warham were engaged in all state affairs. After them, the power passed to the Cardinal Thomas Wawse, who after became Lord-Chancellor of England. Traditionally, the young king could not rule himself, so while he gained experience and adultel, the real government was in the hands of experienced assistants who were engaged in important issues during the reign of the past King.

Heinrich VIII on horseback

In 1512, Heinrich VIII won the first in his biography. He headed his fleet on the way to the shores of France. There, the English army crushed French and returned home with a victory.

In general, war with France lasted until 1525 with varying success. Monarch managed to reach the capital of the enemy's country, but soon the military treasury of England was empty, and nothing remained to him, except to conclude a truce. It is worth noting that the king himself often appeared on the battlefield. He was an archet and ordered all his subjects to practice a week to shoot at Luke.

Kings Heinrich VIII and Karl V

The internal policy of the country was far from ideal. Heinrich VIII with their decrees ruined small peasants, as a result of which tens of thousands of vagrants appeared in England. To cope with this problem, the king issued a decree "On Broadcasting". Because of him, thousands of former peasants were hanged.

Of course, the most significant contribution to the development of England is the church reform. Due to the disagreement of the Catholic Church with a divorce of the monarch, he completely broke the connection with the papacy. After that, he put forward the accusation of treason to Pope - Clement VII.

He also appointed Archbishop Canterberian Thomas Cranmer, who easily recognized the marriage of Heinrich and Catherine invalid. Soon the king married Anna Boleyn. He continued to eradicate the Roman church in England. All temples, cathedrals and churches were closed. All property was confiscated in favor of the state, all priests and preachers were executed, and the Bible was not in English - burned. By order of the king were opened and plundered the graves of saints.

In 1540, Heinrich VIII KazNILL Thomas Cromwell, who was the main assistant to the king in reforms. After that, he returned to the Catholic faith and published an act of six articles, which supported the parliament of England. According to the act, all residents of the kingdom were supposed to bring gifts during the Mass, communion, confess. He ordered the spiritual servants to observe the vow of celibacy and other monastic vows. All those who have not agreed with the act, executed for treason.

Thomas Cromwell

After the monarch executed his fifth Catholic Wife, he again decided to change the church faith in England. Forbade Catholic rituals and returned Protestant. The reforms of Heinrich VIII were inconsistent and illogical, but managed to create their own, independent English church from Rome.

At the end of his reign, Heinrich VIII became even more ruthless. Historians say that he had a genetic disease that influenced his psyche - made it a changeless, hot-tempered and cruel. He executed everyone who was unmarried to him.

Personal life

The English king was married six times. The first wife chose his father. With Catherine Aragon, he divorced, leaving her the title of widow brother. The reason for the divorce was that all children of Catherine died during her pregnancy or immediately after. Survive managed only daughter - Mary, but Heinrich VIII dreamed of heir. In 1553, his daughter became the first queen of England, known under the name Mary Bloody.

Ekaterina Aragonskaya

Anna Bolein became the second wife of the king. She refused to be his mistress, so the monarch decided to divorce in Catherine. It was Anna who inspired henrich VIII that the king was responsible only in front of him and the crown, and the opinion of the clergy in Rome should not worry. After that, the king decided on reforms.

Heinrich VIII and Anna Boleyn

In 1533, Anna became the legitimate wife of the head of state. In the same year, the girl crowned. After exactly nine months after the wedding, Anna gave birth to the king daughter Elizabeth. All subsequent pregnancy ended unsuccessfully, and the king was disappointed in his wife. He accused her to treason and executed in the spring of 1536.

Elizabeth I, Daughter Henry VIII

The next wife Henry VIII became Freillina Anna - Jane Seymour. The wedding took place a week after the execution of the second wife of the king. It was Jane who managed to give birth to the monarch of the long-awaited heir in 1537. The queen died shortly after the appearance of the Son on the light due to the birth complications.

Heinrich VIII and Jane Seymour with Son Edward VI

The next marriage became a political course. The English king married Anna Klevsky, the daughter of Johann III Klevsky, who was a German duke. Heinrich decided that he would first see the girl and only then make a decision, so I ordered her portrait.

Anna Klevskaya

Anna's appearance liked the king, and he decided to the wedding. When they met, the bride extremely did not like the monarch, and he tried to get rid of his wife as soon as possible. In 1540, the marriage was canceled due to the last engagement of the girl. For the fact that the marriage turned out to be unsuccessful, the one who organized him was executed - Thomas Cromwell.

Heinrich VIII and Ekaterina Howard

In the summer of 1540, Heinrich VIII married his sister his second wife - Catherine Howard. The king fell in love with a girl, but did not know that she had a lover before the wedding. She changed the monarch and after the wedding. Also, the girl was noticed in connection with the PJ head of the state. In 1542, Catherine and all the perpetrators were executed.

Ekaterina Parr.

Ekaterina Parr became the sixth and last wife of the English king. The Englishwoman became twice widow before marriage with the monarch. She was a Protestant and spouse bowed to her faith. After the death of Heinrich VIII, she even twice got married.


The king of England suffered from a dozen diseases. Obesity has become its main problem. He began to move less, his waist exceeded the volume of 1.5 meters. He moved only with special devices.

During the hunt, Heinrich was injured, which later became deadly. Lekari heleraged her, but after injury, the feet got into the wound infection, and the wound began to increase.

Statue of Heinrich VIII

Doctors diluted with their hands and said that the disease is deadly. The wound was fought, the mood of the king was spoiled, and his despotic tendencies were still stronger.

He changed his power mode - almost completely removed vegetables and fruits, leaving only red meat. Doctors are confident that this is exactly the cause of the death of the king on January 28, 1547.


  • 1702 - Statue in the Hospital of St. Bartholomew;
  • 1911 - the film "Heinrich VIII";
  • 1993 - the film "Private Life Henry VIII";
  • 2003 - Series "Heinrich VIII";
  • 2006 - Roman "The inheritance of the kind of pain";
  • 2008 - the film "Another of the kind of Bolein";
  • 2012 - the book "Heinrich VIII and six of his wives: Autobiography of Henry VIII with comments by his jester Will Somers."

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