Schurik - character biography, film-based, actors and roles


Character History

The character of the three Soviet filmmonds filmed by the director Leonid Gaiday in the 60s-70s of the twentieth century, a single concert film on their motives and one remake released in 2014. It appears by a student, then an engineer, and in the remake - a journalist.

History of creation

Above the first film about Shurik Director Leonid Gaidai began work in 1964. The main character was originally intended to be called Vladik, but the name had to be changed to avoid associations with the name owned. Censors were afraid that the comedy would begin to associate with the audience with the person of Vladimir Lenin.


Creating a Shurik, Gaidai relied on the stage image of Charlie Chaplin. Between the Novella "partner" from the tape "Operation" s "and the old black and white film" Quiet Street "with a chaplin, a variety of parallels are traced.

Image and nature

The image of Schurik is a shy, a bit of a ridiculous guy who does not know how to communicate with women, but at the same time kind and responsive - Gaidai "blind" from his own character. So the character can be considered a self-portrait of the director. Thirteen actors were tried to the role, negotiating even with Andrei Mironov. In the end, Gaidai chose Demyanenko, a young actor from Leningrad, who turned out to be similar to the hero character.

Director Leonid Gaidai.

In the film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes the profession" the viewer sees Shurik to a big scientist with a reputation and a serious character. The hero no longer looks like a parody of a typical intellectual - bulk glasses, short pants and painted hair disappear. Zinaida's wife still calls Hero Shurikom, but for the rest he is already - Alexander Sergeevich.


In the original series of comedy, the role of Shurik played actor Alexander Demyanenko.

The first comedy was published in 1965 and is called "Operation" S "and other adventures of Shurik." Here the character is involved in a number of adventures and fun incidents of a different nature, of which it is issued due to courage and resourcefulness.

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The tape consists of three novels, each with its own plot: "partner", "Owning" and "Operation" s ". The link for all three parts was the figure of student Shurik - the main character. In "Operations" s "operates, except for Schurik, recognizable Troika Zhulikov, consisting of a coward, ballback and experienced. This trio of heroes has repeatedly appeared in other comedies Gaidai.

In the first novel, Schurik works around the construction site. Recently, the hero suffered during a fight on the bus. Suddenly, a hooligan Fedya appears at construction site, the filling of the fight, which received 15 days of arrest and was sent for construction work. Hooligan put a partner to Shurika, and Fedya begins to demonstrate a bad character. In the final, Schurik arranges Fed Educational Spicking Rygoy.

Schurik without glasses

In the second novel, Shurik gives the exam session at the Polytechnic Institute. Before the exam, we still remain a clock, and Schurik "sticks out" to the abstract of lectures in the hands of a certain student, which hero does not know. Schurik follows a girl on the machine and in the end it turns out to be at that house. Young people, however, are so passionate about the preparation that no one notices anything and is not aware.

After the exam, Schurik "gets acquainted" to the same student who named Lida, and sympathy arises between young people. Lida leads a shurk to visit, and the hero, "for the first time", which turned out to be in an unfamiliar apartment, it discovers with surprise that many things and sounds seem familiar. Young people are suspected of Shurik Parapsichological abilities and conduct a scientific experiment that ends with a kiss.

Shurik and Lida

In the third novel, Shurik agrees to replace the apartment hostess - grandmother, which works at the promsion of the watchman. By random coincidence just for this night, the thief is the head of this promsion, which is facing the audit, - planned the stiable theft with hacking. Three rogues are hired to embody the plan - a coward, a balbes and experienced. But Schurik breaks the operation.

The next comedy was published in 1967, called the Caucasian Captive, or New Shurik's Adventures. The hero involve the crime - the abduction of the students of Nina, athletes, Komsomologians and just beauties. By the way, in the film "Caucasian Captive" Gaidai gave heroine Nina's name his wife.

Coward, rabbes and experienced

Unwittingly becoming an accomplice of the crime, Schurik, together with his friend Edik, corrects the situation, saves Nina, and the attackers sends to prison.

A student Shurik comes to the Caucasus in search of folklore, but the hero instead of scientific work is waiting for wine and toasts. Another hero meets the girl by Nina, who came to visit the uncle - the sector of the local Head of Raycomchoz on the surname of Saakhov. This Saakhov, who posted an eye on Nina, "buys" a girl from uncle for twenty-rams and a refrigerator. Shurik attracted to the abduction under the guise of participation in an old local customary and convince that Nina itself is not against the "abduction".

Saving a girl from the Lape "Groom" -Khotel, a shurik time to visit the patient of the madman, to pretend first by the Sanitary doctor, and then "Dzhigit", offended by the abduction of the "sister". In the final, the liberated Nina leaves on a taxi route, and the hero shakes on the donkey behind it follows.

In 1973, Ivan Vasilyevich was released by the profession, "where Schurik is not already a student, but an adult man who has Zinaida's wife. In this comedy, the audience first recognize the full name of the hero - Alexander Sergeevich Timofeev.

Alexander Timofeev and Ivan Vasilyevich

The inventor of Schurik creates a time machine, and this event becomes the beginning of the chain of adventures, in which the Russian king Ivan Grozny is noticed.

The next time, Schurik appears in 1977 in the music film "These incredible musicians, or new Schurik dreams". The director of the film - Yuri Saakov, and the hero is still playing Alexander Demyanenko. The film is essentially a television concert, where the characters comedy Guidai sing famous songs from films.

The last appearance of the hero took place in 2014 in the remake "Caucasian Captive!". The film was removed by Maxim Voronkov, the role of Schurik plays actor Dmitry Sharacisis.

Dmitry Sharacisis in Shurika

Remake repeats the original film framework and slightly departs from the plot of the old comedy Gaidai only in several episodes. Nina from the beginning of the film is in love with Schurik, and not coming to this feeling gradually, facing the hero after one time in changing circumstances. Amendments also made in the end of the tape. The film was filmed in the Crimea as the original tape.

The plot is as follows: Schurik, who is not a student in this version, but a journalist flies to the Caucasus to study the local folklore and culture. In the city, the Gorsil Hero is found by Beauty Nina. That conceived to get a governor of the city, who uses a journalist and a journalist for the incarnation of his plan to kidnap Nina. In Love Schurik rushes to save Nina, when he understands that he was circled around the finger.


"Do you think I want to poison you?! Dear Ivan Vasilich, we have not been accepted. And the sprats in our age are so easier to poison, rather than vodka, - Drink boldly! " "And my boyars with his lover Yakin in the Caucasus today ran away." "And what, you already released from a crazy house?" "Fedya: - Listen, did you have accidents at the construction site? Schurik: - No, not yet anyone ... Fedya: - Will! We go ... "

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