Rech - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



RECAKH (real name of Bhankharekha Ganeshan) - Bollywood Star, who conquered India, East and the rest of the world with his talent. For his career, a woman starred in more than two hundred films, wrote three books and recorded two studio albums.

Rech in youth

Career actresses began in 1966. While as a teenager, she starred in the top ten Bollywood films. Repeatedly honored titles "Best Actress", "The most beautiful woman of India."

Childhood and youth

Recher was born in the city of Madras (now Chennai), Tamilnad, India, October 10, 1954. The girl grew in the acting family, which affected her biographies: Dad - the actor of Gemini Ganeshan, and Mom - actress Telugu-Tape Pushpavali. Dad did not record her daughter in his name, because it was not painted with mom. Soon the man left the family.

Rech in youth

As a child, the rheum dreamed of becoming a flight attendant, but at the request of the mother for the first time in the cinema for the first time. The girl is talent to acting skills, so it immediately noticed producers and offered a contract. At fourteen, she threw the school to focus on the acting career and help financially family.

The girl realized that she would achieve success in Bollywood, so by 1969 he learned Hindi and became a sought-after actress. The girl hardly tolerated the fact that all her peers learn, rest, walk, and she has to pass the castings, samples and filming the cinema. She constantly cried, because she was given a tasteful food, and the abundance of costumes and decorations caused allergies to the teenager.


In 1981, the "slave" tape was released on large screens. RECAGE performed the role of containers, the fatal ravine. The film tells about the woman Daasi, who dedicated the life to the blind musician, simply by loving him and not demanding anything in return. The musician does not appreciate a woman at all, does not understand how much she gives him and what he could not handle it without it.

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Bollywood masterpiece "Thirst for Vesti" went on screens in 1988. The film has become popular far beyond Asia. The main role of the girl Arti performed rheu. The film describes the life of an unhappy woman who remained widow with two children. Soon after the death of her husband kill Art Arti. She does not know what to do, and the cunning papin director recommends her to marry his nephew.

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"Love Networks" - another film School of India with the participation of talented rhicle. In it, she performed the role of Minabai - the owner of the brothel. Killed by grief widow has one goal in life - a revenge for the death of a husband. To realize a plan to life, she needs help, and when she finds the right people, immediately begins to come true the place of revenge. Together with the rope in the film, such Bollywood stars were filmed as Mithong Chakraborti, Mandakini, Amrite Pal and Jatendra.

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The painting "Spouse" appeared in Indian hire in 1988. Relch played in the ribbon the role of a young beautiful chali. The film begins with the description of the rich family, where the powerful mother leads everything. Even the bride of his son she chose herself, but the young man came in his own way and married his beloved shalu. The girl was with character, but over time she proved the mother-in-law that she loves her son, and they found a common language.

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In 2003, the painting "You're not alone" came out on the screens of cinemas. In it, River performed the role of Sonia Mehry. The film refers to an unusual for Bollywood genre - fantasy. In the tape, a talented scientist managed to establish contact with alien civilization. In a terrible car accident, the scientist dies, and his son takes his computer. Together with his girlfriend, he inadvertently calls for aliens in India.

The deep drama "Dancer" appeared at the box office in 2006. It affects the topic of the uniqueness of a person, his individuality and nature of character. The writer Dasarth Joglekar rides to receive a premium for the next novel when he gets acquainted with novice director. A young man is in love with the main character of the Roman Lajavani and wants to make a film based on the book of the author. This solution is clearly changing the biography of all participants.

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The new film with rope came out in 2014. "Super Grandma" is a drama about the life of Bakti Bhati, grandmothers, wives and moms, which is trying to please everyone. Owner husband, not noticeing the work of his wife, son, fully occupied by work, a daughter, who does not respect family values ​​- no one in the house respected Bharti until the grandson arrived and did not suit the grandmother the real shake.

Personal life

In the late 70s, all fans discussed the Roman Rivers and Amitabha Bachchan. The man was married at that time on another famous Indian actress Jai Bhaduri. A photo appeared in the press, where the amitabs and rheum together walked together, kissed, but the wife did notice that he would not notice them.

River and Amitabh Bachchan

The whole country discussed their novel. Recher understood that for the sake of her a man would not leave the family, but still continued the relationship. While one day amitabh on the set was not injured. He lay in a coma six days, after which he broke up with his mistress and returned to the family.

Relch and her husband Mukesh Agarw

In 1990, the actress married a businessman Mukesha Agarval. The man before the wedding showed a tendency to suicide, but the star decided that he could cure her husband. During the operation of the actress in the US, the husband took several attempts to kill himself. One of them ended the tragedy. In a suicide note, he wrote: "Do not blame anyone." After that, the rheum was not seen in relations with men.

Rekha now

Now the rope continues to be filmed in films, but no longer as actively as in youth. She herself chooses projects in which he wants to participate. In 2014, the film "Super Grandma" came out on the screens. Over what project a woman works now, unknown.

Rekha in 2018

She lives with his nephew Navid in Mumbai, where the actress has its own large country house with a swimming pool and garden. Together with them the secretary of Farzan lives, which has become the best friend risks.


  • 1970 - "Rainy Autumn"
  • 1973 - "Ungrateful"
  • 1975 - "Great Father"
  • 1977 - "Crystal House"
  • 1981 - "Dear Umrao"
  • 1981 - "Slave"
  • 1984 - "Festival"
  • 1986 - "Love Networks"
  • 1988 - "Spouse"
  • 1988 - "Thirst for Revenge"
  • 1989 - "Spouse"
  • 1996 - "King of Players"
  • 2003 - "You are not alone"
  • 2014 - "Super Grandma"

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