Catherine Coulter - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Catherine Coulter is an American writer who conquered the world with his novels. The author released dozens of books in the genre of historical novel and Roman-Thiller. Writer's works are sold throughout the planet. Each author of the author diverges in millpic editions.

Childhood and youth

Catherine Coulter was born on December 26, 1942 to Cameron County, Texas, USA. She grew in a creative family. Mom girls worked as a pianist, and dad was a singer and artist. Writing talent The girl inherited from her grandmother, who was also a writer.

Writing Catherine Coulter

The first works of Catherine composed when she was fourteen years old. Stories consisted of fifteen pages, but enjoyed the success of classmates, because the works were written about love. Also, schoolgirl wrote poems.

After school, the girl entered the University of Texas. There she received a bachelor's degree. The degree of Master of European history of the XIX century, she went to get to the Boston College. Studying history pushed the writer to writing the first full-fledged novels.

Catherine Coulter

After studying, she got a job as a company for Wall Street, where he wrote a speech for the leaders and directors of the organization. Her husband worked as a physician, so Catherine often spent the evenings alone, reading love novels.

Once, reading the next book, the writer so in her disappointed that she threw her across the entire room to the floor. At the surprised look of her husband, the girl replied that he could write a thousand times better. The husband decided to support her beloved in her undertak, and they spent together the coming weekend to write a storyline, develop biographies of heroes. Now in the evenings, Coulter did not read other people's novels, and wrote her.


The author released dozens of novels, most of which became bestsellers. Also, almost all of them entered the top of the best books according to New York Times. In 2015, he became the nominee of the prestigious Audie Award Prize in the genre of audiobnig-thrillers.

Having writes the first novel, Catherine sent him to the "SigNet" publishing house. Three days later, she was offered a contract for the 3rd books, which she pledged to be released during the year. Four years, the author wrote his books after the main work, and then began to earn enough to quit the position of the match.

Writing Catherine Coulter

Among the novels of Catherine Coulter allocate the Baron series, "Vikings", "Magic", "Star", "Devil", "Night", "Inheritance", "Bride", "Epoch of Regency", "Song", "FBI agents " Books outside the series rarely leave the author. The writer loves every character and in no hurry to part with him. She tries to reveal it from all sides, show the stages of growing and becoming a person.

The love romance "Bride-Lesoma" came out in 1992. The novel describes the life of the young Count Douglas Sherbrook. The man was planning to marry a beautiful Melisanda, but by cunning intrigue and tricks married Alexander. The graph is angry with an impostor and plans divorce. But Alexander, since childhood, in love with the count, so ready to go to everything to stay his wife. What female spells work on embitting Douglas?

Catherine Coulter and her books

This book is the first in the "Bride series". In total, for 2018, the series includes nine Romanov, which the author wrote from 1992 to 2005. Is it planned to continue the "Bride" series, unknown.

The work "Sweet Departure" is included in the Star Book Series. The novel appeared on the shelves of bookstores in 1999 and immediately entered the list of bestsellers New York Times.

Books Catherine Coulter

The book describes the life of an aristocratic family Wang Cleve, where daughters are tired of living with their parents, and she decides to marry urgently. Its chosen was the man whom parents consider the rode. Mom finds a way out of the current situation, but the exit is extremely risky.

The sixth book in the series "The Song" - "The Heart of the Soldun", was published in 2002. In the love romance describes the history of the unfortunate family, which is imposed an ancient curse. The young lady Merril suffers from him, because she is afraid that the one who marries her will soon die.

However, Knight Sir Bishop falls in love with the girl, who is ready to risk the sake of the beautiful Lady Merril. He makes her an offer and says that only one is afraid - not to melt the heart of his beloved.

Catherine Coulter

Another novel from the series "Bride" - "Bride - Torvan" - came out in 2004. New book and new heroes. This time we are talking about Shalunje - Corrie Tyborne-Barrett, who tries to conquer the heart of serious astronomer James Sherbruck. The man has a twin brother, which immediately notices that a childhood friend is not just coming to visit them, joking, dancing and having fun.

Roman "Daughter Vicar" came out in 2007. The book was mentioned in one of the episodes of the popular American series "Friends". The plot of the books unfolds around Meggi Sherbrook, the girl who broke the heart of her cousin. To distract from sad thoughts, she leaves for Ireland and soon marries Tomas Malcomoma. Passionate man managed to light the fire of passion in his legitimate spouse.

Books Catherine Coulter

The last book in the series "Song", "Mysterious Heir", was published in 2011. The book tells about the brave knights of Garrone Kersie, who returned from the war and wants to get his castle and plot of land. However, his castle was destroyed, because some "black demon" was looking for treasure in it. Baron understands that it is impossible to trust anyone - neither servants, nor friends nor beautiful Merry, which, at first glance, conquered the heart of a man.

"The Secrets of the Hearts" is the eleventh book from the "Bride" series. Roman came out in 2011 and became a new hit of sales. The book describes the story of Sir Julian Monroe, which a year after the wedding became a widow. The man burned for a long time and wanted to find out what his spouse died from. But once in his life, the adorable Sophie Wilki is broken, which violates all Sir Julian plans.

Personal life

In 1974, Catherine Coulter married Anton Pogan. The spouse helped the writer to believe in itself and begin to publish novels. The author often dedicates her works to her husband. She grateful to him for patience, intuition and light hand.

Catherine Coulter

There are no children in the family. Anton and Catherine live in Northern California with Gilly's Cat. Couple loves to cook together, travel, skiing and read. Husband is the main critic and the first who read the novels of the writer.

Catherine Coulter now

Now Catherine Coulter is working on the improvement of his first novels, which she wrote, while still a schoolgirl. By 2018, the plot is ready, it remains to paint the work in more detail, add characters and dialogs.

Catherine Coulter in 2017

The writer produces two books annually: a historic novel and roman-thriller. A woman admits that it works comfortably from 7 to 11 am, when all thoughts in the head are "fresh." It edits it only on weekends. It is also rumored that one of the works of Catherine is planned to be shielded.


  • 1987 - "Summer Magic"
  • 1992 - "Bride-Lesoma"
  • 1992 - "Bride-Heir"
  • 1994 - "Inheritance of the Plagels"
  • 1995 - "Inheritance of Valentina"
  • 1995 - "The owner of a falcon ridge"
  • 1996 - "Pink Harbor"
  • 1998 - "Unreasonable Claims"
  • 2000 - "Ttyry Hunter"
  • 2007 - "Vicar's daughter"
  • 2011 - "Master of the Voroniego Cape"
  • 2015 - "Nemesis"

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