Alexey Ivanov - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Alexey Ivanov is a versatile, original writer, creator of unique multifaceted in the manual images. A person telling the culture and history of the Urals and Siberia, which introduced a contribution to the development of the regions. Biography is replete with travel and cultural projects.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Viktorovich Ivanov was born in Nizhny Novgorod (at that time the city was named bitter) on November 23, 1969. Boy's parents worked by shipbuilders engineers. Almost immediately after replenishment in the family, Ivanov moved to Perm, the Ural city on the chamber, which had its own shipbuilding plant.

Writer Alexey Ivanov

The school ended Alyosha in Perm, but for a diploma went to Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg), located close to Perm. Baby's children's dream to become a writer seemed closer with a specialty journalist. Therefore, the choice of student fell on the faculty of journalism. However, he studied at the press representative of only a year and realizing how profession was far from writing career, Ivanov left the university walls.

In 1990, a unlucky student again entered the same Ural State University. This time the choice fell on the faculty of art history. To receive a young man even had to submit a fake certificate that he was a museum employee. Without directions from the place of work at the faculty were not credited. In 1996, the graduate becomes a certified art historian.

Aleksey Ivanov

In the student years, Aleksey Viktorovich's passion began with local history. The young man disappeared in the editorial office of the newspaper "Ural Passion", helping to make out the material in the room, performing the editorial work. In the same magazine published his debut fantastic story. However, Ivanov did not ficture. But the literary talent is manifested in new novels, which, however, nobody rushed to print, therefore, unnecessary manuscripts dust in the table.


The first novel of the writer, who saw the light in 2003 and brought fame to the author, - "Parma's heart." A book was published on the protection of the creator of historical and detective works L.A. Jusefovich. Critics are hampered with the exact definition of the genre of the novel. The motives of Ural life are adjacent to the fictional artistic plot. Despite the ambiguous reaction of literary crops, the book is warmly accepted by readers.

Writer Alexey Ivanov

Working on the plot and publication of the work, Ivanov organized a local history museum for children. The local history festival of the same name is organized in the Perm Territory and took place every year from 2006 to 2009.

In 2010, the writer sharply expressed the public position regarding the cultural policy of the Perm authorities. The Governor of the Region by Oleg Chirkunov, conducted by the governor, together with the workers of the culture and art, Boris Milgra and Marat Gelman "Cultural Revolution" outraged Ivanov.

Aleksey Ivanov

According to the writer, such a revolution has become the cover of corrupt actions and waste money from the budget for dubious cultural projects. It is worth noting that in the end, the actors became participants of the scandals, and some even the defendants of prosecutor's checks and criminal cases.

As for Ivanov, he ruined the relationship with Perm and left for Yekaterinburg, where he continued to work with the support of local authorities. On the personal site, Alexey Viktorovich admitted that he did not like Moscow and Perm, but this is not connected with readers.

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Roman, according to the real glorified author, became a sad story about the life of the average resident of the province, which for the content of the family is forced to get a job in school. The work is written by Ivanov in 1995, during the service of the guard. It is noteworthy that the author restored the manuscript twice, because he lost it.

The screening of the novel went on rent in 2013. Charming and charismatic Konstantin Khabensky, who played a major role in the picture, worked on the same platform with ordinary schoolchildren. Shooting took place in Moscow and the Perm region.

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The picture received recognition not only by the audience, but also critics, taking the Grand Prix of the "Kinotaur". The rights to form a performance based on the novels redeemed more than 50 theaters of Russia. By the way, the setting comes on the stage "Theater-theater" in Perm, whose artistic director is the same Boris Milgra.

Alexey Viktorovich was published more than a dozen artistic novels. In addition, in the creative piggy bank of the writer 6 books in Non-Fikshn format. Most of the books are published in the form of colorful albums containing, in addition to the text, hundreds of photos.

Alexey Ivanov signs a book

As the author notes, it is mistaken to consider the projects to be local history. Regional studies implies an archive study of information about a particular region. The object of research team Ivanov is becoming a historical or cultural event, studied by open sources and nationwicy surveys.

In the book "Eburg" in the center of attention - the period of the 90s in the culture and life of Yekaterinburg. The "Vila" project covered the events of Pugachevsky rebellion and the impact on the development of a number of regions, republics and countries studied in the book. At the same time, a wide range of territories, even Estonia and Poland are covered. The formation and strengthening of the state system on the territory of Siberia since the same Pugachev to the Empire Peter the Great is considered in the Debrist project.

Books Alexei Ivanov

The project "Range of Russia" became large-scale. This is the first book, published in the list of non-fikshn by the author. The publication of the novel in 2009 was the consequence of the writer in collaboration with Leonid by the Parfen four-steria documentary TV project. Leading travel on the roads of the Urals, telling about the peculiarities of the area. The project was broadcast according to the "First Channel", and also became the most expensive among the filmed documentophilms.

Literary critic Notes that the style of the writer changes from the book to the book. All its projects are diverse and in form, and in content. The syllable and submission of the plot are so opposite that it is difficult to understand that the author, for example, the "heart of the Parma" and "Geographer Globe Gus" is the same prose.

Aleksey Ivanov

Alexey Viktorovich repeatedly became a nominee for prestigious literary premiums. However, until 2016, the author refused to participate and proposed awards. In 2016, the novel "Baddance" about the friendship of two veterans of Afghanistan is recognized as a book of the year among the prose of modernity.

Personal life

The public and civil position of the writer, the popularity of its novels and projects in the audience does not mean the openness of a personal life. Nothing is known about the family of the writer, the author of tens of books itself prefers not to spread on this topic. In an interview with Ivanov is limited by the comments of the professional side of life.

Aleksey Ivanov

Alexey Viktorovich mentioned that he was married and had a daughter, but did not give any details anymore. It is believed that the plots of art works of the writer autobiographic. Ivanov in an interview refuted this statement, explaining that the actions of novels can occur in an atmosphere with which the writer faced. At the same time, the author himself has nothing to do with the heroes and characters of books.

Alexey Ivanov now

The author of historical and artistic works remains a faithful coronary theme. In January 2018, the second volume of the grand novel on the conquest of Siberia Tobol was published. Based on the work, filming and television series are being shot. Ivanov, who wrote scenarios for the paintings, did not agree with the directorial view of the plot and refused to mention the mention of his name in the credits. The channel "Russia-1" began producing the series on the novel "Baddance".

Alexey Ivanov in 2018

The author holds meetings with readers in Russia and Europe. Travel and working meetings Alexey Viktorovich are reflected on the page in "Instagram" producer Julia Zaitseva. The writer himself does not lead pages in social networks.


  • 1992 - "Business-on-Blood" (publ. 2006)
  • 1995 - "Geographer Globe Propil" (publ. 2003)
  • 2003 - "Parma's heart"
  • 2007 - "Bluda and Moudo"
  • 2009 - "Range of Russia"
  • 2012 - "Comunications"
  • 2014 - Yurob
  • 2015 - "Baddance"
  • 2016 - "Vila"
  • 2016 - "Tobol. Many souls »
  • 2017 - "Tobol. Few chosen "

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