Group MBand - Photo, History of creation, Composition, Participants, Songs, Disintegration, News



In 2014, young unknown performers became winners of the television project Konstantin Meladze to search for talents. This victory brought mad popularity to singers. Participants of one of the most successful battle-bands of recent years - MBand groups - collect full concert halls, write down the albums and are even filmed in the film - in general, are at the peak of a musical career in show business.

MBand composition

In 2014, the successful Russian producer Konstantin Meladze makes a decision to organize and engage in promoting a new fight Band. In order to find participants for the future group, a professional music show professional organizes TV show "I want to Meladze." Wide-scale castings are held by the CIS countries, and the involved stars of the Russian singing scene fall into the jury: Anna Sedokova, Polina Gagarin, Eva Polna, Sergey Lazarev, Vladimir Presnyakov and Timati.

As a result of musical confrontations, demonstrations of talents and vocal data, as well as the stage chain of the audience in the SMS voting determined the composition of the team. The group was called "MBand". Participants of the team became four young people, each of whom had already had a certain experience of speeches on stage and participation in talent contests.

Nikita Kiosse, born in 1998 in Ryazan, becomes the youngest in the MBand group. Right from the usual family of a local club football player and a physician, a boy from early childhood showed musical talents and interest in music and dance. Noticing the addiction and the ability of the Son, the parents took Nikita to classes in the music theater.

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Subsequently, the boy takes part in children's musical competitions, where he invariably receives a high assessment of the talent. After graduating from school externo, the young man entered the college of Oleg Tabakov. However, hitting the project "I want to Meladze", I had to leave school.

Another member of the group is a native of Kiev Artem Pindouyur. The young performer has no musical education that with interest to make love for music and talent. After moving to Moscow at 22, the future conqueror of the maiden hearts tried to make his way to the scene. Having worked as a bartender, Artem on the earned funds recorded hip-hop composition and filmed amateur clips on them. A narrow circle of fans of those times of Pindouyur was known under the Kid pseudonym.

Popularity The independent efforts did not bring, but fortunately, the singer fell to the teleproekt Meladze, who gave a ticket to the development of a career. It is known that Artem was married and even managed to acquire a child. However, the relationship of the young couple did not work out. As the singer himself explains, the former spouse did not understand his creative undertakings and did not share the goals and dreams.

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The oldest and experienced singer in the MBand group is Anatoly Tsoi. The young man was born and grew up in Kazakhstan. He led the Son to Mom's Music School, she also supported the boy's dreams of a star career and believed in speedy success.

Since 14 years old, Anatoly stands on corporate parties, earning the first money. For a while, the young man was held in the MKD music team in Kyrgyzstan. Participation in various competitions and television projects, ultimately led a talented performer in the show Konstantin Meladze.

The last, fourth, participant and favorite fans Vladislav Ramm left the team in November 2015. Getting from Kemerovo. The boy, like his former colleagues in the group, was engaged in music from childhood, he graduated from the music school in the piano class and took private lists of vocals. The mother of the boy worked as an artist of the musical theater, however, a father ran into the music of his son, writing him into a music school.

In 2015, a young man decided to start a solo career and get out of the wing of Konstantin Meladze. On parting with the group, the singer wrote in his "instagram", which became a shock for fans. The young man thanked the mentor and the rest of the guys, expressing hope for continuing friendship.

Meladze reacted to care and the plans of the former ward rather negatively, stating that the performer left the project because of his professional unsuitability. And the solo career is impossible due to the contract acting with the producer center of Meladze, who does not intend to dissolve Konstantin. Despite taking place, in 2016, Vladislav produces the first solo album.

No loud proceedings followed, and the young performer continues successful musical career in collaboration with Yana Rudkovskaya. The clips and compositions of Vladislav are published, he acts as the author of songs for popular performers. Ramma's creations occupy top lines of charts, and in February 2018 it comes out the second solo album of the singer.


The first single of the new group was the composition presented in the show "I want to Meladze" - "she will return." Music to the song was written by Konstantin Meladze, and the text became the joint creation of the producer and the group member - Artem Pindürs. The rapid career takeoff immediately after the victory in the show, the next day, overtaking young performers.

The video shot on a debut song, in the first five months scored more than 10 million views on video hosting YouTube. The second clip of the group is published in June 2015 on the song "Look at me." In the filming, the producer of the collective and singer Nyusha took part.

2015 became a tour for the team. At the end of the TV show, fans in all cities of the country wanted to see the idols in the middle. Young singers give concerts, manage to work on new songs and debut album. In addition, the group receives musical awards, becomes a recognized breakthrough of the year by RU.TV,, Fashion People Awards, Kids' Choice Awards.

At the end of the same 2015, the team gives the first solo concert in the Moscow club, the broadcast of which was broadcast on the TV channel "STS Love".

At once, two studio albums of the team overlook in 2016 - "without filter" and "acoustics". The guys do not stop only on musical successes. On April 28, 2016, Kininovydia Anton Kalinkin "All Fix" appears in the film distribution. In the film, performers of the MBand group played themselves.

According to the plot, the group faced the judicial claims of the star, whose role brilliantly fulfilled Nikolay Baskov. In a short time, young people need to pay a lot of fine. To make money, the guys agree to the offer of the oligarch, who wants to divide their daughter with her beloved.

The performers and television channels are collaborated. In the period 2015-2016, several reality shows with the participation of the group showing the household life and the work of singers. In 2016, the "Bride for MBand" rating shows on the CTC LOVE channel. And in 2017, young artists are invited to mentors to the Music project "Battle of Talent" at MUZ-TV.

The fruitful musical work does not stop. One of the most popular compositions recorded by the group and with the success of the pop radio of Russia, became the "right girl" and "preferred", the songs were released in 2017.

In 2018, the Group continues to give concerts, collecting the crowd of admiring fans. At the beginning of the year, a new song "Thread" was recorded and launched.

The participants of the group regularly turn out to be among the guests invited guests and television, in March the singers entered the huge scene of the Olympic SC. The photo of performers with enthusiastic reviews flashed on the "Instagram" and "Vkontakte" pages.

In February 2018, a show-game was launched on the STS LOVE channel for Sanhe couple in love, which became Anatoly Tsoi.

Collapse of the collective

In April 2020, it became known that Konstantin Meladze decided to complete the MBand project. About this producer of musicians reported in his "Instagram". According to him, the participants of the team came the time to "move on". Artists, in turn, thanked Meladze for a ticket to the show business. It is already known that all members of the group are planning to seriously take a solo career.


  • 2014 - "She will return"
  • 2015 - "Look at me"
  • 2016 - "Fix everything"
  • 2016 - "Raise Eyes"
  • 2016 - "Try ... Feel"
  • 2016 - "Unbearable"
  • 2016 - "Ballerina"
  • 2017 - "Right Girl"
  • 2017 - "Personal"


  • 2016 - "Without Filters"
  • 2016 - "Acoustics"

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