Juhi Chavla - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Juhi Chavla - Beauty, clever, actress, fashion model and producer. The girl won the beauty contest "Miss India" in 1984. From nineteen years old is filmed in the cinema, first conquered Indian spectators, and then - the whole world.

Childhood and youth

Actress Juhi Chavla was born in Ludhiana (Punjab, India) on November 13, 1967. The girl's family was far from creativity. Mom Sharmila and Dad Desrade Mona Chavla were civil servants. From early childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, but he did not tell anyone, fearing that she was married.

Juhi Chavla in youth

Juhi graduated from the Bomban Primary School J.J. Monastery Monastery, after arrived at St. Xavier College and Sidenha College. In 1984, the girl began to take part in beauty contests. It has the title "Miss India", participated in the Miss Universe contest and was awarded for the best national costume.


The first ribbon with the participation of Juhi Chavla came to the screens in 1986 and brought Actress's first Filmfare Award Award "For the Best Debut". Also for this role, it was nominated in the category "for the best female role."

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Worldwide Fame She brought the role of Wyzayanti Ayer in the film "Towards Love." The film became popular not only in India, but also throughout the planet. Juhi performed the main female role in the painting - Wyzhayanti. A federation girl met children of bachelor Rahula Malhotra. They wanted her to sit with them at home, because constantly changing nanny they are tired. Children lived with their uncle - Rahul (performed by the talented Aamira Khana). The man became the only heir of the business, at home and adopted the children of his deceased sister.

In 1989, the film "Vicky Dada" was released on the screens, where Dzhuhi Chavla performed a major role. Her shooting partner was the famous Nagarjuna Akineni. The film describes the story of a young bold guy who specifically went to learn to a lawyer to help people.

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However, starting to work, he was horrified on how often the criminals are released, and quit. Now he calls himself the wiki Dada and becomes a real avenger. He has to forget his love for shravani and pretend to be loved in Revati. Shravani promised to find out what has changed in the lover why he forgot it.

Tape "Paradise" conquered the whole world. Indian and Soviet spectators walked work, just to see the novelty of East Cinema. Beautiful views, beautiful outfits, an abundance of gold, exotic plants and fruits made films by film School. Juhi Chavla performed the role of Joti, Kumara's sisters. Kumar is a wealthy person who became the president of the Association of Industrialists. However, the former president of the Association substituted Mr. Kumara along with his brothers.

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Bollywood director Kundan Shah shot an unusual film for Indian cinema. In it, the main character loses in love. The tape "Love Season" was published in 1994. It is still considered the best film director. He received the FilmFare Award award in the nomination "For the best film in the view of critics." Juhi Chavla in the tape was a guest star. She decorated the plot with her songs and dancing.

"Life under the fear" - Indian romantic drama, published in 1993. Together with the Juhi, the main role in the tape performed Shah Rukh Khan, famous for the films "and in sorrow, and in joy ...", "everything in life" and the "unpleasant bride". They performed the role of Kiran in love and Rahula. Like all lovers, they live with a constant fear - put our love. This fear kills the primitive instinct of self-preservation in Rahule, he enters into battle with a dangerous maniac and, according to the laws of the Indian cinema genre, wins.

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In 1994, the audience watched the Indian film "Happy Man" with handsome govinda in the lead role. The main character makes the wrong choice and marries the calculating alke, which immediately after the wedding wants to take the condition of her husband and his whole family to his hands. For this, a woman accuses the younger brother of her husband in an attempt to rape, substitute his mother-in-law in the case with medicines. Alka is confident that everything goes according to plan, but here Gita appears (Juhi Chavla) and saves the family.

Another duet Shahrukh Khan and Juhi Chavla - "God knows." The film was released in the screens in 1995. The fighter describes the guy's life, which since childhood lives on the street, although his mother is alive. Good people sheltered the boy and raised, but did not give him a name. Therefore, to the question of the name, he answered Ram Jaane, which means "God knows." The unworker went through the curve path. Theft, prison and unrequited love. Will he be corrected for his beloved Bella?

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"When you remain alone," the Indian criminal drama, published in 2001. Juhi Chavla and Shah Rukh Khan have greatly worked and made a hit film. A policeman is forced to adopt four children of a partner, although he can't tolerate them. Children also do not like a father's colleague and a new stepfather. The police officer still prevents the rustic Gita girl, which, as the storyline develops, turns into a charming girl of the main villain KKV.

The picture "The Mystery of Love" was especially loved by the European audience. Fantastic Indian drama appeared in 2005. She tells about the unfortunate woman who groom throws on the wedding day. He turned out to be an old man who dreamed only about wealth.

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For the sake of money, he leaves for a long time from his native settlement. The fantastic tape of the plot comes into force - the woman falls in love with the spirit of her groom, coming to her. Five years later, the real groom is returned, and the events are tragic.

Each role of Juhi Chavla is a work. The woman managed every heroine to play especially, they do not confuse them with each other. She is good in the role of a young cheerful dancer, unhappy bride, angry stepmother, cunning gangster.

Personal life

Indian actress for a long time hid the details about his personal life. Fans discussed the personal life of the characters of the actress, but did not know anything about Djuhi Chavla. In the late 90s, fans suddenly learned that the star had long been happily married to the entrepreneur Jam Mehta.

Dzhuhi Chavla and her husband in jay meht

On February 21, 2001, the pair had a daughter Dzhanvi, and on July 21, 2003, the actress gave birth to Son Arjuna. Children dream to go in the footsteps of Mom and become famous actors. For this, they study Hindi, English, dancing and engaged in vocals.

Juhi Chavla now

Now the actress is more busy with its production activities. In 2017, a tape was published with the participation of Juhi Chavla - "Escape is beautiful." Together with her, the famous actor Ramesh Arabind starred in the film.

Juhi Chavla in 2018

Also, a woman raises children, helps her husband to conduct a business and finds himself a new film, where he opened her talent. Juhi reached such a level of skill, when directors and screenwriters specially come up with plots for her, and not it adjusts to them.


  • 1988 - "Verdict"
  • 1989 - "Love, Love, Love"
  • 1990 - "You are mine"
  • 1992 - "Dreams of Gentleman"
  • 1993 - "Toward love"
  • 1994 - "I want to marry a millionaire daughter"
  • 1995 - "God knows"
  • 1997 - "How the boss was the nose"
  • 2000 - "Verpretny hearts"
  • 2005 - "Middle of Love"
  • 2008 - "Ghost Villa Natkhov"
  • 2010 - "Bay and Fly!"
  • 2014 - "Spices and Passion"

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