Alexandra Cherno - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Biography Alexandra Cherno on the Dom-2 project began in March 2017. A girl closed in a swimsuit performed an incendiary dance for one of the guys on a show in a city apartment. At first glance, participants and viewers seemed to her for 30, but it turned out that Sasha at the time of coming on reality was 23, and the age add extra kilograms.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra was born on June 25 (Zodiac - Cancer Sign of 1993 in Sergiev Posad. This surname is Chernyavskaya. In childhood, the girl was the usual set, did not suffer overweight. Sasha has complex relationships with parents: the daughter was born when her mother was 15 years old, and the young woman did not want to participate in the child's raising. In 5 years, Alexander moved to her grandmother, and she replaced her mother.

In addition to black, the parent has three more children. She constantly deceived men by changing them as gloves. The family lived poorly, Sasha worked from 15 years. She preferred to communicate with the Father's family, who met by chance in school years. Dad helped daughter financially and in school - marks black from school brought bad.

At the Institute, the future star of Telestroyka did not do, and immediately after receiving the certificate began to work. Three years were employed in the insurance company, then came to the fishing rod and contacted fraudsters who promised the Golden Mountains.

It admits black that because of this experience, he had debts: they were called, threatened, there was even a case of an attack. Alexandra persuaded the three friends to arrange loans for 2 million rubles, since banks in the loans were denied her due to the lack of permanent work. Since then, a monthly participant participant in the scandalous project gives friends who have issued loans for it, 50 thousand rubles.

Personal life

Before the project, the relationship with the opposite sex at Alexandra was unsuccessful. With the first love Vladislav, they even appointed a wedding for December 2015, but he first delayed the ceremony, and then he had changed to go under the crown at all.

A year later, the girl fell in love with a man named Eugene, who lived in Volgograd. Sasha itself went to the beloved from the capital, spending large sums on dates. Once she understood that she was pregnant, but did not tell Evgeny: a man a few days before the news ripped relations. Cherno made an abortion and still worries about what happened, admitting that no longer will make such mistakes.

"House 2"

Cherny told that a long time was a fan of telestroy. The questionnaire in the casting service was served without special hopes, not counting on good luck, and was extremely surprised by the invitation. Sasha first appeared on the project on March 22, 2017. At that time, with a height of 183 cm, it weighed 130 kg. I came to fight for the Romanchuk's novel: a man although he confessed that she prefers magic girls, recommended sachet to reset weight.

Photo Alexandra in the first days on the project is really born with modern: before she was trimmed "under the boy" and wore shapeless men's shirts. The fans of the project wrote about what the worker looks terribly, to which the participant of reality replied that she was comfortable in this image.

Young people settled in one room so that they could get to know each other closer. The head and a cooler desire did not help Alexander to impress the intelligent guy - the novel refused to build relationships with her.

Sasha was not alone alone - choreographer Joseph Oganesyan came to her. Black attracted its non-standard appearance and energy. Relationships in a couple were not easy: young people quarreled, but quickly moved away from conflicts.

Often Alexandra himself had to dig up before her beloved guilt. For this, the project participant did not always chose standard methods. Once on the eyes of the whole country in the evening release "House-2", she in some panties (the rest of the body hid the body-art) danced erotic dance. The image of the leopard performed in black for a long time everyone remembered.

The fans also noted that the pair looks comical: Sasha is much more fully beloved. But Joseph is answered by the wise and does not allow to interfere with his personal life.

Alexandra has repeatedly demonstrated jealousy, often groundless. To check the relationships of lovers, the show organizers sent them to Seychelles. There they confessed each other in love, and Alexander promised to lose weight. Olga Orlova, a teacher of Etiquette Maria Bush, Bodybuilder Sergey Kucherov and a colleague on the show.

Then the leading "houses-2" took again for Sasha, this time seriously. The first thing to blackly invited a hypnotist, which gave a slimming and compliance with the advice of all specialists. Currently, nutritionists and coaches work with the project participant. It was promised to tell about its results in the issues of the program.

Now Alexander looks different - often dresses dresses, made creative elongated kara. They love her on the project, consider the soul of the company. Black behaves actively, likes to participate in scenes and contests.

Meanwhile, Alexander continued to build relations with Joseph. Despite the constant quarrels, parting and hot reconciliation, the couple did not hurry to part, attracting many audience attention to themselves. Spring events of 2018 made a large disorder in the relationship of the pair. Due to numerous litter and reproaches from black, as well as constant suspicion of treason, the leaders were invited to the draft psychologist, who, with the help of the Lie detector, was able to achieve from Joseph of truthful answers to his chosen questions.

In addition to the fact that Oganesyan does not consider the beloved economic and does not want to acquaint her with his parents, the audience also learned that Joseph has changed her. This news has become a shock for black, which declared parting. The guy tried to justify themselves and in every way to change the guilt.

And in the summer of 2018, Oganesyan decided on an important step. In the eyes of the whole country, he made his favorite sentence hand and heart. Sasha was not surprised, moreover, herself insistently demanded from his beloved marriage and, when he finally decided, "yes" answered the cherished question.

Preparation for the wedding took six months. December 22, Alexander and Joseph became her husband and wife. Marriage registration was held in the Vernadsky registry office of Moscow. A happy bride appeared at the ceremony in a white dress with a lush skirt, and her chosen one chose a classic tuxedo. Close friends of the pair and participants of the Dom-2 project came to the holiday.

For almost a year, it was from the moment of the wedding, when in November 2019 Sasha reported to television viewers and fans in "Instagram", which is pregnant. To the full girl to enter the baby had to be not easy, constantly elapsed hands and legs, she scored another 12 kg, but was not going to limit himself in food. Periodically, in the address blackly flew insults for consumed by Fast Food. Alexandra shared with the press, that at the beginning of pregnancy could not quit smoking, but later I found the strength to give up a detrimental habit.

At the same time, she began to record songs. Fans more than once noted that the participants have an excellent voice, but the "House-2" star admitted: because of the constraints and internal complexes, it is hard to relax and advocate to speak in public. But at the same time, she did not miss the opportunity to record cavities on the compositions of other performers and lay them out in social networks.

The pregnancy of Sasha rallied a couple, Joseph began to treat the spouse with a big trepidation, in every way she was protected from experiences and fencing from stressful situations. Soon it became known that the first in the family of Black - Oganesyan will be a boy, parents quickly came up with his name - lion. Alexander responded to his position and regularly visited the doctor. Births were appointed on July 20 2020.

Alexandra Cherno now

At the end of July 2020, Chernilly was hospitalized in the capital hospital. The appearance of a child to the light was for almost 10 days: the bodies of the star project began only on July 29. Being in the hospital, she did not lose touch with the outside world. In "Instagram", the participant of the reality "House-2" described in detail what happened to it. She told in which shell began a pre-soda and that at that moment she felt. From minute to minute, everyone was waiting for the child's appearance. And later Alexander wrote that if until 8 o'clock in the morning he would not give birth on July 30, she was lucky to cesarean.

On the morning of July 30, it became known that the boy gave birth to a boy weighing 3640 g and a rise of 55 cm. Mother and baby felt good.

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