Jason - Biography of the leader of the Argonauts, exploits, shielding


Character History

Mythological character, ancient Greek hero, son of Tsar Iola Aason. The leader of the Argonauts, headed the "expedition" in Kolkhid, when the warriors and heroes went in swimming for the golden rune on the Argo ship. Participated together with other brave warriors of Greece in the Kalidon hunt for a monstrous vepury, which was located the angry goddess of Artemis on the land of King Oyneu. Jason is also mentioned in Iliad and "Odyssey" of Homer.


Jason's father, Eson, was overthrown with the throne his own brother Penel. So that the usurper does not harm his son, Jason's father sent a young man to Mount Pelion to Centaur Hironu - to upbringing. In Kentaur, the hero learned to the art of healing. This episode is associated with the meaning of the name of Jason, which is translated from Greek as a "healer".


The hero returns to the city of Iola when he is 20 years old. After moving through the river, Jason helps to move onto the other side of some old woman. This old woman turns out to be the goddess of Gera, which from this moment he patronizes the hero.

During the crossing, Jason loses one sandalwood and it comes to the uncle-Uzurpactor Pelia. He, seeing the hero, frightens, because it was predicted that Pelia thwarts a person who will appear in one sandal. Pelia asks Jason, who is the one, and the hero answers that he is the son of Aason, overthrown the king, and came to return the legitimate authority to Father.

The pelia for the removal of the eyes says that he will return to Jason kingdom, and he himself thinks to destroy the nephew. For this, the peli gives the hero task - to go to Kolchid and return the golden fleece from there to redeem the curse, which is over the genus of the eollides.

Pelia sends Jason on a journey behind the rune

According to another version, the tricky pecils first asked Jason, as if he did if he met a man who, according to prediction, should bring the hero death. Jason himself said that he would send such a person to Collid demanding to bring the golden fleece from there. After that, the peli and sent Jason to the feat, which hero voiced himself. The slave of fame, the young hero accepted this task and went for the rune.

Heroes from all of Greece are going to the "team" of Jason. With the help of the goddess Athens, a ship for traveling for a rune, which is called "Argo". By the name of the ship, the participants of the "Expedition" are named Argonauts. Jason became their leader.

The first place where the heroes are sailing, the island of Lemnos, which are managed by women. The militant Queen wants to attack the hero with armed people, but in the end, they are convinced to accept the argonauts peacefully. The queen even establishes sports competitions in honor of guests. While the heroes were located on Lemnos Island, they all managed to enter into connection with the local inhabitants, and the Tsarina herself gave birth to two sons from Jason.

Jason's helpers - Athena and Gera

On the way to Collid, the heroes are experiencing many adventures in which the goddesses of Athena and Gera help them. Finally, the argonauts arrive and require the golden fleece of King Kolkhid. He agrees to give Runo, but requires Jason to make a number of exploits. The hero should harze in a plow of huge slow-hearted bulls, which mesculate the flame, plow the field on these bulls, and then falling down the dragon's teeth field.

Tsar Kolkhida has a daughter, Medea's wizard. The God of Love Ero for the Redemption of the patroness of Jason, the godesses of Ges and Athens, the love of Jason's love in the heart of Medele. The hero gives the Word that he marries the copper, and that helps Jason to fulfill all the demands of the Father. From the fiery breath of the slow-hearted bulls, the hero saves the ointment of the blood of Prometheus, which he gives the Medea. From the dragon teeth, which Jason sowed the field, grows the warriors, but the hero kills them all.

Jason and Dragon

The king of Kolkhid does not want to give the hero to the mano and plots to kill the argonauts and burn their ship. Medea helps the hero to kidnap the fleece, touching the dragon-guard. After Medea runs from Colchis together with Argonauts, capturing at the same time his own consolidated brother, young apse. Argonauts are pursuing, and Medea to distract the persecutors, kills his brother, and the pieces of the body of the young man scatter on the sea. The king of Kolkhid, combat grief, stops harassment to catch a part of the body of the Son and betray a worthy burial.

The pursuers still overtake the argonauts and medega, when those stick to the island of Feakov. There, Jason and Medea enclose hasty marriage, so that Feaaks do not find the grounds to return the criminal to his father.

By erecting a couple of shrines and temples on the road and bringing victims to the gods, Jason returns to Iola. There, the hero learns that while he sailed behind the rune, the peli usurper killed all his relatives, including his father. With the help of the cunning of Medea, Jason will fly offext. Medea inspires Pestia's daughters that their father can return youth, but for this you need to cut it into parts. Pliya is satisfied with the funeral games, and Jason participates in them as a fighter.

Jason and his wife Medea

Jason, together with Copsers, be expelled from the city of Iola, and the heroes go to Corinth, where they are taken by King Creonh. There are 10 years old have been living happily, Medea gives rise to Jason two sons. Then the hero comes to mind the thought of marrying the second time - on the daughter of King Creonta. Treason causes the anger of Medea, the wizard of Mstit, sending a poisoned apparel as a gift. The daughter of Clean dies in the torment, and Medea, without limiting this revenge, kills his own sons from Jason on the eyes of the hero. After that, in the distance is carried out on the drawn chariot dragons.

There are several options for how Jason died. The hero either hanged himself, or died with the daughter of Creonte, or in Argos in the sanctuary of the goddess Gera was killed. The fourth version comes down to the fact that Yason who lived to Olderity dies under the wreckage of his own ship, whose shadow falls asleep.


In 1963, the American film "Jason and Argonauts" came out, where the role of Jason fulfilled Todd Armstrong. This is an adventure tape, the script of which is written based on the myth. As it should be, the Argonauts go for the golden rune on the command of Pelia, who thought to get rid of Jason. On the way, the characters face dangers and carry losses. We defeat the bronze giant of Talos, fighting with ugly guards, pass through the closed rocks. Having reached the colchis, the heroes are mined by a fleece, and Jason goes at the same time and beauty of Medea. The script of the film is exactly the myth and in a low degree deviate from it.

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In 2000, the myth of Casal and Argonauts was shielded once again - under the same name. This is an American-Turkish television project, where the role of Jason is playing actor Jason London. In the city of Antalya in Turkey was a torture shooting.

In 1969, the Italian director Pierre Paolo Pasolini removed the film "Medea", which was based on the scenario of the same name of the euripide tragedy. Mythological plot here is interpreted freely. The director represents Argonauts as a gang of the beasts-like rapists, and the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Medea - as bad victims who are busy in a certain bloody cult. The story about the relations of Medele and Jason after returning to Greece is carried out with a support for the tragedy of Euripid.

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The episode with the revenge of the Medele, which destroys his own sons and the new Beloved Jason, is removed so much that it is difficult to understand, sleep is or displaying reality. In the first version of the junction of Medea inflicts a deadly wound to Jason, so the hero cannot prevent the avenue either to kill sons, nor send a poisoned apparel to the new spouse. In the second version, the new wife of Jason is reincarnated in Medea, when he gets a priestly robe, and cums with him, frightened by his own destiny. The role of Jason in this film is played by actor Giuseppe Gentile.

In comics "Guardians of the Galaxy" publishing house "Marvel" there is a character named Jason. This is the father of Starl Lord, the main character, the Prince of Spartah, the ruler of the Galactic Empire, which in the future became a villain. The ship of this jason crashed in the mountains of Colorado, and there the aliens picked up and sheltered the earthly girl, the future mother of the star Lord. Later, the space prince flew to war, the girl erased the memory, and she married the earthly guy who gave birth to an alien child.

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In 2001, an American animated series called "Jason and the heroes of Olympus" was published. The script relies on Greek myths, and Jason is represented by a 12-year-old boy.

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