Alain Kosostna - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, "Instagram", Figure Skating, Program, Parents 2021



The authority in the world of Russian figure skating, the winner of the Olympiad and coach Alexander Zhulin believes that single-sided figure skaters are the subject of the unbearable and untrained. However, in Alena, the Council Mentor of the Olympic Champions notes expressive plastic, grace and spiritualized skating. According to him, if the rivals sometimes resemble the number of numbers, then Alena feels music.

Childhood and youth

Alena's sports biography was predetermined because she was born in a family where parents were not indifferent to sports. Father was engaged in athletics, and his mother broke up with figure skating only because of the change of residence. She led a 4-year-old daughter for a rink.

The first steps on the ice of the children-youth sports school "White Bears" helped to make the coach, the world champion and Europe Marina Cherkasov. In childhood, training lasted only an hour, but Alena went to them with difficulty.

However, when after 3 years old, they asked if she intends to continue, the future figure skater responded to affirmatively. Played the role that began to get jumping, but, according to Alena, she likes the feeling of flight. The turn of the Konk Tchaikovskaya branch in the metropolitan center of sports and education "Sambo-70", coach-teacher of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports (Hzolifk) Elena Zhugun.

According to the council, she always wanted to stand on the pedestal, and not just to ride their own pleasure. Because at the end of the season 2016/2017, she decided to move to Eteri Tutberidze, since her wards had high results. Sergey Rozanov and Daniel Gleihenghauses became coaches in the team in Tutberidze.

Figure skating

In 2012, Alena began to perform at serious competitions and from the third tenth quickly moved to the first. At the 2014 Cup stage was the sixth, and Alina Zagitova took the 25th place.

Russian Championship among Junior 2016 Costorna calls the most memorable tournament. Then the performances of the young figure skater turned out to be failed and became a full surprise for Alena. The reasons, according to the athlete, is that in training it did not laid out 100%.

At the beginning of the 2017/2018 season, Alena was not even part of the Junior team of Russia, but after the victory on the open championship of Moscow, the figure skater was delegated to the Italian and Polish stages of the Junior Series Grand Prix. On the first girl rose to the second step of the pedestal, in Gdansk became the winner.

In the debut final of the Grand Prix, the Cosovna took the 2nd place, but the Euphoria did not experience from good luck. Alena believes that it is possible to win only in one case - won the first place, and the second is the same as the rest, and says that the athlete did not make somewhere and the opponent did his job better.

At the Championship of Russia, completed in December 2017 in St. Petersburg, Alina Zagitova defeated 233.59 points for 2 programs. Alena from 216.57 points for the first time in his career became the third on an adult tournament.

To get to the pedestal, the girl did not count, because it was believed that he had fulfilled the maximum, and the competitors had a richer contestant. Having received bronze, the crutter "quickly understood what it was well done", the tournament ended, and the team returned home, to training.

In March 2018, the World Cup for Junior's World Junior Championship was held in Sofia. In the tournament of single Russians, Alain Kosotnaya and Alexander Troopsov were initially in the status of favorites. In the short program of Alena, Alexandra was only 0.4 points and in the sum of two rentals won a silver medal.

Choreographer Daniel Gleihengawuz in June 2018 created an "Angel" formulation for a short program based on Romeo and Juliet, which was called "masterpiece" and one of the best productions of Alena Costorna.

On their own initiative, Alena began to learn Triple Axel. She wanted to try him already in the 2018/2019 season, but did not allow the coaches: there was a risk of getting an injury to competitions, and for studying such jumps need more time.

The miniature physique (growth of Alena is 155 cm and the weight of 43 kg), as noted by critics in January 2021, to make multi-turn jumps.

The first adult start in the career of a young athlete took place on the "Finland Trofi" contest in the fall of 2019. The arbitrary program of Alena included two triple achels. Thanks to complex jumps, the name of the crutter fell into the top ten women's singles, performing this element in the international arena.

The achievement added a figure skater in the next competition, which was the debut stage of the Grand Prix series in Grenoble (France). And if in an arbitrary program, the girl broke the personal record on points, gaining 159.45 points, then the estimates for the short, in which triple axels were shown, it was not suitable. Nevertheless, the Kosostna went around his rivals in all indicators and took 1st place.

At the last stage of the Grand Prix passing in Sapporo (Japan), Alena won gold in single-sided competitions with the best result in an arbitrary program - 154.96 points.

In the spring of 2019, the Kosostna person attracted attention by no means achievements in sports. Haters negatively responded to the attitude of the figure skater to Eter Tutberidze, noticing how the girl threw a sports jacket in the coach. Although there was no disrespect in action, the gesture was just a working point.

The main event of the 2020 year of the year was to become the World Championship in Canada, however, due to the pandemic of coronavirus infection, the competition was canceled. And in August of the same year, it became known that Alena decided to change the coach and escape from Etray Tutberidze to Eugene Plushenko. According to the recognition of the former mentor of the figure skater, this happened due to the excessive requirements of the costoth. In particular, the girl presented a list of ice colleagues with whom he refused to perform. Interestingly, earlier Alexander Trusov also made a choice in favor of Plushenko, stopping cooperation with Tutberidze.

The new Academy also did not cost without scandals. There were rumors that the young coach Elena Ilyini refuses to work with Alena and is engaged only with Alexandra Podka. When the Olympic champion asked about rumors in the media directly in "Instagram", Ilyiny answered:

"In general, do not know where the media comes from in some course. But read funny, of course. "

Confidently moving towards the goal, Kosostna won gold in the Austrian Graz. At the European Championships in figure skating in 2020, Alena went around compatriots Anna Shcherbakov and Alexander Trussu. With a result of 240.81 points over two rentals, the young athlete became champion in Europe.

In February 2020, the Kosostna took part in the "Path to Victory" show. Alena performed a familiar number - Tango Astor Piazzollas Adios Nonino, but in another dress. Unfortunately, it did not cost without an annoying mistake: the athlete fell, which upset both the audience and her. It was after this project that the fans noticed that the girl recovered. Fans continue to support figure skater.

Personal life

Personal life Alena is also saturated. The girl is studying at school, where he studies 3 languages ​​at once - English, French and German, however, he managed only for the first two lessons, the rest is on an independent study. When in training weekends, the figure skater comes to school and gives everything that learn.

The main time of the athlete is given to study, page in "Instagram", although it has been started for a long time, new photos are replenished rarely. Snapshots in a swimsuit there are also there, although mostly it is home and school photos. Favorite items - chemistry and biology. In the future, the Costorna wants to become a neurosurgeon. The hobby of medicine began with the fact that the mother watched the series about doctors, and once joined the daughter.

She also likes the horses, and she already made the first steps in the development of equestrian sports. According to authoritative specialists, so the girl is preparing a "path of retreat", which will be needed after completing the career in single figure skating.

Alena is now at the age when the time of experiments and searching itself comes. The girl often changes the hairstyles and hair color. After the transition to the team Yevgeny Plushenko, close attention was chained to Alena. And not so long ago, fans noticed on the left forearm of a young figure skater tattoo in the form of a phrase in Latin - Sequitur Cor Tuum, which is translated as "Follow your heart."

Alain Kosostna now

In the 2020/2021 season, Alain made his debut with a short music program for the music of the popular American singer Billy Alish Lovely: the first part - performed by Itsamoney, the second - the authorship of Billy Isilish and Khalida, the third - Galpe. Previously, Alina Zagitova and Evgenia Medvedev were already riding under the tracks of the young star. At the box office Alena performed a double axel, Triple Lutz and completed the jump part with a triple flip cascade - Triple Tulup.

In an interview, the FIGURIST explained why the Triple Axel did not perform at the fourth stage of the Russian Cup in Kazan:

"Good two attempts out of five were in training, it is not enough. We decided that we work for a long term and preparing for major tournaments. "

In the Cup of the First Channel, which was held in Megasport from 5 to 7 February, the figure skater refused to participate, referring to the fact that she had nothing to show.

In March 2021, Plushenko said that the Kosostna returns to Eteri Tutberidze. He noted: in the bright sports future, the figure skater does not doubt, his team gave her everything possible to continue his career.

After returning to Tutberidze Alena, she took part in her show "Champions on Ice", submitting the program that the skater was put before the departure to Plushenko.


  • 2017 - Bronze Medal of Championship of Russia
  • 2017 - Silver Medal of Russia's championship among juniors
  • 2017 - Golden and Silver Medals of the Grand Prix Stages among juniors
  • 2017 - Silver Medal Final Grand Prix among juniors
  • 2018 - Silver Junior World Championship Medal
  • 2018 - Gold Medal Final Grand Prix among juniors
  • 2019 - Gold Medal Finlandia Trophy
  • 2019 - Gold Medal of the Grand Prix Stage Medal of Imnationaux de France
  • 2019 - Gold Grand Prix Stage Medal: NHK Trophy 2019
  • 2019 - Gold Medal Final Grand Prix 2019/2020
  • 2020 - Silver Medal of the Championship of Russia 2020
  • 2020 - Gold Medal of the European Championship 2020

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