Alena Colimoma - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Filmography, Kirill Kuznetsov, Joint Movies 2021



Alena Colimary is a talented actress that has grown in Ukraine, but deserved recognition in Russia. Her creativity a lot of fans admiring the success of the stars in the cinema and on theatrical scene.

Childhood and youth

There was a future artist in Lugansk on March 28, 1987. Her parents are far from creativity: the Father is the head of the workshop on the battery factory, and Mom is merger. Alain is their elder child, later the family was replenished with a boy Alexander.

In the early years, the biographies of Colimary were unreasonable and active, so she was decided to take acrobatics. She spent almost 7 years old and did progress, but after the girl partner moved, it was decided to change the sport and devote themselves to jumping in water.

In parallel, Alena attended the studio at the youth theater. Young artist made his debut in the production of Peter Pan, where he performed the role of Wendy. But the famous her performs the play "Alice in Wonderland", in which the skills of acrobatics were useful. To portray fall in Nora, Colimary enough for a trapeze and flew over the auditorium. This was even written in local newspapers.

In high schools, Alena was before the choice - get a complete secondary education or go to sports school. The decisive word remained behind the parents, and the girl remained to retire. As a result, she completed her studies with a gold medal.

Before letting the daughter go to Kiev to the acting department, the Father insisted that she submitted documents to local INAZ. Only after the star was credited, she was able to go to the Ukrainian capital, where he became a student of the University of Arts. But then the girl Manila Moscow.


After graduating from the university, Colimary went to the Russian capital, where she was taken to the troupe of the Moscow Experimental Theater Vyacheslav Spesivsev. Young actress has repeatedly got the main roles in performances. She played Juliet in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet", as well as Katerina in "Farewelling with the Mother", put on the work of Valentina Rasputin.

They paid little, so the actress combined the game on stage with the work of the waitress in the cafe and was preparing for admission. As a result, Alain was enrolled at the director and acting guitis. During his studies, she continued to serve the scene.

Alena Colimoma - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Filmography, Kirill Kuznetsov, Joint Movies 2021 15374_1

Kolomina was lucky enough to work in the Moscow Theater "Courage", where a repertoire is designed for children. For the girl it was an interesting experience, because the performances were interactive, with involvement. The actress participated in the "Bureau of Toys" and "Circus Adventure".

When studying in Gitis remained behind, the young actress received an invitation to the Toroupe of the "Hermitage" theater from his head of Mikhail Levitin. There it is involved in several productions, but the role itself is the role of Lily in the "Focuscript", where she performs acrobatic tricks.


While while studying in Gitis, the star began to film. Her debut took place in the TV series "Ceremc-2", but the role was so small that the actress did not have time to remember the audience. After that, she regularly appeared on the screens, playing episodic heroines.

The first wave of popularity came to Alena after filming in Schubert, whose star was Alexey Vorobyev. The actress fell to play Lisa - the girl is bright and sports, so on the site she again had to remember the sports past. Most of the Kolimyomy tricks performed itself, while being pregnant. The creators managed to build a picture so that the belly was not noticeable. After childbirth, the performer quickly lost weight and plunged into operation again.

In the same period of 2018, the premiere of the comedy "Old women in the run", where the artist played Dina. During the filming, Alena heard a colleague conversation who discouraged his girlfriend from filming in the TV series "Birch". Then she phoned with the agent, and she recorded her on audition.

While reading the scenario, the star realized that she would play Editu. Prior to that, the creators of the project were looking for a negative role's executive for a long time, but Kolomiomi managed to impress the first time. They remained delighted with the actress and the audience, so after the premiere there were proposals to be removed on it.

Now the star offered mainly the main roles - both modest and fragile girls and strong, confident women. In the chess queen thriller, she embodied the stylist Danan, who is fond of Thai boxing and tries to solve the secret of beauty salon.

Especially for the Drama "Nemesis", the artist had to master the shooting skills, she went to a shooting range. I demanded effort and preparation for shooting in the TV series "Not Women's Work", where Alena played Svetlana's investigator. The heroine is not so emotional as a celebrity, so she often came out of the image.

2020 was marked by the release of the detective "Fibonacci Mystery" about Olga Mathematics, in which Colimum reincarnated. Her colleagues in the site of Steel Elena Varkochkin, Dmitry Blokhin and Zoya Mansurova.

Personal life

In 2013, Alena married, its chosen was the actor and film actor Alexei Varushchenko. Soon the couple was born the son of Peter, and then the daughter of Nina. But the marriage gave the crack, and the spouses broke up. They managed to keep warm relationships to raise children together.

After the divorce, Colimit tried to gain happiness in his personal life with a colleague - Kirill Kuznetsov. Among their joint projects - "I will give you a dawn" and "stamp in a passport". Lovers often pleased fans with joint photos in instagram accounts, but the publications were removed, which, counted subscribers, indicates a gap.

Alena Colimi now

Now the star continues to regularly replenish the filmography. In 2021, several new projects with its participation were released. In the melodrama "Educator" she performed the role of Maya, who, after the tragedy, finds happiness in the education of the girl left without mother. The on-screen partner of the actress was Pavel Trubiner.

Then the audience saw Alena in the image of the daughter of the Inteller Guide Vinogradovoy from the series "No matter what". The actress described his heroine as proud and bold, able to achieve the goal. The project events occur in the 90s, in which Kolomina was interesting to plunge on the set.

No less fascinating was the work on the militant "Serer. Continuation". The actress was regularly divided with subscribers from the set, where she had to try on a military uniform.


  • 2015-2017 - "Last Ment"
  • 2017 - "You all take me away"
  • 2017 - "Catherine. Takeoff"
  • 2018 - Schubert
  • 2018 - "Birch"
  • 2018 - "Old women in the run"
  • 2019 - "Weddings and Divorces"
  • 2019 - "Chess Queen"
  • 2019 - "Stamp in a passport"
  • 2019 - "I will give you a dawn"
  • 2019 - "Not Women's Work"
  • 2019 - "Nemesis"
  • 2019 - "Letters"
  • 2020 - "One lie for two"
  • 2020 - "Old women in the run-2"
  • 2020 - Pythagore's Theorem
  • 2021 - "No matter what"
  • 2021 - "Wedding Champs"
  • 2021 - "Educator"
  • 2021 - "Smered. Continuation"

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