Dmitry Zakharov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



The main leading transmissions of the "look", which changed the presentation of Russians on television during the restructuring times, was three: Vladislav Listeyev was killed, Alexander Lyubimov became the president of the VID television company, and the third, Dmitry Zakharov, went to the shadow. Today, he is the chief editor of several cognitive projects on NTV.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Zakharov was born in Moscow on January 30, 1958 in the family of diplomat. The boy's childhood took place in a favorable setting. Parents did not quarrel and did not shout each other. Zakharov believes that the family atmosphere helped in the formation of a strong and healthy psyche. There was a big library in the house, by 14 years, the young man read about 4,000 books.

Dmitry Zakharov

In 1980, Dmitry graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Torez, in 1985 - East of MSU. Immediately after receiving the first diploma about the highest formation Zakharov, they take on the Gostoreradio to the Department of Foreign Broadcasting: his voice is heard by English-speaking countries and America.


In 1987, Dmitry is satisfied with the correspondent and leading to the "Look" program. At this point, a professional biography moves Zakharov from a radio flee into a TV. Before "View" on the Soviet television was not transmissions, where the audience would be shown rock bands, foreign clips, where sharp political and social topics would rise.

Of course, for the authors and leading the forbidden topics existed. After each release of the transfer, the team was invited to the ideological department of the Central Committee on conversations about behavior and topics. But Zakharov says that they were young "idiots" and in many questions continued to flow in their own way, comic to each other, which, if the transmission close, go to the wipers.

The Trinity of Zakharov, Leaves and Lyubimov was cohesive: Young people met still in the editorial office of the Andesia, sometimes drank together. The next editions of the "glance" at home at Zakharov have thought. Lyubimov tried to show as many politics as possible, Zakharov - stories, and the leaves brought a little "show" into each output: what is the release of a horse living on the balcony.

Dmitry Zakharov, Vlad Leaf and Alexander Lyubimov

Thanks to this young troika, the people boldly began to say that sex in the USSR still has that the consequences of Chernobyl are much worse than officially presented that rock and roll is alive. After 4 years, TV presenter of Zakharov understands that the program "blurted out": Tranvdvubtsi dozens climbed on the screen. But the transfer of "look" will forever remain the pioneer, bold and a little crazy.

In 1991, he leaves the program and arranged for the TV channel "Russia", where he alternately leads the "River of Time", "Science and Technology", "on the threshold of the century". In 2000, Dmitry becomes the chief editor of the cognitive magazine "Around the World", a little later - the head of the telecast of the same name.

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An amazing travel and peoples program was popular with the audience and brought the incredible pleasure of Dmitry. As long as the channel's management did not interfere and censure releases. In 2003, the Director of NTV Nikolai Senkevich invites Zakharov and his team to himself: so the transfer of "their morals" appears.

Historical education and tourist experience allowed Dmitry 11 years to make exciting travel issues. In addition to the facts about visas, popular attractions and means of movement, "their morals" have given time to stories about the peculiarities of local residents, as well as on national cuisine and traditions.

Dmitry Zakharov

In 2005, Zakharov was again invited to radio - this time on the waves of "Echo Moscow" he conducted a rating transfer of the Great Patriotic War "Victory Price". In parallel from 2006 to 2011 he participated in historical discussions on the "365 days" channel in the transfer of the "Truth Hour". In addition, he was seriously fond of documentary: became producer and author of the film about Luftwaffe fighters, which was shown in 2011 on NTV.

Creative biography of a journalist is extensive. In addition to the above projects, Dmitry produced the program "nothing but", "from the screw", "at night looking", morning on the Mr. "Morning Express", the play of Sitter "Bar" at the rhino ", led on the channel 365" Truth Hour ", Made about a hundred documentaries and so on.

During the work, Dmitry has repeatedly noted awards: in 2007 he was awarded "Teffi" in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the output "View", in 2008 - the "Fame" premium, in 2009 - "Power No. 4" for the radio transmission cycle about the Great Patriotic War. Zakharov admits that he feels awkward when he is awarded.

Personal life

Zakharov is an intelligent person who believes that his personal life should not be discussed. Therefore, the family tells little, the photo surrounded by home on the Internet is not found. It is known that Dmitry was married twice. The second spouse is TV presenter Elena Shmelev. In marriage, they raise the daughter of faith, from the first marriage at Zakharov, another daughter Anna is growing.

Wife Dmitry Zakharov

With the second wife, the presenter met at work in 1993. Elena Shmeleva worked as lead news on the TV channel "2x2", then led the program of Vlada Listeeva "Star Hour". Later, the journalist appeared in the Transmission "AUTOMIG" on RTR, was the editor, corresponding, screenwriter, author of documentaries. The girl surprised Dmitry erudition and a wide range.

In 2006, in the family of Zakharov, replenishment happened - at that time Dmitry was 50. He raises the daughter of faith with the wisdom and awareness accumulated. Zakharov are happy in marriage - says that for all the time the spouse has never quarreled together.

Journalist Dmitry Zakharov

With Anna, he also supports relationships. About the eldest daughter Dmitry proudly declares that Anya is a smart girl. He graduated from Zhurfak, lives with his grandmother - Mom Zakharov, who cares. Dad is calm for the future of Anna, considers it an independent and adequate man.

Dmitry Zakharov now

Currently, Dmitry prefers editorial positions: writes a lot, reads and explores. The Zakharov family lives in the standard "treshka" of the Stalin's house on Leningradsky Avenue. Of course, in the house of Dmitry a lot of books: special, historical, artistic and children's literature. Reading is the main passion of the family.

More Zakharov love to cook together: they try to make dishes equally delicious and beautifully decorated. The standard male passions of Zakharov are calm. He does not watch football, does not walk with friends to the bath. Dmitry admits that the "herd" classes prefers those where everyone for themselves: fencing, racing, tennis. In his youth, for example, mastered Karate.

Dmitry Zakharov in 2017

The only weakness of Dmitry - cars. Sometimes a man travels to empty tracks and gives the "sneaker to the floor", just to feel the speed and power. Zakharov says that if he had 30 years 30, he would love to leaving sports driving.

For the past presidential elections, Dmitry Zakharov did not go: I am sure that politicians have one task, and the people are different. Although at the time of the program "Look", the presenter thought that would illuminate events for the benefit of the country.


  • 1987-1991 - the program "Look"
  • 1991-1993 - Program "Vedi"
  • 2000-2003 - the program "Around the World"
  • 2003-2004 - Military Program
  • 2003-2004 - Program "Secrets of Intelligence"
  • 2003-2014 - the program "their morals"
  • 2005-2011 - Radio "Victory price"
  • 2006-2011 - Program "Hour of Truth"
  • 2011 - documentary "Luftwaffe fighters. Eastern front"

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