George Carlin - biography, photo, personal life, performances, quotes, death



George Carlin is a world famous American comedian, whose performances are discussed by millions of viewers. The man also starred in sixteen films, wrote five books and recorded more than twenty albums.

The comedian was not afraid to joke on social topics, it was easy to reason about religion, politics, love and children. He is the first comedian, the monologue of which was shown on television along with obscene expressions. George became the twin-bar of the new Stena genre, which is popular so far.

Childhood and youth

The comedian was born on May 12, 1937 in the prestigious district of New York - Manhattan. His parents were far from creativity. Mom worked as a secretary, and Pope advertising manager. His father was an alcoholic, so Mom left him when George was two years old.

George Karlin in youth

Carlin threw school at seventeen years and entered the Air Force. There he became a mechanic at the radar station and worked as a radio host at the local station. Then the artist perceived work as a hobby and did not think that this is the first step in his career.

Humor and creativity

In 1959, a man decided that it was time to embody the dream of life and become a comic. George performed in small clubs, variety and cafes. Two years later, Carlin began to invite to television, and he became a famous person in the comedy world.

George Karlin in youth

At the beginning of the 70s, the comedian penetrating the hippie culture and joined them. He reflected his hair, puncture himself his ear, began to dress in bright, colorful outfits. Because of his new image, part of the TV channels broke contracts with him.

In 1978, the artist delivered the number "Seven dirty words", where he called words that no one had previously used on the air, and they were considered offensive. The room caused such a public dissonance that it came to court. However, five votes against the Four Supreme Court of the United States confirmed the duty of the state to control broadcasting even on non-state channels and radio stations.

The first series of comedic programs was recorded in 1977. The comedian programs affected political topics, religious. He raised America's problems, the level of education of young people, their concept of children, work, money and career.

In total, 14 comedy gears with George Carliner were recorded. In each of them, Satir was swore, negatively spoke about religion, the problems of America and passed by jokes in politicians.

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The artist tried his strength as an actor. Until 1991, he played secondary or episodic roles. His first major role in the film became successful. The role of Rufuus in the tape "Incredible Adventures of Bill and Ted" made George a cult figure among American youth. Together with him, Keanu Rivz, Alex Winter and Terry Camilleri were filmed.

Carlin glanced with excellent political analyst. He himself did not vote and called on the rest of the inhabitants to ignore the elections, considering it a waste of time. He divided the point of view Mark Twain:

"If the elections had changed something, we would not be allowed to participate in them."

Regarding religion, the comic was also their opinion. He denied the idea of ​​God and the Church. George is confident that if God existed in fact, he would not allow wars, diseases and deaths. He easily ridiculed all religious values, because of what the man had problems with the Catholic Church.

For example, after His death, in 2011, comedian Kevin Bartini created a petition calling for the name of the five hundredth quarter on the 121st West Street in New York in honor of George Carlin, but the church was categorically against the name of the comedian called the four hundredth quarter.

In the early 2000s, George received a star on the Alley of Glory for his contribution to the development of the America's theater. In 2004, he ranked second in the ranking of the best comedians according to Comedy Central.

George Karlin

In 1973, George Carlin received the first Grammy statuette in the nomination "Best Comedy Album". In total, the comedian was awarded six nominations in the prestigious American premium.

The comedian realized that he could not only listen, but also to read, and began to record his speeches in the book format. The first book "Sometimes there may be damaged by a small brain" came out a multimillion edition in 1984.

Speech George Carlin

Thirteen years later, a new book of artist appeared on the shelves of bookstores - "brain loss". She was distinguished by black humor, political and religious criticism. Some of the fans counted it too tough.

The book "Napalm and children's plasticine" was published in 2001. "When will Jesus bring pork chops?" Appeared in 2004. Both books caused a stormy reaction from the Catholic community of the United States of America, and after and around the world.

The book "Three times Carlin: Orgy George" became the last book published during the author's life. In it, he collected his thoughts and developments over the past thirty years of creativity. It turned out a bit of a mess, but saturated.

In 2009, after the death of George Carlin, his posthumous biography "last words" was published. In it, the comedian summed up the life of life, formulated conclusions for himself and joked once again to his favorite topics: religion, politics, power and sex. The network has a biography written by a comic person personally. She is full of obscene branches and affects the important moments of his life.

George Karlin

The comedian became world famous after the spread of the Internet. Its television programs and audio recordings were transferred to tens of languages. A cynical sarcastic humor fell in the soul not only to Americans, but also to all residents of the world. Quotes from his speeches often flashed in the speech of youth. For example, his words can often be seen in "Instagram":

"We are talking too much, love too rarely and hate too often. We know how to arrange and ensure your accommodation, but not how to arrange your life. We have added years to life, but not life by year. We flew to the moon and back, but we cannot cross the street and meet the new neighbor. We conquered open space, but not our inner world. "

Personal life

In 1961, George Carlin married Brand Hosbrook. With the beloved artist met during his tour in 1960. Two years after the wedding, the daughter of Kelly was born. In 1997, the brand died from liver cancer.

George Carlin and his first brand wife

In the summer of 1998, George married the second time on Sally Waid. The marriage lasted the rest of the comic life. Due to the age of age, the couple did not decide to start the children. The daughter of Kelly took a woman in his family and delighted for the dad.


The artist officially recognized the dependence on alcohol and Vicodin. At the end of 2004, he agreed to voluntarily pass the rehabilitation from his dependencies, which declared the world and did not retreat, until they were overwhelmed. Probably disastrous habits and caused his death. The comedian survived several heart attacks.

George Carlin's grave

George Carlin died on June 22, 2008 in Santa Monica, California, USA. On the same day, he entered the hospital with severe chest pain. After a few hours, the comedian died of heart failure.


  • 1986 - "Six under one roof"
  • 1988 - "Justin Case"
  • 1989 - "Incredible Adventures of Bill and Ted"
  • 1999 - "Dogma"
  • 2004 - "Jersey Girl"
  • 2007 - "New Cinderella's Adventures" (Voice)


  • 1984 - "Sometimes a small brain may be damaged"
  • 1997 - "Brain Loss"
  • 2001 - "Napalm and children's plasticine"
  • 2004 - "When Jesus bring pork chops?"
  • 2006 - "Trice Carlin: Orgy George"
  • 2009 - "Recent words"

Special offers HBO.

  • 1977 - "On the spot: George Carlin in USC"
  • 1978 - "George Carlin: Again!"
  • 1984 - "Carlin on Campus"
  • 1988 - "What am I doing in New Jersey?"
  • 1990 - "Repeat it again"
  • 1997 - "George Carlin: 40 years of comedy"
  • 2001 - "Complaints and Complaints"
  • 2007 - "All my things"
  • 2008 - "It's bad for me"


"If all children are special, why are ordinary adults grow of them?" "Tell people that there is an invisible person in the sky that created the Universe and most will believe. Tell them that the paint did not dry, and they stick to her finger to make sure "" Swimming is not a sport. Swimming is a way it's not to drown "" War is a way of rich people to protect their interests, sending children of middle and poor classes to death "" In life, everything is simple: the whole depends on the whole of luck and from the genes. Everything comes down to genes and luck. And if you think about, then the genes are a question of luck "

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