Ramil Sabitov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Films, Nationality 2021



There is in the cinematic medium such concepts as texture, type. They and "supply" a certain role, from one-sidedness of which sometimes it is not easy to get rid of. Ramil Sabitov in this respect is a lucky one. His heroes are unpatched similar and at the same time completely different. The actor himself does not know how it turns out. But in this and the essence means a person in its place.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the summer of 1960 in the Tatar village of Saplyk, under Ulyanovsky. In addition to him, parents brought up three more children - the son of Renat and daughters of Flur and Frido. When Ramile turned 2 years old, the father, who headed the collective farm, was fired for the loss of harvest. His guilt was not in this, simply 3 months were pouring rains.

After offended by injustice, Abdulahat Sabitov with his family moved to Ulyanovsk and settled the work on the plant. In this city, Ramil went to school, and ended his studies in Naberezhnye Chelny. In the industrial capital of Tatarstan, the Father built the KAMAZ plant.

The relationship of Sabitov with the peers was difficult: the townspeople believed a rustic boy, and in his native Saplyak, where he went to the summer holidays, the guys awaited the countryman who looked urban. To defend their rights to the young man in fists.

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In Naberezhnye Chelny, Ramil made the first steps in the profession - attended the theater studio of the local Palace of Culture, where I mastered the stage speech and plastic, I received knowledge on the history of the Russian and World Theater.

The actor and now adores the comedy Leonid Gaidai, a teenager dreamed of becoming clown. Having learned that a circus studio was gaining in the Palace of Pioneers, I decided to try the forces there. As Ramil told in an interview, he stood for two hours under the door, but did not dare to go.

At the end of the Sabit School, the intention to go to artists. The news was upset by the Father, who considered this profession to Never. And Mom was delighted and supported the Son, seeing the continuation of his grandfather in it. Leitfulla Akhmetov worked as a school director and created an amateur theater in the village, wrote the plays, which put on the Local Club.

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To enroll in the theater university on the first attempt to Sabitov failed. The actor believes that this happened due to low growth (170 cm) and the poemy at that time reading poems and prose. Three years he stormed the institutions of Moscow and Leningrad. Father's patience dried up - Abdulahat promised not to let the Son in the capital, if he again fails.

Ramil failed, but did not want to go home. Hearing about the Theater School in Yaroslavl, went there, for the course to Sergey Pink, the son of the playwright of Viktor Roshov, and in 1987 he received a diploma. The path to the profession was thorny: the young artist was not taken into any theater.

Sabitov went to the Ukrainian capital, where he had army comrades, but also refused in Kiev. Good luck smiled only by MiG: Yuri Ilyenko entrusted the young man in the picture "Straw bells".

A year later, Ramil moved to Tver, where Alexander Evdokimov called a friend and former fellow students. An acquaintance with the main director of the Tyus Sergey Kuzmin was acquainted. Sabitov was given a place of the scenery of the scenery, and in half a year they took in the troupe.

The first successes in the stage of the Tver Theater were wrapped in the actor, and he again went to the capital. This time, Moscow adopted welcome: Ramil Sabitov entered Gitis to the Director of the Faculty, got into the workshop of Anatoly Vasilyeva. The mentor involved the student in the theater, who headed.

On the stage of the School of Dramatic Arts, Sabitov was enthusiastic played 9 years. Survive the crisis of the dashing 90s helped the immersion in art. In the early 2000s, Ramil left the theater. He began a cinematic biography as an actor, but continued as a documentary director and clipmaker. However, the first is still in priority.

"The actor is able to play well even in a bad film. And in the work of the director, the result depends on the skill of many, which you have to teach, raise, explain to them, what you are waiting for them ... Of course, it is very interesting from them, but it is easier for me to just play a role and no longer care. "

Personal life

In the conversations with journalists, actor Supil on the facts from personal life. It is known that Svetlana's wife gave Sabitov's daughters to Christina and Julian. The latter inherited the father's talents - starred in his paintings "Wanted", "Gypsy happiness", "Physics or chemistry". The girl by profession director of installation, creates clips and showrooms for pop stars and movies. Married to actor Yegor Dolgopolov.

Ramil is a fan of football, and not a specific club, but the Russian national team as a whole. He loves classic music and jazz, Tom Wate and Beatles, the work of Nikolai Kryuchkov and Andrei Mironova.

With fans, the actor communicates through Facebook and Instagram, where publishes photos of family members, friends and domestic pet - Cat Martyn, Backsteji from filming. Not alien to Sabitov and Charity - along with colleagues, he opened a film studio in a children's hospice in the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region.


For the first time, the spectators saw Sabitov on the screens in the short filing "Red Elephants", the graduate project of Grigory Konstantinople. A tiny role was forever, I was remembered by Ramile thanks to Rolan Bykov: Master's miser for praise, noted anyone not a famous actor, stating that he was waiting for a brilliant future.

Thanks to the friend, Constantinople Sabitov met Alexander Kohsov, who invited him to the melodrama "Düba-Dube". Oleg Menshikov and Angela Beanskaya starred starring. The film about the period of decay of the USSR became an event of the year. The secondary role of the representative of his nationality, the actor considers the first to truly great work in the cinema.

To the category of happy, he refers and the criminal drama "Carmen", where the company was made up to Igor Petrenko and Yaroslav Boyko. Since that time, an artist's role was to be charged - people with an inseminious motivation, including criminal authorities, corrupt officials, brutal husbands.

However, in the heroes from the series "Truckers", the musical tragicomedy "Pops", the criminal tape "Special Prison" and many others standing on the side of evil, Sabitov searched and found an ironic side.

Ramil admits that he is lucky with partners in the set. It is not just celebrities, but talents with a capital letter, with whom it is interesting to communicate and which have something to learn. So, in the melodrame "Salamandra's skin" he assisted Alexander Zbruev, in the music film Leonid Rybakov "Kidnappers of books" - Ilya Lagutenko, in the militant "Personal Number" about the tragedy "Nord-Ost" - "Eternal General" from Hollywood John Aimos. In the Thriller "House", the actor received the role of an assistant character of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, in the painting "Hunt for Piranha" - the accomplice of the hero of Evgeny Mironova.

Bright images of Sabitov recreated in the islar TV series "Secret Guard", "Philip Bay", "Russian translation". In the last Ramil, Ramil was reincarnated to the instructor on hand-to-hand combat, for which he mastered the techniques of martial arts and learned the Palestinian language.

In the ishrichery drama "Herianino Mount", the artist played a brilliance of the village drinking pafnutium, a connoisseur of poetry and poacher, in the melodrama "All sake of you" - the owner of the game business. Both Ramil's roles are the main.

In people who causing sympathy, understanding and sympathy, Sabitov reincarnated in the criminal tapes "The Terrorist Ivanov" and "NO DON", in the melodraman "open, that's me!". In the film "File" his hero - Colonel Gru, who became a victim of betrayal. The criminal authority from the series "Big Money" performed by the actor is more likely to be funny than dangerous.

In 2008, Ramil began to shoot himself. The audience was remembered by his documentary tapes about the confrontation of the hockey teams of the USSR and Canada in the 70s, about the group "Time Machine" and Leonid Rockov. The director himself highlights the first experience in the artistic cinema "Physics or Chemistry", adaptation of the Spanish project of the same name. Following Sabitov, a fighter "was declared wanted", three series for the 5th season of the detective "Volkova Hour", a mystical picture "Life after life".

Melodrama "Gypsy happiness" helped Ramile to understand how much it was "magic and wonderful, sometimes naive" people. Before that, he had prejudice to the gypsies, because they robbed the parental house in Ulyanovsk.

In 2014, the director in Tandem with Alexander Baranov introduced the series "Ekaterina", collecting the color of the Russian cinema color on the site. The role of the empress went Marina Alexandrova. The work of the producer was awarded the Golden Eagle Prize.

Another project with the participation of Sabitov, "Russian Triangle", awarded a special prize of the Moscow International Film Festival and claimed Oscar in the category "The best film in a foreign language". To the main film of the world, the picture was put forward by colleagues from Georgia.

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Four awards Association of cinema and television producers presented the creators of the Military Drama "Badaber". In a picture based on the events of the Afghan War, Ramil played the Mujahed.

"Removing other directors, I try to forget that I also put films, I forbid myself to speak, act and think in this way. Like any actor, I discuss my work with the director. But, if he disagrees, I perform his instructions and I do not impose my own point of view. "

In March 2018, a premiere of the 16-serial project of Timur Alpathov "Golden Orda" was presented on the first channel, where Alexander Ustyugov, Julia Peresilde and Karina Andallko, were involved in the main roles. Sabitov got into the acting ensemble from the second "right". For the first time he did not convince the producer. Six months, having learned that the candidate for the role of the Khan did not even find even in Korea and Japan, asked to give a chance again.

To get born into the image, Ramile, as well as for the "PromZon" detective, required changes in appearance. If in the first case the artist turned into albino with blue eyes, then for the "Golden Horde" once every 2 days was shaved.

The complexity for Sabitov was represented by two points - the greatness of the Mongolian ruler, which moves hatred, and the scene of death. Talking about the second, Ramil, in whose filmography a hundred works, admitted that he experienced a professional defeat. And it was necessary to immediately lower his eyes.

In 2020, the premiere of the film director Egor Anashkina "Zulikha opens his eyes." Sabitov Character in Kinolent lived not long. Murtazu, her husband's main character represented by Chulpan Hamaya, killed in the first series. The screen version of the novel Gusel Yakhina is a dramatic story about finding justice, the change of the principles and the power of the Spirit, which allows man to remain, despite the deprivation.

Then the fans saw Ramil in the series "Fake Flag", the remterary of the Israeli project, awarded the prize of audience sympathies at the Berlin Film Festival. Maxim Drozd played a major role in the spyware ribbon.

Ramil Sabitov now

Themes of the face between good and evil, death and resettlement of souls - such eternal questions director raised in the film "Heaven will wait", whose premiere took place on March 6, 2021. The Sabitov shared about his project was shared in an interview - he was wondering not only to explore the very moment of separation of the soul from the body, but also how she watches the tragic events from the side. The main roles in the painting were performed by Pavel Trubiner, Alexander Robak, Alexander Ursulak and others.

In the amplua actor Ramil appeared on the screens in the long-awaited continuation of the television series "File". The second season has become a logical completion of history. As for life outside the professional sphere, Sabitov decided to fulfill a long-time dream and began to take the lessons of playing the guitar.

Filmography (actor)

  • 1992 - "Dyuba-Duba"
  • 2001 - "Truckers"
  • 2003 - "Carmen"
  • 2004 - "Personal Number"
  • 2005 - "Pop"
  • 2006 - "Piranha Hunt"
  • 2008 - "Apostle"
  • 2009 - "Mistress Taiga"
  • 2010 - "Kandahar"
  • 2011 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 2014 - "Friendship of Peoples"
  • 2015 - "Big Money"
  • 2017 - "Badab Fortress"
  • 2018 - "Golden Horde"
  • 2019 - "Dead Lake"
  • 2020 - "Fake Flag"
  • 2020 - "Zuuleika opens his eyes"
  • 2021 - "Nizht-2"

Filmography (director)

  • 2010 - "Wanted" "
  • 2011 - "Physics or Chemistry"
  • 2011- "Volkova Hour"
  • 2013 - "Life after life"
  • 2013 - "Gypsy happiness"
  • 2014 - Barbie and Bear
  • 2014 - "Catherine" (together with A. Baranov)
  • 2021 - "Heaven will wait"

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