Anushka Sharma - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The famous Indian actress Anushka Sharm recently appeared in Bollywood, but already entered the top of the highest paid actresses. The girl works the model, is engaged in charity, fights for the equality of floors and the rights of animals.

Childhood and youth

Bollywood Actress was born on May 1, 1988 in the city of Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India. Mom Girls - Housewife, and Pope Ajaya Kumar Sharma is an officer of the Indian Army. Elder brother Anushki successful film generator.

Actress Anushka Sharma

Charm graduated from Army School at the insistence of his father and entered the Humanitarian university Mount Carmel in Bangalore. While studying in college, the girl participated in modes, filmed for glossy magazines.


Anushka, working the model, wanted to work in the movies. However, for some reasons, the talented girl was not invited by directors. It is doubly strange, because Sharma knows Hindi than not all actresses boast. For the first time she was lucky in 2004. She played an episodic role in the TV series "Coffee with Karanoma". Anushka liked it to work on the set, that she started to search for a new project with a double force.

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In 2008, the girl was invited to the role of Taani Sakhney in the film "God created this pair." In an interview with Sharma confessed that God himself sent this work. Everything in life was so that she played in the tape.

The film had a cashier success. Together with an anushka, Shah Rukh Khan was filmed in the film, Vintai Pathhak, M.K. Rayna and Rani Mukherji. The tape tells about the girl Taani, who is unhappy in marriage. She loves dancing, fun and music, and her husband always sits at home. During preparation for Taan's competitions, he gets acquainted with his new dance partner. Will she dare to leave her husband?

Anushka Charm in the film "Nogyat'ev"

In 2010, two films were released on large screens with the participation of Anushka - "Company of the Rogue" and "Wedding Ceremony". Both films were popular in India, and also enrolled in the UK, where the audience love east cinema.

The film "The House" Patila "was released in 2011. In the film, along with Anushka, the legend of Indian Cinema Rishi Kapur, Beauty Dimple Kapadia, Akshai Kumar and many other Bollywood stars were filmed. The film describes the life of Gatt, a guy, whose family moved to the capital of Great Britain (by the way, the film also has also enjoyed success). Gatt had to abandon his dreams to help family financially, but all seventeen years he regretted his decision.

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In 2011, the painting "Lady against Ricky Bahla" was also published. In it, Ranvir Singh, Parisi, Chopra and Akshay Anand, became partners of Charm on the filming platform. The actress fulfills the role of a strong, volitional woman of Raina Parlekar. Once it comes across the paws of a fraudster and loses its company. It turned out that the fraudster also deceived two more girls - Sair and Dimple. Together they decide to find and punish the offender.

The drama "while I am alive" brought Actress the first award - Filmfare Award in the nomination "For the best female role of the second plan." Anushka played the role of the girl Akira Paradise, which works by a journalist on the Discovery Channel channel. Akira accidentally remains a jacket of a bold major Samara Ananda. In her, the girl finds the diary of the military and, reading him, falls in love with Samara.

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Ribbon "Picken" became the regulatory chart of the year in India in 2014. Director Rajkumar Kirani considers the film to be the best work. A fantastic film tells the story of an aliens of the Picia (his role was performed by Aamir Khan), which arrived on the ground to explore people.

On the first day of staying on Earth, he was stolen by a remote, with the help of which an aliens connected with his ship. Now he will have to find his own remote, and on the way to ask people a hundred strange questions that will force earth to rethink life.

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In the film "Phillauri", Anushka Sharma spoke not only in the role of actresses, but also in the role of producer. Prior to that, she produced the film "National Route 10". The actress performed the role of a ghost girl from the nineteenth century, the spirit of which was enclosed in a tree. Punjabez returns from Canada to India and want to marry his beloved. But due to the fact that he is a horoscope Mangrick, he will definitely be unhappy in the first marriage.

The exit was quick - the man played a ritual wedding with a tree to burn it. However, the spirit of the girl came out of the tree, which requires a man's task from a man, otherwise he will forever walked married on it.

Personal life

In winter, 2017, Anushka Sharm married her boyfriend - a player in the cricket of Virat Kokhley. Couple to wedding met for several years. The network constantly appeared messages that the pair was separated, then it was recalled, and so many, many times. Not all of the messages were true, but the smooth relationship is not exactly called.

Anushka Sharm and her husband Virat Kokhley

The wedding of Anushki and Virata took place in the south of Italy in a rented estate. There were many Bollywood stars, athletes and high-ranking officials. Also, the girl's father invited the army officers. For those guests who have failed to fly to Italy, the pair arranged a solemn reception at the hotel in New Delhi.

Anushka Sharma now

Now Anushka Sharma is working on the "zero" ribbon director Raa Anand. Together with her, other Bollywood stars are filmed in the film - Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, Sridevi and Abhai Deol.

Anushka Sharma in 2018

It is also rumored that Anushka, together with her husband, the Virat thought about the recharge of the family. Their parents have long wanted grandchildren, and on Indian standards, young people at their age have long had to have children.


  • 2008 - "God created this pair"
  • 2010 - "Wedding Ceremony"
  • 2011 - "Lady against Ricky Bahla"
  • 2012 - "While I am alive"
  • 2014 - "Piquors"
  • 2015 - "Bombay Velvet"
  • 2015 - "National Route 10"
  • 2016 - "Cardiac cases"
  • 2017 - "When Harry met Sedar"
  • 2018 - "Fairy"

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