Alexander Pechersky - biography, photo, personal life, uprising in "Sobibor"



The terrible years of world war with Nazism touched almost every family in Russia. The terrifying cruelty of the fascists resulted in the organization of concentration camps, death camps. One of these places is a collection. But the Soviet captive was able to raise the uprising and destroy the place of the death of thousands of prisoners. For a long time, the feat of the hero remained in the shade. Only in the past dozens of years, the biography of Alexander Pechersky becomes known.

Childhood and youth

On February 22, 1909, Sasha Pechersky was born in the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug - a boy who was prepared by the fate of becoming a hero and a symbol of Jewish resistance.

The boy's father worked as a lawyer, had Jewish roots. In 1915, the family moves to Rostov-on-Don, which Alexander will be considered relatives. Here the boy ends the middle general education and musical schools.

Alexander Pechersky with brother and sister

After school, the young man got an electrician at the steam-term repair plant, and also received a higher education, after graduating from the Rostov State University.

Pechersk, among other things, remained a creative person. In peacetime, he led artistic amateur activity - a dramatic circle.

Military service

At the front, Alexander Pechersky hit the first days of the war. In September 1941, the Soviet soldier received the title of Lieutenant and continued the fighting as part of the artillery regiment of the 19th Army of the Soviet Union.

Alexander Pechersky in youth

In October 1941, the lieutenant, among hundreds of thousands of fighters, was surrounded by Vyazma. The catastrophic defeat of the defensive operation of the Red Army led to the death of half a million Soviet soldiers, and not waiting for support.

Alexander with colleagues, without throwing a seriously injured commander, tried to break through the fascist environment. But the cartridges ended like the forces on resistance. Ultimately, for Pechersk battle ended with injury and captivity.

In the conclusion of the disease with a typhoid and difficulty recovering, in 1942, together with four rates, the fighter is attempting to escape the fighter. For such disobedience, the Soviet Buntar sent to Belorussia's penalty. After that, Pechersky falls into the Minsk worker camp of the SS.

Camp Sobibor

The appearance of the captive did not give up the Jewish roots. However, Minsk really opened. According to the same data - with a medical examination, according to others, according to the denominations of traitors-anti-Semites. One way or another, Pechersk is sharpened in the so-called "Jewish cellar" - a basement without light sources.

And on September 18, Alexander, together with other Jews, sent to the infamous camp of destroyed - Sobibor, the place, from where no one was returned.

Rebellion in Sobibor

Sobibor belonged to death camps. Unlike others, it was built only with one goal - as soon as possible and less considerably destroy the Jews. The prisoners came here the crowd, and in the first hour weak went to the gas chamber. Those that is ridiculous, lived a little longer. They were used as labor, but no one was going to feed.

Station Sobibor

Pechersky got into a collection and immediately realized that the place is one-way ticket. Other exit, except for death, is not destined here. Then he decided to try to run. Only the usual escape will not lead to anything. Attempts have already committed to him. It is necessary to organize an uprising that prisoners make together and destroyed as many warders as possible. This is the only chance to save. In any case, death is still inevitable, let it be at least worthy.

At the time of the organization of the uprising, Pechersky spent three weeks in the camp. But he persuaded most of the prisoners. The sewing workshops were located in the camp, in which uniforms were made for Nazis officers. There was decided to lure the wisels of the promises of beautiful expensive uniforms who arrived with the next party of the prisoners, and to overtake opponents, one way, carved weapons.

Alexander Pechersky and Former Prisoners of Sobbor

On October 14, 1943, the captives began to implement the plan. At the first stage, it was possible to destroy 11 Nazis and several Ukrainian guards who helped the fascists. Selling weapons, prisoners were literally rushed to dolt to the desired freedom, by laying the road to comrades.

In total, there were 550 prisoners in the camp. 130 people were too weak or frightened and refused to participate in escape. The next day they were destroyed. During the uprising, 80 people were killed, and another 170 found and brutally killed in the forests and districts.

Part of the survivors Alexander Pechersky led to Belorussia, where he joined the partisan detachment of Shchors. It is known that by the end of the war they lived 53 former prisoners saved by Sashko Pechersk.

Partisan detachment Shchers

Nazis, unable to survive shame, counted the harbor with the ground and broke the camp of the garden. Only old archival photos are reminded of the existence of the death site of thousands of prisoners.

The organizer of the uprising itself remained at the front almost until the end of the war. Initially, as a prisoner of war came to the Standarbat. And then he was wounded, he spent four months in the hospital and was disabled.

Personal life

During the treatment in the military hospital, the hero met with the future wife of Olga Côte. After the war, the young couple returned to the native to Alexander Rostov-on-Don, where he spent the rest of his life. The spouses born the only daughter, and later the granddaughter appeared.

Alexander Pechersky with her daughter

The feat of Pechersky was silent in his homeland. In 1987, the film "Escape from Sobbor" came to world screens. The role of the organizer of the uprising was performed by Rutger Hauer. The picture became a blockbuster, and Hauer received the "Golden Globe" for the role of Sashko Pechersk. As a Soviet citizen of that time, the hero of war at the premiere of the film abroad was not released. Pechersk are attributed to recognized heroes in Israel, a monument to Sasko is installed there.

Alexander Pechersky with his wife Olga

In Russia, a small book of memories of the hero of the war "Breakthrough to immortality" was published. In the middle of the two thousandths, Alexander Pechersky Foundation was organized. Konstantin Khabensky, debuting as a director, removed the film "Sobibor" about the great feat and courage, which came to hire in May 2018.


Alexander Pechersky did not become in 1990. Locked to 80 years, Alexander Aronovich left his life in his hometown on Don. He is also buried in the northern cemetery.

The grave of Alexander Pechersky

Already after the death of the brave prisoner of Sobbor, in 2007, a memorial plaque appeared on the house in which he lived. In 2015, in honor of Pechersk, the street of a native city was named. Finally, in 2016, the granddaughter of the hero received from the hands of the president honored many years ago in the death camp of the Order of courage.

Memory and awards

  • 1951 - Medal "For Combat Merit"
  • Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  • 2013 - "Order of Merit to the Republic of Poland"
  • 2016 - "Order of courage"
  • 2007 - Installed a memorial plaque on the house of Alexander Pechersky
  • 2012 - Monument to Alexander Pechersky in Tel Aviv
  • 2014 - Opening of the Name Star on the Star Prospect Rostov-on-Don »
  • 2015 - In honor of Alexander Pechersk, Named Street in Rostov-on-Don
  • 2016 - in honor of Alexander Pechersky Named Street in Kremenchug
  • 2018 - in honor of Alexander Pechersky Named Street in Moscow

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