Riddick - Character Biography, Race, Actors, Quotes


Character History

Muscular violator of the law, whose sarcastic quotes fought out, is not just a villain. Riddick is the last hope of the universe for survival. Only here the character himself does not burn with the desire to save the lives of the inhabitants of the Galaxy. And it is not surprising, because if your first memories of childhood includes a box near the wine shop, it's rather difficult to love this universe.

History of creation

Biography, like Riddick's image itself, is the fruit of Jim's imagination and Ken Wit. The brothers wrote the script for a new space horror and decided to introduce an unusual person in the plot. Initially, the Riddick's place in the film occupied a criminal named Taras Krig, but the director of the painting David Tui insisted on the change of the floor of the chief hero.


The story interested "Universal" producers, but the prudent bosses of the film studio allocated a rather modest budget on the shooting. During the shooting process, the film scenario was again waiting for changes. The planned Death of Riddick was postponed and even signed with the Contractor the leading contract on the shooting of the continuation.

Alas, both the first and the second part did not justify the hopes of a film studio. Franchise was decided to close. Save Riddick from oblivion helped Vin Diesel. The actor agreed to play in the next "Foxhell" provided that the criminal with unusual eyes will return to the screens.

Image and plot

Richard Riddick was born on the Fury Planet. Nothing is known about parents and close men. Native Planet Richard was destroyed many years ago, the hero became one of the few salted.

Vin Diesel actor in Riddick

To survive alone, Riddick begins to steal. One day theft ends with a random murder. So Richard becomes one of the most dangerous criminals in the universe. For the head of the man was scheduled for remuneration, but it's not so easy to catch Furyan. In addition to the developed muscles and incredible dexterity, Riddick has unusual eyes that are capable of seeing in the dark.

Where did the thief and the killer come from such strange features, unknown. Riddic himself argues that the new eyes were transplanted in the jail "Butcher Bay" for 20 menthol cigarettes. There is a theory that special vision is a distinctive feature of all Furyans.

Riddard without glasses

Despite the specific qualities, the head hunters still arrested the hero. But the Riddick crossing did not take place. The ship that convened the criminal to prison was crashing. During the turmoil and emergency landing, Riddick escapes. But the unknown planet is in itself a lot of dangers, so the sullen criminal still has to return to a confused carriage of the ship.

The investigation leads survivors to the conclusion - the planet is inhabited by bloodthirsty creatures that are waiting for the sunset to reach the hunt. The opposition to local inhabitants turns into a bloody slaughter.

The only one who sees in the dark, Riddick is trying to escape. An unlike criminal makes an attempt to quit the remaining and fluttering alone. But internal nobility stops a man. Having arranged monsters on the farewell of a fiery shower, Riddick leaves someone else's planet, taking with them those who survived.

The hero survived, but the status of a dangerous criminal did not disappear anywhere. The Furyan is hidden on an empty planet until the man detects the head hunters. Riddick is wanted, but not at all to sharpen in prison. According to the ancient legend, only the Furyan will cope with the impending danger - necromongers planning to capture the world. Since the race from the planet Fury is completely destroyed, the entire universe hopes only to Riddick.

The hero himself is not in a hurry to carry out an ancient prediction. The only thing man wants is to be left alone. But fate presents a new surprise reeddik. The former memories and the voice of the ancestors inform him - the head of necromongors killed relatives and close Riddick. Slave thirst for mens, Riddick interferes in the intergalactic fight. The result is unpredictable: the enemy is defeated, but the enemy's army chooses his new leader of Furyan.

Frame from the film

Looking at the head of the newfound followers, Riddick briefly soothes his rebellious spirit. Soon a man understands that the lives lived - not at all what he wishes. Riddick leaves the army and returns to his homeland.

Of course, the return could not do without adventure. Accidentally assumed to the unexplored planet, the hero again becomes the goal of head hunters. But the dangers that arise the arrivals make the enemies to unite. Bloody contractions, chase and conflicts have long tired Riddick. I again coming out of the grill alive, the man sends the ship in an unknown direction. Furyan still hopes to find the house.


The first appearance of Riddick on televisers took place in 2000. The film "Black Hole" is based on the stories of Aizek Azimov "The arrival of the night" and Ivan Efremova "Timbal Andromeda". The image of the brutal criminal embodied the actor Vin Diesel, but the main role in the picture was assigned to the pilot of Caroline Fry, which the actress Rada Mitchell played.

Rada Mitchell in the image of Carolyn Fry

The continuation of the film was published in 2004. Kinokarttina "Chronicles of Riddick" talks about the further fate of the main character. A dynamic fighter did not impress the audience. Film barely played himself at the box office.

In parallel with the film on the store shelves, DVDs appeared with a cartoon "Chronicles of Riddick: Black Rage". The plot of the cartoon tells about the events that occurred between the first and second film. The characters were voiced by the actors playing the roles in previous filmms.

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In 2013, the premiere of the third part of the hero's adventure was held. Preparation for the launch of filming was carried out for five years. As a result, the film "Riddick" received ambiguous critics reviews. The audience decided that the film patina was full of borrowing and divided into three genres: Horror, Western and Robinsonad. Such comments did not upset the Hollywood producers. It is rumored that Riddick will appear on the screens in the near future.


"There are bad days, there are very bad days, and there are such as this." "Are you afraid of darkness? Me not. Darkness fears me. " "We will run at one speed - with mine." "All the laws of the world are nothing compared to the power of cold steel." "Hope is born in the darkness. But the majority remains in the darkness, trying to find their fate. "

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