Wolfgang Cherni - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, "instagram", Oksana Domnin, wife 2021



Wolfgang Cherni is an Austrian actor who became famous on the scenes of Vienna and Munich theaters began to film by 22 years. Surprisingly, he quickly and very organically joined the Russian cinema. The artist plays in Russian films dedicated to the main events of the Second World War.

Childhood and youth

Wolfgang was born on the last day of August 1984 in Vienna. In the same cozy Austrian town, his childhood and youth passed.

On the personal site, the artist introduces visitors with a rich early biography. Flowers graduated from a sports gymnasium, his skills luggage and skills impressive. By the age of 16, the young man mastered the foundations of martial arts - boxing, on advanced level "drawn" with a knife and a sword.

In the circle of interests, the man included horse riding, so he sits perfectly in the saddle and performed the tricks in scenes with horses. Also in the population of the advantages of Wolfgang - the rank of instructor skiing, he was engaged in acrobatics, break dance, snowboarding and surfing. Such a serious approach to physical development is simply explained - all athletes in his family.

In an interview with Italian journalists, Cherni told: before choosing the path of the actor, he fastened medical wisdom for 2 years. The young man dreamed of becoming a plastic surgeon and return the lost beauty not only to those who are willing to argue with nature. The future plans were work in the burn center, but about the time spent on the study of medicine, he does not regret. Wolfgang will be able to specifically play a doctor if a role is offered. In an interview, the celebrity notes that parents were not very happy about the change of the profession of the Son, because he considered his passion just a hobby.

And yet the acting took the top. The young man received a diploma of the Vienna Conservatory in the specialty "drama", behind his shoulders are also courses in the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. The actor entered the ranks of the Terechergasse theaters and the Folkstheater, adorning Vienna. Here the guy got very interesting characters in the works of great classics of literature. For example, he played in the plays of William Shakespeare and Friedrich Schiller. Then he served in the Munich Temple of Melpomen "Shauburg".


Wolfgang Cherni debuted into a cinema in 2005, then he got insignificant roles in two paintings. And in 2009, the young man played a police officer in the Austrian drama "Rimini". After this work, the directors were seriously interested in a state-owned actor with clear blue eyes. He was suggested to submit on the screen of Lucas's main character in the love story "Storm of Love".

Who would have thought that the real popularity of the Austrian artist would bring Russian cinema. For the first time on the screens of the Russian Federation, Wolfgang appeared in the Military Drama "Snipers: Love under the Sight" under the leadership of Zinovia Roisman. And immediately the main role is Alexander Foss, Ober-Lieutenant, Sniper.

His character, a German student, during a trip to the country of Soviets met the schoolgirl Katya Radionova (Tatiana Arntgolts), tender feelings broke out at first sight. But during the Great Patriotic War, heroes turn out to be on different sides of the barricades. A film about touching and dangerous love looks in one breath and leaves no indifferent viewer.

In 2014, the director Paul Ignatov invited Wolfgang to join the acting of the tape "Military Correspondent", where he again got the main role. War's roads in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Ukraine, a man has passed in the form of the American reporter of Mat McKew. The film came out terrible, but truthful, and the hero of Mobile became a bright example of an honest person.

Wolfgang Cherni - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies,

At the same time, the artist tried forces as director, screenwriter and producer of Equites Ex Animo.

A year later, the actor was rented again in Zinovia Roismanna, now in the picture "Fighters. The last battle". Here he met with the stars of the Russian cinema Dmitry Dyughzy, Maria Andreva, Dmitry Arbenin, Olesy Jeszylovskaya. In parallel, the work continued in the adventure militant Christopher McQorery "Mission is impossible: the tribe of the rogue", where the worms played a policeman.

The next meeting with Russian actors happened on the filming of the fantasy family film "The Last Bogatyr" (2017). Wolfgang's growth is 190 cm, so that he has changed without any problems in the eponymous hero of Alesha Popovich and together with Viktor Horinyak, cute Sivatskaya, Elena Yakovleva, Konstantin Lavronenko plunged into the fabulous atmosphere of Disney Statement.

Wolfgang Cherni - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies,

In May 2018, the audience rated the "Sobibor" ribbon - the director's work of Konstantin Khabensky. Military drama talks about the events that happened in the Nazi death camp of the same name. The acting is truly international: Colleagues in the work of Cherniy (the role of Obersharfürera SS Gustav Wagner) became both Russian artists, and foreign (Christopher Lambert, Felis Yankell, Dainyus Kazlaususcas, Philip Reinhardt).

In the same 2018, the tapes "Spies on the whole head" and "T-34" came out. In the military film "T-34" talks about the courage of the Soviet tank workers who captured the troops of fascist Germany. In the framework of training, German recruits trained in shooting on unarmed Soviet tank with live crew.

The bold escape of the prisoners from the training base and attempt to break through the front line challenged the opponent's tank asam. In Kinolent, Cherni convincingly played the role of Sniper Hain Tilik. His colleagues on the site were Alexander Petrov, Vinzitens Kiefer, Irina Star'shenbaum. Cash collections of paintings amounted to about $ 900 thousand.

In 2020, the premiere of the film "Goalkeeper of the Galaxy", in which actor played Bearded with Times Square. In the series "Dinosaur-2", worn embodied the image of an interpol officer. Andrey Smirnov, Alexander Pankratov-Black, Evgeny Miller, Anna Vasilyeva, worked on a plenty of cubs, together with him on the set.

As early as 2020, artist fans were able to appreciate his skills of figure skills - Wolfgang participated in the "Ice Age" show. In a couple, he got the former Russian figure skater Oksana Domnin.

Personal life

Personal life of Wolfgang is not as rich as a career. There are many white spots in it. There were rumors that the German courted for married Tatyana Arntgolts on the set of ribbon "Snipers: Love under the sight." When the actress was divorced with his spouse, the fans even accused the worn in this - allegedly the husband was left not delighted with the colleagues broken by the shooting area. But the star of the question denied.

In an interview, answering a question of a journalist about the main qualities of a woman, Cherny noted that the perfect girl is the one who loves himself:

"There is nothing more attractive than self-esteem. This also applies to men. Passion for sport, the desire to move and love nature is just as important. "

Since the end of 2016, on pages in "Instagram", a man began to appear in the company of the Russian Muscovite girl Victoria Slobodyan. The couple was postponed with cute photos with hugs, and fans wished them love and happiness.

Wolfgang met his second half in Moscow during filming in the TV series "Fighters-2". At one of the secular events, he saw Victoria. Beautiful blonde spoke perfectly in English. A beautiful novel began, and on June 1, 2019 a couple decided to play a wedding.

The husband considers his wife smart, good and most beautiful in the world. The chief of the actor owns its own tourist company and at the same time works in a creative agency in a senior position.

At the next anniversary of relationships, April 20, 2021, the spouse presented the best gift - the heir gave birth to the actor. The boy called Leonard. Mobile put a post in instagram account, thanking the beloved for the child.

Wolfgang Cherni now

On April 16, 2021, the "Ice Age" show took place in the "Jubilee", in which the artist took part. In Instagram-Account, Wolfgang thanked Ilya Averbukha for the invitation to become part of a magnificent event, and also expressed his appreciation to the partner Oksana Dominnoy, with which he had already performed earlier.

As for the film cinears of mobile, one of the high-profile premieres of the fall was the drama of Alexander Rummer "Tell her." Austrian got the main role of American Michael. And the painting itself, in which such stars like Svetlana Khodchenkova and Artem Bystrov became the only one of the Russian cinema, which fell at the SiFF festival in Seattle.


  • 2009 - "Rimini"
  • 2009-2010 - "Storm of Love"
  • 2012 - "Snipers: love under the sight"
  • 2014 - "Military Correspondent"
  • 2015 - "Fighters. The last battle"
  • 2015 - "Mission Impossible: Rogue Tribe"
  • 2017 - "Last Bogatyr"
  • 2018 - "T-34"
  • 2018 - Tobol
  • 2018 - "Sobibor"
  • 2018 - "Spies on the whole head"
  • 2019 - "Dinosaur-2"
  • 2019 - "Red Ghost"
  • 2019 - "Krivoy Love Mirror"
  • 2019 - "Tell her"
  • 2020 - "Galaxy Goalkeeper"
  • 2021 - "Tell her"
  • 2021 - "Series 19"

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