Group "Friday" (5'nizza) - Composition, photo, news, songs, clips, albums 2021



Music team "5'nizza", popular in the entire post-Soviet space and in some foreign countries, originally from Ukraine. The leader of the Sergey Babkin group does not only define the style and the overall concept of creativity, but also independently writes lyrics.


But the voice of "Friday" was originally Andrei Zaporozhets. Despite the conflicts between the guys, the recognition and loyalty of fans helped the group to revive after a 8-year break, and since 2015, the songs of "5'nizza" again please the reggae lovers and hip-hop.


Sergey Nikolaevich Babkin was born in the family of a military personnel in Kharkov, but in the footsteps of his father and brother did not go. The young man studied at the music school and the lyceum of the arts, met Andrei Vladimirovich Zaporozhet. Andrei since childhood was engaged in vocals and at the same time visited the sports section of Taekwondo.

Sergey Babkin

When a young man got a choice between music and sports, Andrei did not hesitate to entered the lyceum of the arts. The similarity of musical preferences near young people, and soon they wanted to try to play their own music. Then the soloist acted Andrei, and Sergey accompanied him on the guitar.

Having received a general secondary education, friends thought about the future profession. Andrei was preparing to enter the Medical Institute, and Sergey Vsisur was planning to associate his life with show business. Although their professional ways were separated, but Sergey and Andrei often spent their free time together and continued to be musitizing.

Andrei Zaporozhets

In the late 1990s, the guys already gave the first concerts for students together with the beginning of the Kharkiv Art Rock Group "Orchestra Che". These speeches have more resembled Perfomans, because they were organic synthesis of music and theater.

The year of the birth of a full-fledged music team "5'nizza" is considered to be 2000. It was then that the guys began to write and execute their own songs and invented the name. But the origin of the title is still a mystery.


The style of music that the participants of the Friday group perform is difficult to characterize: the basis of musical compositions is the reggae, to which elements of hip-hop, rock, funk and ska are mixed. Despite the fact that young people come from Kharkov (Ukraine), the overwhelming majority of songs guys perform in Russian, with the exception of individual compositions.

Group "5'nizza"

There is in the repertoire of "Friday" and a French-speaking song called "En Automne", which the guys fulfilled together with another Ukrainian team of "Tanok on the Maidan Congo" (abbreviated "TNMK").

In his youth, the Soloist "5'nizza" preferred the work of the Bravo Group, "Chizh & C", Vladimir Vysotsky. This music has formed musical tastes and partly influenced the work of the artist. So, in the texts of the songs "Friday" is often mentioned "Nirvana", Bob Marley, Viktor Tsoi.

In the early 2000s, Andrei went to the Music Festival "Republic of KaZantip" as a listener. The atmosphere of the youth festival was so liked by the Zaporozhets that the guys had passed there along the next summer. In an interview, Sergey and Andrei told that in that period the financial situation gave the best of the best - there was not enough money to even pay for the entrance.

As a result, friends decided on a slight crime and climbed through the fence. At the same time, electricity was disappeared throughout the festival. Soloists "Friday" were not confused, gathered around themselves right on the beach a small audience and began to perform their own songs under the guitar by the fire. In 2002, "5'nizza" rushed to Kazantip already officially invited participants - young people gave a concert on a big scene.

Group "5'nizza" on stage

At the festival, Babkin and Zaporozhets met Edward Societary, who appreciated the freshness of the creative ideas and receptions "Friday" and advised them to give several small concerts in Moscow. The guys followed the advice of a new acquaintance, and after the first test speech of the Kharkov Duet, the clubs were filled to refusal.

Given the difficult financial situation of the novice musical team, the first album they recorded on the underground studio of recording. Nevertheless, during the first month of unofficial sales, the record broke up with a huge circulation.

And in 2003, "5'nizza" presented to fans the first official album with the same name. The plate included 20 musical compositions mainly in Russian, which came out earlier on the unofficial disk. After the "Friday" output of the songs "Soldier", "Jamaica", "Strela", "you threw" sounded from all the radio colors of Ukraine and Russia.

After the presentation of the album, the guys received the "Best New Group of the Year" award according to FUZZ magazine. Then there were concerts throughout Ukraine, Russia and neighboring countries. In the wave of rapidly increased popularity, the musicians in 2005 released the second album "O5". Despite the fact that, according to critics, the disk came out more diverse and stylistically rich compared to the "Friday", the fans took it pretty cool.

Sergey Babkin

Having organized a tour in support of the second album, the guys gradually copied the material for the next, third, records, which never came out. The number of concerts slowly decreased, Sergey Babkin began to devote less time to music and more and more to work in the Kharkov non-state professional "Theater 19".

In 2007, Andrei and Sergey began work on the record of the third album, which Andrei wanted to diversify. If earlier the guys were both played by vocalists, and Sergey additionally played on an acoustic guitar and imitated the sound of other musical instruments, now Zaporozhets wanted to add the sound of other tools that were drunk and guitar, and Babkina vocal parties. As a result, the guys came to the conclusion that each of them is better to realize their creative ideas in the format of a solo musician.

In the summer of 2007, the last solo concert "5'nizza" took place in Poland, after which young people officially announced that the team stops working. Andrei Zaporozhets after the decay of "Friday" participated in the Ukrainian Fusion-Funk-Reggae-project Sunsay, where he embodied all his creative ideas. As part of the group, Andrei recorded 6 studio albums and participated in the qualifying round for Eurovision from Ukraine, reaching the semi-final.

In 2015, Sergey Babkin, leaving the cafe in the early morning, met Andrei, who took the daughter to a kindergarten. They had friends fruitfully talked and on March 4 officially announced the revival of "5'nizza". The long break allowed the guys to maximize the creative potential in the new compositions "I Believe in You", "Ale", "forward", "up".

Andrei Zaporozhets

Both musicians note that not least the reunification of "Friday" contributed to the wives of musicians who part-time perform the function of music directors. But the main factor was that young people began to miss joint creativity and once felt that they had something to say to this world together.

Group "5'nizza" now

In 2017, "5'nizza" presented the third album called "KU". This is the first for the last ten years of Long Playing a team release, which actually marks a new stage of joint creative activity of two popular performers. Fresh record has accommodated fourteen copyright works performed in Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​called the musicians a nodule of rethinking views on peace and life.

Group "5'nizza" in 2018

Musical critics noted that the sound of a new album is radically different from the old works "Friday" - guitar and vocals generously diluted with percussion, the style of reggae is no longer leading in the compositions, and the cleattive gave way to melodious vocals.

In 2018, the "5'nizza" group went to a large European tour in supporting the album "KU". In March 2018, the guys visited Krakow (Poland), London (United Kingdom), Helsinki (Finland), Stockholm (Sweden) and other European cities. Information about the past and planned speeches of the Group is reflected on the page "5'nizza" in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte.


  • 2002 - "Neva"
  • 2003 - "Soldier"
  • 2003 - "Jamaica"
  • 2003 - Spring
  • 2005 - "Take"
  • 2015 - "I Believe In You"
  • 2015 - "Ale"
  • 2015 - "Nonkey"
  • 2017 - "Airplane"


  • 2003 - "Friday"
  • 2005 - "O5"
  • 2017 - "ku"

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