Alexey Bazanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, growth, "Comedy Club" 2021



Alexey Bazanov is a Russian actor, the public known for the role of an assistant plot in the popular TV series TNT. Few people know that the real name of the artist passed his hero. As a character of Bazanov immediately bribed the viewer in naivety and kindness. Although in life a man is not at all.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born in the provincial town of Berezniki Perm Territory, there were early years of biographies. His parents - Alexander and Love Bazanov - Doctors, dreamed that the Son continued the Dynasty of Medikov. But the boy refused to enter the Medical Institute. Alexey has a younger brother - Denis. He either did not go to the footsteps of his parents, graduated from the Perm branch of the G.V. Economic University Plekhanov.

The mother of Bazanova was a demanding woman, brought up Alexey for Soviet canons. The actor himself says she was strict, but just. After school, the young man planned to enter the University of St. Petersburg, at the Faculty of Economics, but Mom opposed the move of the Son. Therefore, Alexey was enrolled in the local Perm State University on geologist. He graduated from studying with a red diploma. But during the student, he doubted that would connect the future with geology.

After spending a couple of years in the walls of the university, Alexey became fascinated by humor, became a player KVN PERM STYLE team. The scene appeared infrequently, more like writing scenarios of performances and invent jokes. Soon he began to do this not only for Perm Style, but also for other teams perm.

The city's first concerts "Comedan Club" began to be held in the city, in which local comedians participated. First, basanov only wrote texts for them, and later he himself went on stage. His performances were distinguished by sincerity, Alexey told stories from his own life, and he often fell into ridiculous and even strange situations. The humorist quickly became a pet favorite.

No one doubted the guy's talent, so he was convinced that it was time to conquer the capital. In Moscow, he passed Casting on TNT and became a member of the humorous show "Laughter without Rules". He spoke under the pseudonym of the Children's Bazanov - a kind of hint of Czech beer "Golden Bazant", translated - "Golden Pheasant".


In 2010, Alexey Bazanov heard about the upcoming selection in the new series on TNT. The main distinguishing feature of the "real guys" was that the series was filmed in the style of pseudoalithi. To show the real life of the Perm Guys, they decided not to change their names, and the first series were recorded on an amateur chamber.

When Alexey came to the casting, the shooting of the pilot series immediately began. And although that day the beginning actor had a temperature, everything went easy and fun. Most guys he already knew on the Perm Comedy "Tusovka". He got the role of a district assistant, who was performed by Igor Oznobihin.

In an interview, Bazanov said that in fact the actor does not consider himself, because he did not teach up professional skills, just got into the type. His hero Alexei Bazanov is a soft, unsure of himself a young man, unrequited in love with a light behavior in love, which offers love for money. And he is ridiculous. In life, Alexey also has this speech defect, but he is minority. In the series of Bazanov, on the contrary, she tries to allocate it.

In addition to work as an actor, he wrote a script and dialogues for "real guys." And although the role of the Bazanova is secondary, he fell in love with the viewer and overnight became famous. His hero passed through all seasons, and the series went to the screens not one year.

Alexey Bazanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, growth,

Proposals Airmist enters a lot, but it refuses more often. In 2017, two paintings came out with his participation - the series "Adaptation" on TNT, in which he played the administrator of the Computer Club "Bunker", and the Full-length movie "The lucky case". In this film he got an episodic role and again "in the form" - his character had the title of senior sergeant. Bazanov's colleagues on the set were former cavancesters - the participants of the Ural Pelmeni team.

In 2018, the comedy "Well, Hello, Oksana Sokolova!" On the screens. Alexey Bazanov participated in the filming of the painting. He played Gleb, who helped the hero of Viktor Dobronravov to get out of the unpleasant situation. Along with Alexei, other stars TNT appeared in the film: Valentina Mazunina, Sergey Burunov, Alexander Stefants.

Also in March 2018, the new season of "real guys" started - "very important perm." A new boss appeared in this part of Alexei, and Lisa beloved from him, leaving him a newborn baby. By the way, in the film of his son, as in life, is also called the left.

Personal life

Alexey Bazanov does not advertise a personal life. He leads a page in "Instagram" and only occasionally adds new photos in Vkontakte. With the future wife, Vasilisa Goluba actor met long before the "real guys". She also comes from Perm. Works administrator restaurants.

The offer of the elect Alexey did in 2014, during the Olympics in Sochi, walking around the Olympic Park. In the same year a wedding took place. The fans of Bazanov learned about this event only a month later and then not from Alexey, but from his colleagues.

In the summer of 2015, the actor became dad. The pair had a leva son. In an interview, Alexey told that he was coping with the upbringing of his son. But tries to keep the boy in rigor, excludes "Sysyukny". At the same time, the question of reporters, what grows his son, Bazanov answers: "Merry".

The Bazanov family loves active rest, they are enjoyed by mountain skiing and snowboarding. The actor in perfect physical form: with growth in 185 cm, it weighs 85 kg.

Alexey Bazanov Now

Although now, as before, Bazanov is not too often removed in films, he still appears on television screens, not allowing fans to forget about themselves. In April 2020, the artist became a guest of the program "Where is the logic?" On TNT, where it was in the same team, together with Anatoly Wasserman. This duet tried to replay the Standap-comic comic of Stas Starovoitov and the actor Roman Popova.

Alexey and new project replenished. From March 10 to April 2, the TV series "Patriot" was broadcast on TV channel and online service, in which Bazanov not only played a major role, but also made a screenwriter and creative director.

The plot unfolds around the central character, the former soldier Sani Kochin (Anton Zhigin), dreaming of making the best place in the world. Following the idea, he is trying to re-educate negligent countrymen. At the same time, his love story is aligned, he is crazy about Elena Sysarina (Anastasia Talyzin), who studied together at school. There is a problem: she wants to go to Moscow and become a star. Meanwhile, Alexander has an attention signs Another girl - Catherine Tetherin (Alena Savastova), he is "a real man" for her, and therefore Katya is ready to accept Sanya anyone.

Alexey Bazanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, growth,

Alexey got the role of brother of the main character, Valera Konchina. Another main character is the father of Helena Sysarina, Vladimir Sychev played him. And the image of Mother Lena, the accountant of the store "Dream", went to Julianna Mikhnevich.

Bazanov came up with this project from scratch, first worked on the story alone, and then Anton Zaitsev and another author joined him - all different ages. It helped to make a picture of interesting for viewers of different years.

Casting they were engaged in 8 months and eventually gathered an acting group from different parts, ranging from Omsk and ending with Belarusian Grodno. Some of them do not have acting, Alexey decided that the new, "unresolved" faces will be interested in the viewer and will be able to fully pass the entire flavor of Russian depths. Part of the filming took place in the suburbs. The team did not have to go far to show how provincial Russia lives.


  • 2010-2013 - "Real boys"
  • 2017-2019 - "Adaptation"
  • 2017 - "lucky case"
  • 2018 - "Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova!"
  • 2020 - "Patriot"
  • 2020 - "Real boys against zombies"

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