Katya Chekhov - project composition, photo, news, songs, clips 2021



Reverses of the 2000s and regulars of nightclubs are not familiar with the name of Kati Czech. In fact, this is not the name of the girl, whose vocals are heard against the background of the electronic sound of dance compositions. Chekhov is a whole team and a musical project that has become a discoverer in Russian club music.


The project "Katya Chekhov" appeared on the Russian music scene in 2005. With the light hand of the producer of Sergey Pimenova, the debut track "I - Robot" falls in the rotation of the country's dance stations.

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In addition to the unchanging producer of Sergey Pimenova, the participants of the group working on the development of label, Nikolay Lebedev became a musical producer, Roman Galyushkin - Sound Producer. Nikolay Lebedev is the author of the released hits and songs of the project.

Some listeners mistakenly believed that Katya Chekhov was the name and surname of the performer. As inspirations and creators of the label explained, it is difficult to call even a pseudonym. Katya Chekhov is the name of a separate project of electronic music, the whole team assembly.

Soloist Ekaterina Gubenko

Ekaterina Gubhenko became the first soloist of the project (after marriage, the girl changed the surname to Medvedev). The vocalist worked with the participants of the team over the previous project "Option K", which did not discharge special success at the listeners. A girl in Taganrog was born on July 24, 1984. There was also a musical career of soloist.

The singer worked in a tandem with the team exactly year. The first mad popularity, concerts and tours in Russia fell on the period of staying soloist in the team. In March 2006, Gubenko leaves the project. As stated in the press, which occurred by the disagreements of the singer with producers.

Producer Sergey Pimenov

The girl decides to continue his career on his own under the pseudonym Kati First. Ekaterina's own project becomes recognizable among electronic music lovers. In 2009, the vocalist records the album, the songs enter the playlists of club radio stations.

During the absence of a vocalist, the project "Katya Chekhov" for a while is forced to suspend work. The producers conducted castings to the role of a new participant, and the choice fell in favor of Elena Chrybishcheva.

Soloist Elena Khryacheva

In the world of pop music, a young singer distinguished himself with work in the Bikini group. The girl since childhood was engaged in music. After graduating from a music school in a class of violin, continued to occupy vocal and sang in the choir. It was there. In 2003, the girl noticed the producers of Bikini. Brilliantly starting on the expanses of popular music, the group existed only until 2005. In connection with the bankruptcy of the main producer, the team ceased to exist.

Lena met on the creative way the team of the project Kati Czech and took the place of vocalist. The girl possessed an excellent voice and undoubted talent. The project fans so far with warmth remember the participation of Elena in the team.

Ekaterina Gubenko - Face of the Katya Chekhov group

However, in December 2008, producers decide on the closure of the music project. As Elena Khryashchev recalled, for her this decision became sad news. After the collapse of the Khryashchev group did not appear on the scene.

But the life of the project was not stopped at this. In 2011, there is a triumphal revival and the return of soloist Catherine Gubhenko. It is she who remains the face of the team at the present time.


The project of Kati Czech boldly can be called the discoverer of Russian electronic club music. Before the emergence of the team, so popular groups in a similar genre in the Russian show business did not meet.

Initially, the producers supported the myth that the undisputed hits of the clubs "I am a robot" and "wings" are recorded with artificial vocals. Texts of songs were supposedly performed on the synthesizer. Legend soon had to debunk. But, as Ekaterina Gubenko recalls in an interview, her face has long remained an unknown public and listeners.

The project makes it clear that Katya Chekhov is not a soloist, not a specific personality performer, but a team, music style. Blowing up the clubs of clubs in 2005, Katya Chekhov produces the first album "I am a robot". Only 250 thousand copies of the disk are sold, which is recorded a lot for a beginner musical group.

The producers of the team for the first time in the Russian music community use Internet channels of label promotion. If earlier attention was paid to the official implementation of the discs, Katya Chekhov launches the system of free downloads of albums. The first songs available for download by the listeners were recorded in 2008 "Version 1.0" and "on Wires".

In addition, participants and soloist of the project begin direct communication with fans on the official Youtube channel. The singer is divided by news and thoughts on the blog of the LiveJournal.

New albums of Kati Czech are freely available, posted on the Internet spaces. Producers opened and launched voluntary encouragement by listeners and users who downloaded popular tracks. In parallel with the work on new albums, the team removes clips. The video for the song "I am not with you" falls into the rotation of the Channel MTV in 2007.

In just 2008, three albums were written by the fruitful works of participants. Compositions in the style of House and Drum & Bass with beautiful female vocals will rattling in the country clubs. Perhaps, few of the musicians of the two thousandths could boast of such a number of remix-options of compositions recorded by DJs.

The same years are marked by the All-Russian concert work of the participants. The team was at the peak of popularity. However, at the end of 2008, the producers came to the conclusion that the group is time to close. The finish line was led by an album with the speaking name "Last Album".

Fortunately, he really didn't really become the last. The year 2011 was marked by the resumption of the work of the old team and the release of the first single "Dreaming".

Katya Chekhov now

In 2018, the project issues a new album in the familiar electronic style with the charming vocals of the soloist Catherine Gubhenko (now Medvedeva). Compositions apply to the project online page. Some of the songs recorded by the team still at the beginning and the middle of the two thousandths are still relevant and used by DJs for recording remixes.

So, the version of the composition "I am not needed", recorded at the beginning of the existence of the collective, got into the rotation of the dance stations. Katya Chekhov, returning to the scene, resumes concerts on the cities of Russia. Grateful fans invariably leave enthusiastic warm reviews on the pages of social networks.

The vocalist and participants are still true to the tradition of communication with fans in Vkontakte, on the Youtube hosting channel, as well as in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The emission coverage of the electronic project is very wide.

Katya Chekhov in 2018

As for the soloist, Ekaterina Medvedev, in addition to the resumption of a career and returning to the scene, is building a happy family life. On the Girls page in the "Instagram" appear a photo in a family circle, with your beloved husband. And since 2015, Catherine became a mom of a wonderful and charming daughter of the windows.


  • 2005 - "I'm a robot"
  • 2007 - "I'm not with you"
  • 2008 - "Life"
  • 2008 - "I love you 2020"
  • 2011 - "Dreaming"
  • 2011 - "Look at me"
  • 2011 - "I send the code"
  • 2011 - "New I"
  • 2012 - "Your heart in response"
  • 2012 - "Bird"
  • 2013 - "She is alone"


  • 2005 - "I am a robot"
  • 2007- "Love 2.0"
  • 2007 - "Second Life"
  • 2008 - "Last Album"
  • 2014 - "Best Songs"
  • 2018 - "Do not sleep: dance"

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