Car Man - Composition, Photo, Soloists, News, Songs 2021



"Car Man" - the Russian musical group, who worked in the genre, the name of which the musicians themselves came up with - exotic pop. Sergey Lemoha's star and Bogdan Titomomir broke out brightly in the early 90s. Now each of the soloists is known for the most part lovers of club life.


The idea of ​​uniting in one team Sergey and Bogdan was a composer Arkady Ukupnik. He became the first producer of musicians. The participants of "Car Man" began to go out on the scene, not suddenly, before that they worked with Dmitry Malikov and Vladimir Maltsev: Titomir - Bass Gitarist, Lemokha played keyboards. For Vladimir, they wrote the song "Paris", which later entered the first album.

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The official formation date of the group is January 1990. Stylish and fashionable guys performing dance hits with bomb feed, became the first male duet on the musical Olympus of New Russia. Quickly gained the popularity of the musical direction written by them, in some sources called the "Traveler Club", in others - exotic pop. At first, the team was called - "exotic pop duet," then followed by Carmen.

Later, according to Lemoha, the guys went on the fans and changed the name, marked with analogies with a loving Spanish beauty. As later, Sergey said, in the phrase "Kar-Maine", there was a reference to the American concept of "Carman", which means "man of roads, traveler" or "trucker driver".

Sergey Lemokh

During the incomplete two years, "Car Man", which is called, collected stadiums, won the first domestic hit parades, the cassettes with songs flew into a bang. Uncomplicated, but incendiary songs performed by brutal guys with creative haircuts and in the original "Prikide" were heard not only the audience of the concert sites of Russia, but also abroad. The team gathered a bouquet of awards and titles: "Opening" and "Group of Years", "Ovation", "Year's Hang Hang", "Star rain".

The group at different times included colorful Cuban Mario Francisco Diaz, the black actress Diana Rubanov, Marina Kabaskova and Sergey Kolkov were played on the back-vocal.

Bogdan Titomir

Bogdan Titomir left at the peak of popularity from the collective. According to numerous sources on the network, the split occurred due to the fact that the participants, being strong personalities, began to pull the blanket every one. Conflicts began. Moreover, as the Titomir subsequently argued, the group stopped in development, and he allegedly offered to write other music, but he did not meet an understanding from Sergey.

There is also a version that Gala Records's recording label offered guys a contract designed for ten years, but allegedly Bogdan did not want to associate itself as long-term obligations.


The first album "Car Man", in full accordance with the "style of travelers", was called "around the world." It includes hits, in the names of which this or that geographical name was mentioned: "London, Good Bai", "Delhi", "My Girl from America".

The second carmania plate, the material to which the solts was preparing together, Sergey already produced one, overwriting vocal parties. After the care of the Titomomir, the brand "Car Man" went to Lemoch, he updated the composition, he composed of words and music and still enjoyed success. Although in the forums, the group fans have noticed that something still heard the back-vocal Bogdan.

Compositions from the new album continued the "geographical" topic: "Filipino Sordogne", "San Francisco", "Caribbean Girl", "Bombay Bugi". On the title theme "Bad Russians" removed the clip.

The fan Internet community discussed the situation with the next album "Kar-Main" called "Diesel Fog". Part of the fans argues that the record was published in 1993, the circulation was printed at the Soyuz Studio, but to be seized from sales due to copyright problems.

A small amount still managed to sell, and now this cassette is a lined dream of fans. Allegedly later, the album was redesigned and released at the Studio "Gala", but already called "Russian massive sound aggression" (RMA).

CAR-MEN group

Those who believe that the "diesel fog" is a product of piracy, and the songs specified in the album "Killer Robinson" and "Dancing in Miami" never existed.

The musicians themselves call the "RMA", over the years reprinted, without false modesty, "the first and only one on the SIS's expanses in the style of" classic "techno."

In 1994, the group pleased the listeners with a live album "Live ...". It includes already known songs and instrumental compositions. In addition, for the first time, "Chao, Bambino!", "Angel of Love" sounded. Sergey made a dance version of the famous Hit "Hotel California" no less popular Eagles group.

In the period from 1994 to 1996, Kar-Maine fell out of the field of view of music lovers. According to music portals, the group has worked out a contract in Germany. The result was the English-language album "This Is Car-Man". Lemok noted that it only makes sense to produce a musical product outside of Russia when it is confident that the songs of the country will listen to the album. The approach to music abroad differs from domestic. In addition, in the homeland of Sergey, everything was arranged in terms of quality, but the conditions for the recording "is better there many times."

By the five-year-old anniversary, the group timed the long-awaited disk "Your sexy thing", in which slow songs prevailed. "South Shaolin" was accompanied by a clip.

The 1998 King Album was released in three versions: the usual, so-called gift with a booklet and licensed from the company "Jeri". On the title composition "Dance Disco" removed the clip. A year later, fans received the remix album "Back to the Future".

In 2001, Lemok organized the annual show tour of the country "Kar-Meng" - 10 years. " Before that, a series of disks called "Legends of the Russian Disco" came out.

For the comments, where the band was missing, Sergey answered that the lack of performances in the promoted places and shows on TV does not mean that Kar-Maine ceased to exist. In an interview, the musician called the Cultural Center "Glory" the main venue of concerts, spoke of proposals for work in Canada, Germany.

In 2002, Kar-Maine, together with the Producer Center, the Music Hammer announced the beginning of work on a peculiar tribath of the group songs. Club teams of an alternative and underground direction were asked to make a cable to famous hits. However, what ended the project called "Car-Mania: Alternative Edition" is unknown.

The next novelty the musicians "Kar-Meng" boasted a few years old, she became the album "Nitro". Last Album remixes "Ultrasound" and clip "Baby" Feat City Zen & D.J. Jump was released in 2014.

Group "Car Man" now

In the new millennium, Kar-Meng songs are already listening to the children of those who amounted to the first army of the group fans. Forever young, in good physical form, Sergey Lemok is still in demand as a musician. In "Instagram" on the hashtega with his last name, many photos whose authors consider luck to capture themselves next to the soloist of the legendary group.

KAR-MAN Group in 2018

Judging by the official Site "Kar-Maine", the team works in the format of "customers" - gives concerts at corporate events, in restaurants and nightclubs. They sound good old hits and new remixes.

In July 2018, as part of the Golden Hit program, Kar-Maine will perform at the International Festival of Arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk". "Car Man" cooperates with DJs Filatov & Karas, the result of such a collaboration of the tracks "You You You You" and "Bullet".


  • 1990 - "Paris"
  • 1991 - "London, Hood Bai!"
  • 1992 - "Chao, Bambino!"
  • 1993 - "Mamaya Cannibalz"
  • 1994 - "Sound Aggressor"
  • 1996 - "South Shaolin"
  • 1998 - "Dance Disco"
  • 2012 - "Music"
  • 2014 - "Baby"


  • 1990 - "Around the World"
  • 1991 - "Carmen"
  • 1994 - "Russian massive sound aggression"
  • 1996 - "Your sexy thing"
  • 1999 - "Back to the Future" (Back to Future)
  • 2000-2001 - "Legends of the Russian Disco"
  • 2008 - "Nitro"

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