Richard Chamberlain - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



American movie actor and television, singer. In the piggy bank of Richard Chamberlain roles in the sensational films "Segun", "Kazanova", "The Secret of the Personality of Born."

Actor Richard Chamberlain

For the work in the TV series "Dr. Keelder" Actor awarded the Golden Globe Award, and after the release of the melodrama "singing in the thorns" based on the Bestseller of the same name, where Chamberlain appeared in the image of the Ralph de Brikassar priest, he had to hide from the crowd of fan.

Childhood and youth

A future star was born in the spring of 1934 in Los Angeles. When baptized by the second offspring - 6-year-old first-mentioned Bill smasted in the family - Giorge Richard was given. Richard's parents do not have a relation to art. The head of the family worked by a sales agent in a firm that supplied the goods to the chain of stores.

Richard Chamberlain in youth

In 1936, when Richard was 2 years old, the parents bought a small mansion in Beverly Hills, in the immediate vicinity of the "Dream factory", which could not but affect the character and hobbies of the boy.

At first, Richard dreamed of drawing paintings and after the presentation of the school certificate he entered the college of the town of Clameth next to Beverly Hills, where he studied applied painting technique. But at the College, the young man was interested in the theater - under the educational institution worked a drama.

Richard Chamberlain in youth

In 1956, Chamberlain graduated from college, but brushes and paints postponed: Richard dreamed of becoming an artist. The young man called in the army, and the career plans had to be postponed for 2 years, but, served in Korea and returned to Beverly Hills in the rank of Sergeant, Richard Chamberlain returned to the dream of a scene.


In search of roles, the future actor went on Agencies and Studios Los Angeles. Passing castings and samples, Richard Chamberlain realized that the abilities and desire to be filmed not enough, a professional base was needed, so I took the lessons of acting in private teachers and how Sponge absorbed Aza.

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The cinematic biography began a year later. 25-year-old Chamberlain suggested episodes in the tapes "Flying from the trunk" and "Alfred Hitchcock". Projects did not bring fame, but Richard learned to keep in front of the camera and received the first experience of filming.

The taste of glory America felt in 1961: MGM film studio after successful samples suggested a little-known artist to play a key character in the TV series "Dr. Keelder". After the release of the first series of television film and the producers that followed them were convinced that the project would be a sensation. Shooting lasted 5 years, in 1966.

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In 1963, the "Golden Globe" was presented in the project in the project, world popularity collapsed. The audience was borrowed by the star with enthusiastic letters. Their number - 12 thousand per week - exceeded the number of Messages Clark Gablo after the exit "Gone by the Wind".

Removing the cinema, Richard Chamberlain remembered the junior hobby of music. The actor took the lessons of vocals from private teachers and soon released 5 albums. The compositions of one of the albums Artist tied with the movie Bestseller "Dr. Keelder". The song of the same name became a hit and got into the top ten Billboard Hot 100 Charts.

The creative biography continued on the work on the theater scene. In 1968, Chamberlain played Hamlet on British layouts, where Shakespeare's play did not play 40 years. Richard again "entered the fashion" on the performance. Enthusiastic reviews about the mastery of the American Star were heard on both sides of the ocean: Hamlet performed by Chamberlain applauded in Europe and America.

At 45, the American played a key role - Skiper John Blacktorm - in the series Jerry London "Segun" and received a well-deserved award - "Golden Globe". The image of Skiper Blacktorman brought the actor a new wave of fame: the American took the third step in the rating of popularity - the first went to Sean Connery and Albert Finni, and the series became an event of the year.

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It seemed that the star of the actor in the zenith of popularity. Chamberlain played Aramis and Dutes in the screen vessels of the novels of Alexander Duma, the Russian classic Anton Chekhov and the British poet Byrona, Giacomo Casanov and the monarch Louis XIV, but the role of Father Ralph de Brikassar in the filmmaker of Bestseller Colin Maccaloa raised him to a new height.

The chamber fell on the screens in 1983 and became the laureate of the Golden Globe. The same award got Chamberlain. The popularity of the artist was such that Richard could not enter the street without hiding the half-face of sunglasses.

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The following roles in the full-length paintings - the triller Roger Yanga "Mystery of the Personality of Born", Drama "Road to West" and the Joint American-Yugoslav Military Tape "Wallenberg - Hero's History" - destroyed the title "King of the TV series".

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The spectators of the USSR remembered Richard Chamberlain thanks to the roles in the paintings about Kuitermeyne ("Caver Solomon", "In search of a mysterious lost city"). In the tapes, Chamberlain appeared in the company Sharon Stone.

In 2011, Richard Chamberlain reminded himself. With his participation, the "Perfect Family" and the Motheric Family Drama "Brothers and Sisters" came out with his participation.

Personal life

Chamberlain never concealed unconventional sexual orientation. In the early 1970s, the actor had a novel by Colleague Wesley Erom, but in 1977 Richard met with a colleague by Martin Rabett. The couple settled under the same roof in the house in the Hawaiian Islands, away from the eye of the paparazzi and fans.

In the mid-1980s, Richard and Martin played brothers in the film about Allan Kuitermeyne. To give Martin's right to inherit his property in the event of death, Richard Chamberlain issued him as a partner.

In 2003, the artist published a book by calling her "broken love." On her pages, Chamberlain shared with readers a frank story about experienced mental throwers and problems due to homosexual orientation.

In 2010, the actor temporarily moved to Los Angeles, leaving a dwelling in Hawaii and Rabetta, and focused on filming in the cinema. He remembered the old enthusiasm and again draws pictures that are filled with philosophical meaning.

Richard Chamberlain now

The star, who replaced the ninth dozen, continues to be filmed in the series. In 2000, the audience saw the idol in the episodes of the multi-sized projects of "Virtuosos", "Parts of the Body" and "Chuck".

Richard Chamberlain appears on the Broadway Snaps and plays in the musicals, and in 2017 he starred in the episode "Twin Pix: Return".


  • 1961 - "Dr. Keelder"
  • 1970 - "Music lovers"
  • 1973 - "Three Musketeers: Queen Pendants"
  • 1977 - "Man in Iron Mask"
  • 1975 - "Count Monte Cristo"
  • 1980 - "Sogun"
  • 1983 - "singing in a thorns"
  • 1985 - "Wallenberg: Hero's story"
  • 1985 - "Caver Solomon"
  • 1987 - "Kazanova"
  • 1987 - "Allan Kuotermain: In search of a lost mysterious city"
  • 1988 - "The Mystery of the Personality of Born"
  • 1989 - "Return of Musketeers"
  • 2011 - "Perfect Family"
  • 2010-2011 - "Brothers and Sisters"
  • 2017 - Twin Pix

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