Winston Duke - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The American film actor Winston Duke became famous after the role of the mighty warrior M'baku in the fantastic militant "Black Panther". In reality, this huge stronghold received a higher education in the field of acting skills, has an excellent sense of humor and comes up with the details that reveal the image of his character fully, which is spelled out in the script.

Childhood and youth

Winston was born on November 15, 1986 in the small village of Argail on the island of Tobago, located in the Caribbean Sea. The boy's mother owned a restaurant, which was often visited by tourists, and a small son who helps the hostess easily found a common language with strangers. At the nine-year-old, Duke with his family moved to New York. Mother sold a restaurant, all the property and transported children to a studio apartment in Brooklyn.

Full Winston Dyuk.

Changes were beyond the sake of obtaining the eldest sister Winston of medical education. The sister attended New York City College, and the little Duke closed in himself, spending time after school in the library or comic shop. The teenager remained unlikely until the Spanish teacher noticed that the student is enlivened during the speeches in the classroom. She recorded Duke in the theater circle, which he never regretted.

Winston Duke in Youth

After graduating from the secondary school of Brighton in Rochester in 2004, continued to study the theater at the University of Buffalo. Another year he honed the skill in Baltimore, and then entered the drama Yale school, where it became firmly made friends with a senior student of Lupita Niongo. Friends took place in the acting club for black students founded by Angela Bassett. When all three meets on the set of the Marvelevsky film, Duke thanked Angela for heritage left by her in Yel.


The biography of the film actor began with participation in episodes and voicing television serials. Dark-skinned Saluch took part in the struggle of policemen with criminals in television screens. Appeared as Cedric Jones in the criminal series about the work of the investigators of the elite division "Law and Order. A special building, "participated in the fantastic police drama" in sight "and a realistic detective" especially grave crimes. "

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In addition to the series to combat crime, Winston Duka got small roles in the low-tech fantastic show "Messengers" and the comedy "My American Family". According to Duka, the dark-skinned film actors in the United States are in a losing position: they are not located in the screening of classic works, and the roles of "bad guys" are written on one template, as a result, the filmography of his colleagues consists of some blockbusters.

"Black Panther" has become a pleasant exception to the rules. The action of the eighteenth picture of the filmmatic universe Marvel unfolds in the fictional African Wacanda country, the inhabitants of which, naturally, black. Director Ryan Kugler scored as famous American actors and young people from different countries.

After listening to Winston Duka offered the role of M'baku - the leader of the mountain tribe, the enemy of the main character. After reading the script, the actor realized that in the film his character became more interesting than in comics. From the aggressive jealous opponent, selecting the crown in T'Challa for the reasons of personal dislike, M'baku turned into a tribal leader guided by the interests of the people.

The Jabari tribe worships God Hanuman in the appearance of the gorilla. Binding to the role, Duke came up with several details that entered the film, emphasizing the relationship of the dzhabarians with their totem animals. For example, the scene in which men Jabari grunt in the side of a person speaking without permission, feeding the signal to be silenced. For Voice M'baku, the actor added to his usual light accent Nigerian pronunciation.

Winston Duke as M'baku in the film "Black Panther"

The contrast between the flexible T'Challa (black panther) and muscular m'baku is emphasized with the help of manners move. Duke told the fans after the premiere:

"Panther is smooth, she sneaks and attacks an ambush. Gorilla goes to battle openly and beats himself a fist in the chest, challenge. We do not cherry, but enter the front door. "

For a reliable image of combat scenes, the actor had a lot to train. Although dangerous tricks were performed by cascaders, but also the main acting came the scenes in which they had to run, jump and shoot from fantastic weapons. During filming, the team drought, as the film was filmed in the United States and South Korea. Critics and viewers highly appreciated the feature component of the film: landscapes, costumes and special effects.

Personal life

In Stagram, the actor lays out a photo of solemn ceremonies, funny episodes from the set, funny pictures based on Marvel Universe.

Winston Duke in 2018

Dzhabari's leader's fans after press conferences are built into the queue to take pictures with the actor and get an autograph idol. Duke is not shy to fool around the camera with friends, but does not lay out the details of personal life in open access.

Winston Duke now

The fans of the film marvel are looking forward to the premiere of the film "Avengers: War of Infinity" - a nineteenth picture of a fantastic epic.

Fans of mighty M'baku will meet in a new film with a favorite character and playing his actor. Now Winston Duke is ready for new roles and willingly respond to questions of the audience and journalists.


  • 2014 - "Law and Order. Special case "
  • 2014-2015 - "In sight"
  • 2015 - "Messengers"
  • 2015 - "Especially grave crimes"
  • 2016 - "My American Family"
  • 2018 - "Avengers 3: War of Infinity"
  • 2018 - "Black Panther"

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