Cat in boots - character biography, image and character, actors


Character History

Performance, musical, anime - as soon as the legendary tale of a decisive cat was not transformed! It is not surprising, because a bold and wise character has become a real support for the new owner. The Red Torvan won for the son of Melnik Princess, the villain defeated the villain and did it all the bags and pairs of boots.

History of creation

Charles Perra, author of the fairy tale "Cat in boots" (in other sources - "Mr. Cat") is not at all the father of a colorful character.

Charles Perret

For the first time, the story of a cunning animal was printed in a collection of Novel "Pleasant Nights", the author of which is considered to be Jianphranchesco, Staparol. The book was published in the 16th century in Italy. True, speech in a fairy tale was carried out about the cat, not in need of boots. The rest of the plot develops by the familiar scenario: the inheritance, the king and the victory over the cannibal.

In 1634, a similar work is published in the collection of "fairy tale" writer Jambattists Basil. The magic story has its own characteristics, but the main canvas remains unchanged.

And only in 1697, the story about the cat in the boots came to the collection of "Tales of Mother Gusani", who came out under the name of the Son Charles Perro. Similar caution was explained simply - Charles did not want the name of the criticism with fabulous stories.

Puss in Boots

There is a legend that Perro heard a fairy tale in childhood from his own cormal. Later, the story was improved and inserted into the book. Naturally, Perca introduced his own edits. For example, the writer described the Castle of the canniba in detail, which repeats the architecture of another structure - Waron Castle in France.

In 1815, the next volume of the "Fairy Tales of the Grimm Brothers" replenished the story "poor brew and kitty". As you can see, the cat again changed the floor, but did not lose the desire to help workers of mills. In any case, the story of the incredible trick of the character had to do with children all over the world.


Illustration for fairy tale

Where and when a cat was born, who taught the animal to speak - unknown. Most of the life of a pet spent in the house of an old miller, hunting on mice and basking in the sun.

After the death of Melnik, three sons decided to divide the farm remaining from the Father. The eldest and middle son took the mill and donkey, and the cat went to the ownership of the younger heir. The new master of the beast was dissatisfied with the resulting share, because he considered her pet tricky and insidious creation.

Having heard that the newfound host plans to put a cat on food, and sew a clutch from the skins, the beast realized - it's time to act. An animal asked the son of Melnik to buy him boots and bag. Like, the cat will show what is capable of much.

Cat in boots and Marquis de Karabas

The gift of conviction has affected, the hero got the desired. Having shoe in boots, the cat scored in a bag of cabbage and went to the forest. Finding a suitable glade, the beast pretended to be dead. Mining did not make himself wait long. Instantly killing the naive rabbit, which was trapped, the cat went to the Royal Palace.

The tricky beast came to the king and, introducing himself to the servant of Marquis de Karabas, presented the prey to the state ruler. After a couple of days, the cat again visited the palace. This time the beast brought two partridges as a gift. Offers on behalf of Marquise came to the king of three months without interruptions.

Cat in king boots

For a short term, the animal won the confidence of the king and designed the schedule of the sovereign's trips. Before the next visit of Welmborn, the cat came to the unlucky owner and asked him to swim in the river through which the Royal Escort route was held. Nothing suspected son Melnik agreed.

Falling out the right moment, the cat ran out of the bushes in front of the king crew. The ruling person recognized the old friend. In a preliminary confusion, the cat reported that his owner, Marquis de Karabas, sink. The young man pulled out from the river, dressed in luxurious clothes, presented to the king and accompanying the monarch princess.

Cat in boots and cannibals

Naive girl at first glance fell in love with a young handsome man. The king invited the son of Melnik to ride together. Cooker cat, seeing that the situation is quite successful, continued to implement its own plan. Animal ran before the carriage and, threatening the peasants, made the people say, as if land and fields belong to Marquis. The king impressed the wealth of a new acquaintance.

Soon the cat got to the ultimate goal - the Castle of the cannibal. The beast simplified the powerful giant to take it, and during the conversation, playing a man's vanity, persuaded the villain to turn into a mouse. As soon as the cannibal reincarnated, the cat swallowed the enemy.

Cat in boots and mouse

At that moment, the king came to the goal of the castle, who was accompanied by the disguised son of Melnik and Princess. Beautiful building Cat also issued a young man for the property.

The impressed monarch agreed to marry pseudo-marquise and princesses. The cat, who proved that it is capable of much more than a simple fishing, received the title of Velmazby. Well, the characteristic that the beast deserved, justified itself.


The first appearance on the cat's television screens in boots organized Walt Disney. In 1922, under the command of the famous multiplier, a cartoon was released with the same name.

Cat in the boots in the cartoon

In 1938, the "Soyuzmultfilm" film studio was created first in the USSR screening of the Charles Persian fairy tale. Under the guidance of sisters, Brumberg appeared a black and white cat in boots. Drawn musical lasts 12 minutes and completely coincides with the original work.

In 1958, the four-legged hero became a character of a full-format film. At the heart of the film "New Cat's Cat in Boots" lies the play of Sergey Mikhalkov "Laughter and Tears". Soviet actors reincarnated in princes, sorcerers and sorcerers. The role of Sly Cat performed Maria Barabanov.


The first release of anime from the trilogy "Cat in Boots" dedicated to Kotu Muskeletour was released in 1969. At this time, the rapid role of the villain moved from the cannibal to the wizard named Lucifer. The second part of the Japanese cartoon resembles Western - Pen (so called the animal) puts order in the gangster town. In the final series, the cat is sent to the current world adventure. Hero's painted hero was voiced by Susuma Isikawa (George Vicin), Yasui Sudzuki (Andrei Miroshnikov) and OSMA recruit (Anatoly Schukin).

Music improvisation on the theme of an adventure of an unusual animal went to the screens in 1985. The film "About the cat ..." again tells about the fate of the son of Melnik and his inheritance, but this time the princess refuses the owner of the cat. The role of a helica animal went to Leonid Yarmolnik.

Cat in boots from

In 1995, the fairy tale gained a plasticine version. The authors of the cartoon created a social satir, the basis for which the traditional product of the French author was served. The cat changed the citizenship, and the protagonist from Melnik was reincarnated in a drinker of a rural resident. The role of an animal emigrant was voiced by Alexey Stychkin.

The greatest popularity was the image created by multipliers for the cartoon "Shrek". The character was so liked by the audience that a separate animation film was taken to the redheads.

Cat in boots and shaletay-chat

"Cat in boots" (2011) talks about the life of the animal before meeting with huge and donkey. Young cat lives in a shelter. The only friend of the animal is Saltay-chat, who persuades the beast to find magic beans and steal a special chicken.

In 2012, the continuation of the sensational cartoon "Cat in Boots: Three Tenitsa" came out. This time a bold cat will have to find stolen ruby ​​and instruct the true three naughty kittens on the path. In both cartoons, the voice of honest gangster - Antonio Banderas.

Cat in boots - character biography, image and character, actors 1531_12


"Boots ... It was a strange gift for a cat, but they, Caramba, I go!" "I am a cat in boots. And my name will be a legend! " "How to happen to me to get into trouble, I always find the outcome." "The wind was silent, and my basket is small. Day after day he drove me forward - a hungry kitten without milk, mom and cat toilet. "

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