Stanislav Checkan - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Stanislav Chekan is the Soviet and Russian actor and cinema actor, starring in a hundred artistic paintings of the Soviet cinema and famous role in the comedy hit "Diamond Hand". In the film, Gaida Stanislav Julianovich played a small, but bright role of Captain Militia Mikhail Ivanovich. In the filmography of the characteristic artist, there is a loved one with millions of "War and Peace", "Love earthly", "and again Aniskin."

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in the summer of 1922 in Rostov-on-Don. Stanislav - the firstborn in the family who fought at the fronts of the civil war Julian and Matilda Chekan. According to Stanislav Julianovich Stanislav, in early childhood he sat down on the hands of the future Marshal of the USSR seeds of Budenny.

Full Stanislav Chekan

10 years after the birth of First Son, Vladimir appeared in the family in the family. In the cores of children, the Polish Blood of Father and German on the Mother's Line was mixed.

Carefree youth ended when Stanislav Chekan turned 15 years old. Father, accusing in intention to poison the soldiers to the chef, arrested as the enemy of the people. Soon after the father "in place is not so distant" the mother went.

Stas was determined in the work colony, and 5-year-old VOGO in the orphanage. Later, in an interview, Stanislav Chekan recalled a series of hungry days in a colony and that dissonance, who felt during a festive demonstration, when he saw thank posters to Generalissimus for a happy childhood.

Stanislav Checkan in youth

But it was in the colony that the creative biography of Chekan began: the teenager was taken in the midst of amateur in the circle. They were led by a former theater artist, who saw in the boy a spark of talent.

Stanislav escaped from the colony, as soon as he was given a passport, and settled at the factory assistant Master-Tinsmith. Soon the mother returned to Rostov-on-Don, and after it, thanks to the troubles of Budenny, they were released. The family fully assembled under the same roof.

Parents rarely recalled the past, and when it was necessary, then with the bitter grin called the years spent in the camps.

Stanislav Chekan.

Southern in the colony, the first theatrical teacher "Good and Eternal" sprout in Stanislav Chekane in 1938: the 17-year-old young man became a student of the Rostov Theater School. He was accepted for his course actor, director and theatrical teacher Yuri Zavadsky.

At the entrance exams, Chekan met Sergey Bondarchuk: out of 200 wishing to get to the course of the Zavadsky master selected only their two.

In 1941, Stanislav Checkan went ordinary to the front. Under Novorossiysk, the future artist received a difficult injury and was written off by health. Until the end of the war, Checkan asked the leisure of front-line - he was sent to the mobile military theater.


In 1945, the artist came to Odessa. Three years old, Stanislav Chekan went to the stage of the theater of the Soviet Army, but in 1948 he moved to the capital, where the artist with a characteristic appearance was taken to a similar theater. The actor began to film after the war. The first roles are tiny episodes in the paintings of the "Son Regiment" and "Blue Roads".

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A small, but vivid role that opened Stanislav checking the door to the cinema, got in 1951: He reincarnated in a dusty yammer who had banned songs, in the biographic drama Taras Shevchenko director Igor Savchenko.

From this point on, the actor willingly invite to new projects. In the 1950s, he starred in the paintings "Zowa in the Mountains", "Test of Loyalty", "Draw Evening". But the brightest and successful Biographical Kinoferma Konstantin Yudina "Woolerest and Clown" about the legendary fighter and the fighter and the artist of the circus. Stanislav Chekan got the main role - Ivan Poddubny. Completed the shooting of the picture Boris Barnet - Yudin passed away.

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From 1958 to 1993, Checkan worked at the theater of the film actor. The genre scatter of the artist's widest: Stanislav Checkan played in comedies, melodrama, military dramas. It is equally organized in the images of gangsters, athletes, dashing hardship and drinking. In 1968, the actor appeared as an Epidifora in the tape "Mysterious Monk".

The taste of real glory felt in the late 1960s, when the "golden hand" comedy came to the screens, in which the main roles got the stars of Soviet cinema Yury Nikulin, Andrei Mironov and Anatoly Papanov. On a small role - the captain of Mikhail Ivanovich's police - Leonid Gaidai called Stanislav Chekan. The appearance in the film brought all-union fame to the actor.

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Then, bright episodes were followed and the promotional roles in popular tapes "The investigation are conducting experts", "War and Peace", "Crash", "Privalov Millions". In 1974, the Soviet spectators saw the drama Evgenia Matveyev "Love Earth", in which Stanislav Chekan got the role of Koshev.

In 1976, the premiere of the historical melodrama "Tale about how King Peter Arape was married." Director Alexander Mitta invited artist to play Marshal, and the key roles entrusted Vladimir Vysotsky and Alexey Petrenko.

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In 1977, Gaidai remembered the talented artist and invited Stanislav Julianovich to play Bailiff Ushukhrtov in his comedy "Incognito from St. Petersburg". In the same year, Chekhan starred in the new project Matveev "Fate", where the director gathered the whole color of Soviet cinema.

In 1978, the premiere of a detective comedy "And again Aniskin" with Mikhail Zharov and Tatiana Peltzer served. Chekana Spectators learned in the Shabashnik Kuskov.

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The latest projects with the participation of the artist came out in the mid-1980s. Stanislav Chekan played the captain of the police in the "Vertical Racing", Alenee in the comedy "Very important person" and Makara Vasilyevich in an extreme picture of the "Mystery of the Golden Mountain". The last time the actor was released in 1986 in the Grass Zelen tape, where Grandfather Matvey played.

Personal life

With the first spouse, the artist met in the mobile theater, where he was subdued after injured. Tina Mazenko-Belinskaya, artist, worked there. The couple lived in a childless civil marriage for 11 years and broke up.

Stanislav Checkan with his wife and son

In the late 1950s, the actor met with a woman who lived until the end of the days. Nonna became the official wife of Stanislav Chekan and in 1960 gave birth to him firstborn.

Sergey Chekan went in the footsteps of his father and became an actor. Removed in the cinema and went out to theatrical layouts. In 2005, a 44-year-old Checkan junior left his life, having thrown into a drunken fill from 11th floor.


In the last 10 years of life, the actor sick - the front wound has affected. Stanislav Chekana denied legs. He was smaller and less shot, he did not go to theatrical layouts. In 1994, Stanislav Julianovich shared with his wife with his wife, which no longer wants to live: with care from the profession ended the meaning of existence.

Tomb of Stanislav Chekana

In the summer of the same year, the artist did not. The cause of death was acute leukemia, which the check was diagnosed too late - 3 weeks before the death. I buried the actor in Moscow, at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Conducting a husband on the last path, the wife put his favorite book in the coffin - poems and poems Mikhail Lermontov.


  • 1951 - "Taras Shevchenko"
  • 1957 - "Wrestler and Clown"
  • 1964 - "We call fire on yourself"
  • 1968 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 1968 - "Diamond Hand"
  • 1968 - "War and Peace"
  • 1968 - "Mysterious Monk"
  • 1971 - "The investigation is conducted by experts. Red-handed"
  • 1971 - "Crown of the Russian Empire, or no longer"
  • 1972 - "Privalov Millions"
  • 1974 - "Love earth"
  • 1976 - "Tale about how King Peter Arape married"
  • 1977 - "Incognito from St. Petersburg"
  • 1978 - "And again Aniskin"
  • 1984 - "Very important person"
  • 1986 - "Grass Zelen"

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