Ekaterina Tereshkovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Mogen's wife Solntsev 2021



On April 12, 2018, the Life.ru information portal posted a video from the wedding of the showman of Gogen Solntsev and Ekaterina Tereshkovich. In the metropolitan palace of marriage No. 4, the pair officially registered relations. Only close friends were invited to the ceremony. After painting, the newlyweds drank along the glass of traditional champagne and kissed. Bride is older than 12 years old: at that time Gauguen - 37 years old, Catherine - 63 years old.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Ekaterina Lvovna Tereshkovich contains more questions than answers. There is little about life about life before exploring. Where it was born and when, how financial success was achieved - it is unclear.

On April 9, 2018, Dmitry Shepelev's program "In fact," on April 9, 2018, a woman only told that she was a philologist on education, but from childhood he dreamed of becoming an actress.

Career and business

According to Gogen Solntsev, the bride is the owner of his own business. According to the media, a woman has dowry in the form of a country house furnished by expensive furniture, a personal representative of a representative class with a driver and accounts in Swiss banks with a lot of zeros.

According to the business itself, the fireplace in the house was made from Italian marble, so its cost was € 800 thousand and to create paintings that Catherine purchased at a price of € 5 thousand, fish scales were used.

However, the entrepreneur with such data was not seen in the lists of Forbes magazine, nor in major transactions. Independent journalists conducted their own investigation of the personality of "millionaires" and suspected that Catherine is not at all for whom it gives out.

Perhaps Tereshkovich - actress. According to the portal WOMANHIT.RU, before the scandalous novel with the showman, she worked as an artist of extras, payment for the shift of which was 500 rubles. Attentive viewers recalled that frames with the participation of the performer melded in the program "Corollary", as well as in the TV series "Gadalka". In the filmography of Catherine there are several works, but they are all episodic.

Personal life

The founder of the Moscow theater of the absurdity tells that I met the future wife 4 years before the wedding. About the relationship Tereshkovich with the opposite sex in his youth at that time, nothing was known. The meeting occurred at the secular event, and the novel originated when Catherine came to Gauguen to the performance and offered to finance his work.

In February 2018, the couple was married, after which she went to the romantic journey to Dominican. Lovers settled in a secluded hotel, but their compatriots found out. It is said that the neighbors the hotel had to be embarrassed. At the request to publish less lovers at night, Gauguen called the spinsy "plebeians."

On March 7, 2018, the couple submitted a statement to the registry office, and since then began to be noisily prepared for the wedding. On the Internet, Perell's photos of the bride trying on the dress. And the goghnes of the Solntians in the social network "Instagram" laid out a shot of wedding rings. In the signature to the post, he thanked the first channel for an invitation to the program "In fact," where the marriage was questioned. Solntov wished all great love - like him with Catherine.

Fans of the show "Dom-2" conducted their own investigation: in the social network "VKontakte" there is a page of some Catherine Toroshkova, a woman looks like a Hojn wife. Photos in this account belong to a person with a low financial supply: on the set from 2014, kittens are captured in a modest home environment, and in 2018 it was posted a photo on which a woman looks like a simple pensioner, in a handkerchief and a gray sweater.

In friends, Toroshkova has a teenager - Semen with the surname Tereshkovich, as well as a woman under the pseudonym Nadezhda Krupskaya. The latter is surprisingly similar to Toroshkov externally, it can be assumed that it is a daughter. The main page of this woman in Vkontakte states that Semen Tereshkovich is her son.

Fans concluded that Toroshova is the same Catherine, which related to marriage with an ex-participant "House-2". Judging by the pages of the alleged daughter and the grandson, the speeches do not go about any "grandmother millions".

However, the personnel filmed for the Dmitry Shepelev program show that the wife of Gogen Solntsev lives in a luxurious mansion, where only the kitchen set costs about a million rubles. Experts of the talk show "In fact," checking Tereshkovich on a lie detector, concluded that Catherine exaggerates its condition, and the house was most likely to be held for years of filming.

Some Elena Khugaeva came to Dmitry Shepelev. The girl stated that he was Catherine her daughter. According to her, she was born in Altai and raised his father, since the mother refused to the baby immediately after birth. 15 years ago, she called Tereshkovich and asked to lend money, but the "millionaire" responded with refusal.

Ekaterina Tereshkovich before and after plastic

Mom Gajen came to the program, Lyudmila Kravtsov. The woman protested against the upcoming marriage, warning a mature bride, that the son of a meal for money and will do everything for fame. She also reported that Ilya Solntsev (the name of the showman on the passport) is unable to sincere feelings.

On the Cosmonautics Day of 2018, the Solders and Tereshkovich officially became her husband and wife. Hogenes on the occasion of the celebration made festive styling and put on a classic rigorous costume, Catherine had a white linen dress with bright colors and in blue boots from the Russian designer Natalia Gaidi. In his hands, the wife kept a neat bouquet of yellow roses.

The close friend of Gogen - Diana Bicharova - in an interview with Starkit, said that in the registry office, Ekaterina Tereshkovich handed her husband's keys to the apartment in the capital as a wedding gift. Diana also reported that after the ceremony, the couple will go to the Dom-2 project for a solemn banquet.

The Starhit portal became aware that the wedding was originally planned to be noted in the Moscow Yacht Club. In the preliminary list of invited there were 70 people, including singer Sergey Penkin and Factor-2 group. Gaugugen changed his mind at the last moment and decided to hold a walk on the metropolitan area of ​​the Dom-2 project.

According to rumors, the brilliance of the program was the debut song of the scandalous blogger Diana Shurygin and singer Sasha Act. The photo of the latter with newly minted spouses has already appeared on the Internet. At the end of the evening, guests were treated with a cake from the popular Condira Alex Kush.

The first wedding night of young decided to spend in the mansion Ekaterina Tereshkovich. Gogenes of the Solders, by the way, stated in one of the interviews: the children in this marriage are unlikely to appear, all care and love is ready to give Catherine. However, after a couple of months, the showman revised his views on the family.

At the beginning of the summer of 2018, Gauguen and Catherine in all stated their readiness to become parents. The meaningful post first appeared on the Solntian page in "Instagram". In the photo, happy spouses were depicted next to a baby carriage. The picture intrigued the fans of the couple.

Soon, becoming the guests of the transfer "Andrei Malakhov. Direct ether, "Solntsev and Tereshkovich revealed their plans. Spouses decided to dwell on surrogate maternity. During a visit to the doctor, the reason for the impossibility of having children from Catherine was established. The woman has no reproduction authorities. Tereshkovich admitted that the surgery to remove the uterus had to be made long ago, since at that time there was a threat to life because of the rapidly developing sepsis.

The cost of the full cycle for the birth of a child from a surrogate mother, according to the doctor, in the case of Catherine and Gaugaen would be 2.3 million rubles. Reproductist advised Pare to contact the nearest relatives for help, which would significantly reduce costs. But when meeting with his native daughter Catherine, Polina Davydova, she categorically refused to help her mother and her young husband.

Later, the spouse reviewed the option with adoption. Gogen even suggested that it would be a plus for them in the family of a child. In this case, it disappeared the need to erase dirty diapers and get up for feeding at night.

While the question was resolved in the family planning center, Ekaterina Tereshkovich was engaged in the transformation of appearance. The woman caught fire to make plastic faces and increase the size of the bust. In turn, Gogen Solntsev such a prospect excited, because the use of anesthesia at such age can be fatal for a person. But Catherine managed to convince the spouse in the need for surgery.

Tereshkovich in August boldly fell under the knife. Circular face and blepharoplasty tightening were performed from plastic operations. Almost immediately the couple appeared in the studio of Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether". The woman came to the program with heads wrapped by bandages. Gauguja of the Solders fell to the spouse during a conversation with the guests of the studio.

It was not without the "spoon of tar in a barrel of honey." It turned out that during his wife's stay at the clinic Gogen spent time in a nightclub, where he was entertained by the company of girls. And once the day lit up with a lady of solid age, which was called in a simple "aunt with light." But Ekaterina Tereshkovich himself treated philosophically and did not worry about possible treason.

But information about the Mogen's incineration with daughter Tereshkovich brought it out of her own: Catherine was not kept and thrown on the heir to the fists. Then she collected things and demonstratively left the house. Soon the wife of Gauguen Solntsev realized her wrong and asked for forgiveness from the spouse. For some time in the family tried idyll.

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Soon, Frca's spouse took up his own personal life. Various companies, girlfriends of their wife, as well as her random acquaintances began to appear in Solntsev's house. Catherine arranged the parties about and without. Over time, the consequences of alcoholism began to appear: according to Gogen, Catherine repeatedly raised his hand on him, arranged hysterics, behaved inadequately. The husband defined it in a rehabilitation clinic. He refused to follow the advice of friends and did not leave his soul mate in a difficult period for her.

After returning home, Ekaterina began health problems. She needed medical care. Gogen voiced in front of the audience that his wife was seriously ill. She balded, red spots appeared on the head. Solders tried to do everything to return the spouse to the previous state. But, according to him, the disease did not retreat. Catherine even had to be placed in a wheelchair, as it was paralyzed. Tereshkovich amounted to the will, according to which her 2-room Moscow apartment, cottage and account in the bank were unsubscribed by Gauguen.

The spouse, in turn, has already begun preparations for the Wife's Wires: Solders surprised fans by the fact that the coffin had acquired in advance for Tereshkovich, and also ordered a place in the cemetery. There were rumors that the fabulous Frca died. But the showman himself hurried to calm the public: his Katya is alive, health, and he used preparing for the funeral in order to blow up a pensioner. After promulgation of the diagnosis, she resumed alcoholism and, as a result, inadequate behavior.

After recovery, Tereshkovich decided to creatively beat his new image. She starred in an erotic photo shoot, where she appeared before the public in an unusual image for himself - Vamp Women. Tereshkovich appeared in the photo in a swimsuit, in a transparent peignoore near the motorcycle and in dresses with a deep neckline.

Ekaterina Tereshkovich now

In 2020, Gogen became a guest of the Alena Zhigalova "Alena, Damn!". In a conversation with a journalist, he admitted that he already has a child from fleeting. True, he was against his birth, so he did not communicate with a former girl and does not even know, the son is or daughter.

In March 2021, the Solntians appeared in the Studio of the Malakhov program "Direct Ether", this time in a wheelchair. The TV presenter told that Gauguen in recent months was treated in a paid clinic, where his wife was placed. On the air he threatened the spouse that the divorce would achieve through the court.

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