Irina Fishin - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Irina Fishhishin is blurred by the blurry beauty of Ukraine and Primudonny Galicia. The girl adore and look forward to in every corner of the country, and she justifies hope - only in 2017 the singer visited concerts in 126 Ukrainian cities. The tour of the chart is always scheduled for a year ahead. On the pop Olympus Irina swore rapidly, shortly after the beginning of the solo career already gave the listeners two albums.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Irina is inseparable with Lviv. She was born here, grown and still lives. The girl from an early childhood attracted singing: in 3 years already entertained guests on family holidays, and then in kindergarten, there were musical concerts at the 6th age.

There was someone to learn, because the father of Ira is a musician. However, the parent wanted his daughter to choose another path in life. Irina's schoolgirl showed abilities in mathematics, so at the request of the dad began to go to the chess circle. The teacher noted talent and propheted a chess future. At the school heard the starting and brilliant organizer of the holidays, for which the scenario personally prepared, put the scenes, wrote the songs, herself tried on the roles.

Irina Fitishin

In the future, the girl managed to persuade parents to be allowed to throw a chess circle, and instead to buy a synthesizer. Father and mother went on concessions, so the teenager had the opportunity to make music at a higher level. At the age of 13, Irina Fitishin took into a music school immediately in the fourth grade.

With age, Ira was strengthened in the dream to conquer a big scene. Embed into the ranks of students of the Lviv National University in the specialty "Economics" (on the "serious" education insulted dad), Fitishin did not abandon music. She took private lists of vocals and scenic skills.


The first promulgated song of the young artist was the composition "In the way of Christ", which he wrote, still studying at the music school. Then the girl was awaited by a vintage of youth contests, festivals and, of course, victories. In 2005, Irina Fedishin managed to get to the semifinals of the Eurovision National Competition. And one of the festivals with a popular singer-countryman Andriana, whom the girl offered the songs of his own essay.

Irina was part of the creative association "Lira", but since 2006 the solo career began. According to the assurances of the singer and press, such dizzying success in the profession managed to achieve without rich sponsors and large advertising campaigns. Each speech by Fitishin is a real show with bright scenography and outfits. Still, the woman independently writes songs and scenarios to performances, necessarily finding the most non-standard solutions. For example, on one of the show, the girl appeared in a dress in which she went under the crown.

Irina Fitishin on stage

Part of the songs immediately after the release fell in the rotation of radio stations in the homeland. Ukraine has sowed unconditional hits charming and talented Diva stage "Kalina", "Yak I love you", "Seryzka". The last composition brought victory to the singer at the contest of Ukrainian-speaking songs "Ukrainian format". And the "Kalina" composition is notable for the fact that her Irina presented the Frestyle group, in which this song is called "Flowers Kalina". Fedishin changed the arrangement to more modern, the text was transferred to the Ukrainian language, as a result, it turned out a hat.

In the Arsenal Irina, four albums are already found, which included hits tested. The debut plate of the singer gave music lovers shortly after the start of the solo career. The album called "Your Angel" came out in 2007 with a huge circulation, which quickly reacted. Immediately the second disk "Ukraine Warld" was followed - for a month and a half it was possible to implement 200 thousand copies.

The next five years the artist forced to wait for fans and only in 2012 created a collection of new songs, calling his "password". Today, the last album of the Ukrainian diva was the "Ti Tіlki MIY", presented in the summer of 2017.

Irina Fitishin

The singer expresses creativity and in the clips. Colorful rollers on the songs of Irina Fitishin appeared almost annually, and in 2017 the light saw three videos at once - "Wheel", "Ti Tіlki Miy", "Yak I love you."

On the personal site of the artist, the style of creativity is described as a mixture of popular music with Ukrainian folk creativity. However, this is a raisin: folk notes appear in the modern composition. The bulk of the fans of Irina is lovers of a light song genre.

Star concerts pass both in huge halls and in stadiums and in the modest sites of night clubs. No important event in Lviv passes without performances by Irina Fitishin. The girl often rides and abroad, stands to representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in Italy, Canada, Poland.

Personal life

Irina Fitishin married in 2006 for producer Vitaly Chovnikka, who helps to build a career. The wedding was noted with a scope in Lviv, 120 guests came to the celebration.

Irina Fitishin and her husband Vitaly Chovnik

The girl argues that financial success has achieved with his spouse together. When they just met, Vitaly could not boast of material well-being, only $ 2 thousand turned out to be spent on the soul, which could be spent on creative activities. A married couple growing two sons - Yuri and Oleg.

Irina Fitishin with children

In an interview with journalists, a woman admits that jealous, so grateful for the opportunity to work together with the chosen one. However, the spouse does not give reels to doubt the wrongness, the family is based on complete trust and equality.

Irina Fitishin now

Since the beginning of the new 2018, Irina captured swinging events. The singer continued to tour in Ukraine since the autumn. In February, Fedishin came to the scene of the "Voice of the Knowledge-8". Surprisingly, but the famous voice that performs the author's song "Malenki Ruslyki", the coaches did not recognize and all four of them pressed on the red buttons. Mentor Irina chose Jamalu. But in the second issue, the star teacher decided that Irina should leave the project.

On the threshold of Easter, the popular performer launched journalists to a new apartment, which her husband presented on March 8. Luxurious accommodation with an area of ​​85 square meters. M is located in Kiev. The family is constantly going to live here, because he wants the heirs to go to Lviv school - Yura will soon become a first-grader.

In mid-April, on the page in "Instagram", Irina Fithishin announced the song and video to her "Galya".


  • 2017 - "Twi Angel"
  • 2017 - "Ukraine Kolyaduє"
  • 2012 - "Password"
  • 2017 - "Ti Tіlki MIY"

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