Pavel Gubarev - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Pavel Gubarev is perhaps one of the most ambiguous modern politicians. Starting from the activist social movement, Gubarev became the leader of Novorossia, the head of the eponymous party, as well as the head of the DPR Ministry of Defense. However, despite the impressive list of merit, the actions of this person are still considered by the governments of many countries illegal, and Novorossia has not been recognized as officially overwhelming majority of countries in the UN.

Childhood and youth

The future leader of Novorossia was born on March 10, 1983 in Severodonetsk. Paul's father worked as a master of mechanization on the Himzavod "Nitrogen", the mother worked there in the workshop for the production of siphones. Pavel Gubarev is a senior of five children. In Soviet times, the Gubarev family did not disagree, but after the events of the early 1990s, the mother had to stand behind the counter, and the father had to wash the tanks on the railway.

Pavel Gubarev in 2018

He studied Paul with pleasure and in 1997 even entered the so-called "collegium" - school for talented and gifted children. Immediately after school, the young man began to work out to help parents feed the younger children. Worked in the workshop for the manufacture of doors. Firm flourished, and soon 16-year-old Pavel Gubarev began to live separately, removing the apartment.

Hubarev's education continued at the University in Donetsk by choosing the History Faculty. At the same time, according to his own confession, for the first time, the ideas of the existence of an independent Novorossia appear and even headed the student organization, collecting like-minded people around himself. After graduating from the University, Pavel Gubarev entered the Donetsk Academy of Department (2007-2008), and then moved to Kharkov, where he continued to study in the specialty "State Administration" in the National Academy.

Pavel Gubarev in childhood

After some time, the idea of ​​trying his own strength in business appeared, and Pavel Gubarev opened an advertising agency. This company, called "Patchison", was engaged in resale advertising space, as well as the essential advertising time of various sites. In addition, Gubarev developed election promotions and campaigns to regional politicians and social leaders of a higher level. Gradually, the company expanded, the branch of the "Patchison" was even opened in the capital of Ukraine. In addition, Gubarev opened a firm organizing celebrations for children, "Morozko".


The political biography of Pavel Gubareva began with membership in a public organization called "Russian National Unity". He then joined the Socialist Party of Natalia Vitrenko and even received a deputy mandate in one of the Donetsk district departments. In 2006, Gubarev left this party, founding his own social movement - "European choice", and in 2010 supported the deputy of Sergei Tigipko, becoming his trustee.

Novice politician Pavel Gubarev

Three years later, in 2014, Pavel Gubarev actively supported the antimaidan movement, participating in promotions and protest demonstrations. At the same time, the politician headed the movement "People's Element of Donbass." The main requirements of Gubareva and his supporters were the holding of a referendum on the recognition of independence of the Donetsk region, as well as the announcement of the Russian language by the second state and federalization of the region.

Over time, more like-minded people were going around the figure of Pavel Gubarev, and after some time, Gubarev began to call people to active actions against the leadership of the Donetsk region, as well as the newly promoted Ukrainian government. In particular, organized mass protests.

Leader of Novorossia Pavel Gubarev

Pavel Gubarev also made up the ultimatum of the national militia, in which he demanded, in particular, to refuse the Verkhovna Rada in legitimacy, to recognize the city council of Donetsk the only body of state power and to withdraw the material tools from the city treasury, conveying control over the city council. At the same time, in March 2014, Gubareva elected the so-called "folk governor" of Donbass.

Ultimatum, read by a deputy of the city administration, was ignored by the last, so Pavel Gubarev decided to capture the building. The protesters led by Pavel literally kicked out the servants of the people from the cabinets and settled in the building. Three days later, the local treasury was also captured.

Pavel Gubarev in folk militia

Such actions could not be ignored by law enforcement agencies and the new power of Ukraine. On March 6, Gubareva was arrested by accusing in seizing state buildings, encroachment on the territorial integrity of the country and the violent overthrow of the current government. Supporters of Paul, learning about what happened, organized several rallies, demanding to free their ideological leader. It was also started to spread rumors that Gubareva was tortured and beaten.

Freedom Paul was only in May 2014, when he, together with Activat, Sergey Zlobin and Igor Reresanko exchanged on the three alpha fighters, captured by Donetsk Military. However, on this misadventures, Pavel Gubareva did not end.

People's Governor of the Donetsk Republic Pavel Gubarev

In early June, the office was fired at the office, and a few days later the information appeared that Gubarev was declared by law enforcement agencies of official Ukraine. In October of the same year, Paul's car fired unknown persons. Activist and policies have not received serious injuries.

In early 2015, Paul kidnapped Chechens, who outraged the accusations of Gubareva to Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the republic. After some time, the policy was released. In 2017, the SBU began the investigation into the case of Gubareva, who is still accused of calling about the overthrow of state power, the creation of a terrorist organization and creating unauthorized rallies and public unrest.

Personal life

Pavel Gubarev is married.

Pavel Gubarev and his family

The spouse policy and activist - Ekaterina Gubareva - presented the beloved three children: the sons of Radomir and Svyatoslav and the daughter called Milan.

Pavel Gubarev now

In 2018, the photo Pavel Gubareva again appeared on the pages of news publications. This time the name policy is discussed in connection with the Kemerovo tragedy. Recall: March 25, in one of the shopping centers of the city there was a fire in which tens of people died. Among them were a wife, sister and three children of a man named Igor Vostrikov.

Pavel Gubarev and Igor Vostrikov

Father and husband killed by grief and a husband after a while after the tragedy announced the creation of his own party called the "Great Empire". The reason for the rumors was the external similarity of men: now the network discusses various versions, including the fact that Nordics and there are Pavel Gubarev. There is no official confirmation of these rumors.

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