Turkish Choir - Composition, Photo, Soloists, News, Songs 2021



More than a quarter of a century, the Russian music team "Turkish Choir" is held on the crest of success and pleases Melomanians. Ten soloists who direct the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Mikhail Turkish, found the way to the hearts of millions of fans not only with impeccable performance and talent, but also by the fact that the team does not have repertory restrictions. In the arsenal of the vocal group of hits of world classics, rock composition, jazz and folk songs.

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Refusal of the phonogram and "live" voices turn every performance in a unique one. In the repertoire of the "Chora of Turkish" songs executed in 10 languages. More than 5,000 exits on the scenes of Russia, the countries of the post-Soviet space, Europe, Asia and America made the team world famous.


The debut of the team took place in the 1990th, but the origins of creativity deeper. The art group was formed under the 1980s curtain in the choral synagogue in Moscow. At first, the repertoire included Jewish compositions and liturgical music. After a couple of years, ambitions of the team rose, and the soloists expanded the genre repertoire with popular songs and music of different countries and eras, opera and rock compositions.

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According to Mikhail Turkish's team, to expand the circle of listeners in the repertoire, included the music of the last 4 centuries - from George Friedrich Handel to Chanson and pop hits of the Soviet pop.

The debut concerts of the "Choir Turkish" took place with the support of the Junta Charitable Organization and passed in Tallinn, Chisinau, Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. Interest in the Jewish musical tradition, frozen after 1917, broke out with a new force.

In 1991-92, the "Turkish Choir" went to the tour of Canada, France, Great Britain, America and Israel. In Spanish Toledo, the ensemble participated in the festival organized by the 500th anniversary of Jewish exile, and went on stage with world stars Isaac Stern and Placido Domingo.

In the mid-1990s, the Turkish Choir divided: one half remained in the Russian capital, the second moved in Miami, where the musicians worked under the contract. The repertoire of the second half expanded the Broadway classics and jazz hits.

In 1997, vocalists under the leadership of Turkish joined the farewell tour of Joseph Kobzon and, together with the singer, were given over 100 concerts.

In 1999, the "Choir of Turkish" presented to the audience a repertory performance, named "Vocal Show Mikhail Turkish". The premiere took place on the stage led by Gennady Khazanop theater of the Estrada.

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In 2002, Mikhail Turkish received the title of "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation", and after 2 years, the choir gave the first concert in the Concert Hall of Russia. In the same 2004 at the National Award "Man of the Year" program, the program, called "ten votes that shook the world" nominated as a "cultural event of the year."

In the early 2005, "Turkish Choir" went on tour in America and gave concerts on the scenes of San Francisco Concert Halls, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago. In the same year, vocalists visited hundreds of Russia and the CIS cities with a new program called "Born Sing".

In 2007, the "Choir of Turkish" became the laureate of the Prize "Record-2007", which was assigned an ensemble for the album "Great Music". The collection includes classic compositions.

In 2010-2011, the musicians went to the anniversary tour "20 years: 10 years: 10 votes", and in 2012, a concert was held in the Kremlin Palace, in which the stars of the Russian show business participated in the Kremlin Palace. In the same year, the ensemble presented to fans the song "Smile God of the Raduga", which was recorded by the clip.

In the spring of 2014, the Turkish team presented to music a demon of the show program, which the choreographer Egor Druzhinin put. She was called "male look at love." In order to see the speech, 19 thousand spectators who watched on the stage from interactive screens were gathered at the Olympic Stadium.

On the day of Victory, the musicians were given a 2-hour concert on the Poklonnaya Mount, collecting 150 thousand people. In April 2016, in the Kremlin Palace "Turkish Choir" presented fans an unforgettable show in honor of the 25-year-old anniversary of the team, calling him "with you and forever."


Over time, the composition of the art group changed, but the head remained unchanged - Mikhail Turkish. The path to the leader of the famous team, he passed after graduation in the mid-1980s of the institute. Gnesinic. The first wards of Mikhail became children - Turkish led by a young vocalist chorus. Then headed the choir team of the theater Yury Sherling.

Mikhail Turkish

In 1990, Mikhail Turkish organized a male choir in the capital choral synagogue, which was transformed into a famous team.

One of the oldest and at the same time of the youngest soloists of the Art Group - Alexandrov - joined the chorus in the 1990s. Moskvich in the mid-1990 graduated from Gnesinka. Alexandrov was famous for the copying of the votes of Toto Kutuno and Boris Moiseeva. Vocalist has a rich dramatic baritone.

Alexandrov and Evgeny Kulmis

In 1991, the poet, Bas-Profundudo Evgeny Kulmis, who previously led by a children's choir joined the Bass-Profundudo. Eugene was born under Chelyabinsk, began his career as a pianist and also passed the way from Gnesinka to work in the "Choir of Turkish". Kulum is the author of texts and Russian options for transfers of some songs.

Evgeny Tulinov and Mikhail Kuznetsov

In 1991-92, two more Muscovites joined the team: Dramatic Tenor Yevgeny Tulinov and Tenor-Altino Mikhail Kuznetsov. Tulanov with Kuznetsov - Honored Artists of the Russian Federation from 2006 and 2007, respectively. Both are graduates of Gnesink.

In the mid-1990s, Lyrian tenor from Minsk Oleg Blyakhorchuk, who plays the piano, accordion, melody, electric and acoustic guitars, joined the ensemble. Came to the team from Orchestra Mikhail Finberg, where he was a soloist.

Konstantin Cape and Vyacheslav Fresh

In 2003, the "Turkish Choir" took on two more metropolitan inhabitants: previously fulfilled Russian spiritual music Boris Goryachev, possessing Lyrical Bariton, and Igor Zverev (bass-canthanto).

In 2007 and 2009, the Art Group enriched himself with the baritone tenor Konstantin Cabo and the counterpart of Vyacheslav Fresh. Both are indigenous Muscovites.

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From those who left the staff of the team, Melomanans remember Boris Warriors, who worked in the "Choir of Turkish" from the day of education to 1993, tenor Vladislav Vasilkovsky (immigrated to the United States in 1996) and opera tenor Valentin Sukhodolets (left in 2009). From 1991 to 1999 in the "Chorean of Turkish", Tenor Mark Smirnov and Bass Vladimir Aranzon.

"Turkish Choir" now

In 2017, the art group presented fans a lyrical song "With you and forever", on which the director Olesya Aleinikova removed the video. The video was leading on the VII award of the TV channel RU.TV. The ceremony was held in the metropolitan "Crocus City Hall".

On the annual musical award, RU.TV first presented a nomination for the best clip that was shot in the Crimea. Denis Maidanov, Vlad Topalov, Alexey Vorobyev, Yurkiss, Vladimir and "Choir of Turkish" struggled for victory.

In October 2017, the wards Mikhail Turkish made music lovers another surprise, giving a song and the clip "You know". In the clip starred actress Ekaterina Spitz.

On the page "Khora Turkish" in "Instagram" and on the official website, the group fans will learn about the news in the creative life of the team. In February 2018, the ensemble gave a concert in the Kremlin.


  • 1999 - "High Holidays (Jewish Liturgy)"
  • 2000 - "JEWISH SONGS"
  • 2001 - "Bravissimo"
  • 2003 - "The Choir of Turkish represents ..."
  • 2004 - "Star Duets"
  • 2004 - "When men sing"
  • 2006 - "Born Sing"
  • 2006 - "Great Music"
  • 2007 - "Moscow - Jerusalem"
  • 2007 - "Music of all times and peoples"
  • 2009 - "Alliluia Love"
  • 2009 - "Music of all time"
  • 2010 - "Music of our hearts"
  • 2010 - "Show continues"

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