Anastasia Chukhray - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Anton Tobacco, Daughter, Alexey Reznikovich, husbands 2021



Anastasia Chukhray is the carrier of the authoritative last name in the world of Russian cinema, the former wife of Anton Tabakov, whose family also does not need in the presentation. Anastasia Pavlovna argues that if her personal life appears on the pages of newspapers and magazines, does not consider such an event worthy of attention. Another thing is when it comes to professional achievements or about relatives: both those and other patronage proud.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia - the daughter of the film director, the nominee for Oscar Paul Chukhraya and the Scenario of Maria Zvereva. Grandfather in the father's line - Grigory Chukhray, the director of the cult Soviet paintings "Ballad about a soldier" and "Clean Sky". The second grandfather, Isolde Maddberg (Ilya Zverev), - writer. Nastya has a sophisticated sister of Daria.

Anastasia's biography was happily. Friends of parents visited guests, and this is, in fact, the whole color of the Soviet and Russian cinema. They were stayed late, but Nastya never sent to sleep on the regime. The girl from an early age has been drinking conversations with smart, versatile people.

The Chukhrayev family reigned a democratic atmosphere. As the celebrity told, the parents did not forced anything, for unsatisfactory marks did not scold in the diary. Now Nastya is trying to behave similarly in matters of education, respect children as personalities.

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The great-house worker was engaged in the great-grandmother, Anastasia was not allowed to cook food or washing the dishes, therefore the basics of the house-generation was mastered, already coming out married. At the age of 13, Nastya was sent to learn to America. The girl lived at Mamina's girlfriend Linda, thanks to which he met with the stars of Hollywood, "Oscars" saw thirty pieces. " But, as Chukhray said, in the United States constantly pulled home.

Parents provided the opportunity to choose the university itself. At the end of the school Chukhray received economic education at the Moscow International University, but soon felt craving for the humanitarian direction, therefore came to television.

At the same time, I didn't want to become an actress, moreover, Pavel Grigorievich did not approve of familyhood and, according to his daughter, would not write a role specifically for relatives. However, Nastya was tried as an artist, even once.


In 2004, Chukhray came to work on the CTC channel in the Talk Show "Details in the morning". A year later, the TV presenter was invited to a new channel, "home", in the transmission of the "nest", in which the interlocutors of Nastya are famous artists, musicians, politicians and other representatives of the establishment - told about life and secrets of building a family nest.

In 2007, together with the father Pavel Chukhray, began to lead the program "From the heart" on TV Center TV channel. This time, people who were not spoiled by essential attention were visited by guests in the studio. Sometime, Valentina Leontyeva led to the transmission with the same name and content, by all the favorite "Aunt Valya". Anastasia recalled that he didn't even try to compete with the legend, but he tried that every release was worried and touched to the depths of the soul.

Later, Chukhray returned to the "home" - in the show "Free Time", telling about where with benefit you can spend a day off. Returning from maternity leave, Anastasia began to "draw" images of the heroes of our time in the men's portrait program. Guests of the TV presenter asked questions from different areas - about work, beloved women, hobbies. Questions were straight and sometimes provocative.

Educational activities

In 2015, Anastasia took part in the basis of the Arzamas educational Internet project, which publishes free courses in art, history and culture. Chukhray at the time of the creation of the educational site made a co-author and the main investor.

The co-founder Philip Dzhedko explained the name simply. First, so refer to the old town, which retained Russian culture, secondly, such a name was literary society, which had a great influence on art. In addition, Dzhedko believes that the word is nice for hearing.

Over time, the portal has a channel on Yutiube and a mobile application. At the same time, paid categories arose. Anastasia emphasized in an interview that the funds that work with the help of the project goes to the salary of the lecturers and the development of this and similar sites.

In Arzamas Anastasia managed to attract interested people from different areas. In a single team, the chef editors of the NTV channel and Radio Radio, the former editors of the Russian Esquire and worked. In 2020, during a quarantine, which was announced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all the application sections were in open access. At the same time, "Arzamas" did not ask to tie a card, as competitors did.

Since childhood, Chukhray loved to read. The fascination with literature pushed to join another educational Internet project, which was called the "Regiment". The playground is designed to form an idea of ​​the most important works of Russian literature. Among the founders, an old friend of Anastasia was also listed - the entrepreneur Alexander Mamut, with which a romantic relationship was previously attributed to the woman.

Personal life

With the first husband, the son of the famous parents Anton Tobakov, Anastasia got acquainted 17 years. For the 30-year-old Anton, the train of the conqueror of the ladies' hearts and the debosshire has already stretched. As Tobacco recalled, first the chief of the cavalier at a well-known address, and only a year later the restaurant decided to go closer again.

According to Chukhray, the delights of the newly newly, the parents did not cause the parents - the reputation was affected, and Nastya was very young. Nevertheless, the family existed for 12 years. Anna's daughter was born in marriage, which journalists are rightfully called the decoration of the family tree.

Anastasia and Anton broke up, but retained friendly relations, Anya spent a lot of time with his father. Instagram account of the girl until a certain point attracted no less attention than the pages of stars. Ane was able to visit the "face" "Chanel". In 2014, he made his debut on the ball, which annually gives Tatler magazine. But now, the charter of the annoying fans, the blue-eyed beauty has ceased to induce the network users with candid pictures in a swimsuit.

In 2007, at the Festival "Kinotavr", the actress was unmarked in the press revealed the secret of Anastasia. Alexey Reznikovich became the new husband of the TV host, who was then the chairman of the board of directors of Golden Telecom, a graduate of Moscow State University and Georgetown University. Father of the spouse, too, from the world of art - Kryukruk the Theater of the Russian Drama. Lesia Ukrainka in Kiev.

Nastya and Alexey made efforts that journalists did not recognize the wedding. Spouses - people are not public, photos rarely appear on the pages of tabloid. At first, Chukhray gave birth to her beloved daughter Maria, named after grandmother. Girl adores sports and natural sciences. Later, the son of Grigory appeared.

Anastasia Chukhray now

In 2021, despite the crisis that covered many areas, Anastasia continued to engage in patronage. Chukhray does not stop on the support of Arzamas and the Shelves. The name of the representative of the famous dynasty is among the trustees of (former - electronic media telling about the news of music, movies, literature and science.


  • "Details in the morning"
  • "Nest"
  • "Heartily"
  • "Arzamas"
  • "A shelf"
  • "Male portrait"

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