Perseus - biography, legend, image and character, actors


Character History

In the myths of ancient Greece, the biographies of the heroes are often given, whom poets, sculptors and painters have attracted. It is only worth remembering the Teasian who defeated the mighty minotaurus and thanks to the threads Ariadna got out of the tangled lubricants of the labyrinth. It is noteworthy that the Perseus, which struggled by Medusa Gorgon, there are no negative features. Whereas Hercules (in Roman mythology - Hercules) had an attacks of rage, and it was not indifferent to hot drinks, and another hero - Ahill - was guided mainly to personal interests.

Perseus was so beautiful that sometimes he was compared with the gods. And in the features of its character there are courage, dexterity and ability to exit complex situations.

History of appearance

When the inhabitants of the Sunny State, which is located in Southern Europe, came up with Persea (by the way, many etymologists believe that this name refers to still betraying time) is difficult to say. But it is known that the ancient poet Homer, who died in the VIII century BC, was admired by this character. On Ios Island.

God Zeus

There was a future hero with very unusual circumstances. The fact is that acrivia received a prediction from Oracles: the Argos king was predetermined that he would fall from his own grandson.

It is not surprising that acrossa tried to avoid their fate with all their might. The king stared his daughter into a dungeon from stone and bronze. Thus, the princess was not only sharpened in captivity, but also deprived contact with men. However, Rudverzz Zeus deceived acrycia: the Olympians liked this that he reincarnated into the golden rain and penetrated through the Tomnov ceiling.

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This plot inspired masters of the brushes and the paints of the Renaissance. The artist Rembrandt interpreted the legend very original: on the painting of the Dutchman, which is called "Dana", there are no rain and gold coins, which caused researchers disputes. The picture was even subjected to X-ray treatment, as a result of which the initial sketch was found.

After Zeus reached acrycia, Danai was born a baby called by Perse. The girl did not hide the Divine Origin of the Son, but the king did not want to put up with the coming fate, so I tried to get rid of the grandson. The owner of the crown ordered artisans to make a durable drawer, where were locked by Tan and Perseus, and then the unfortunate was thrown into the sea. By the way, a similar plot is found at Alexander Pushkin in the "Tale of Tsar Saltan".

Perseus and Dana sailed to the island of serifos

The son of Zeus and Danai was not destined to drown in the marine underfloor, so the waves took the box east, to the island of serf. He was caught fisherman named Dokyace. Fisherman and part-time Brother of the Tower Tsar Polydex Diva Dae and Perseus to the Tsarist Palace, and the host of the throne had the most welcoming reception. Polydenti scratching daughter Akrismia and her son with gifts, counting on mutual sympathy, but the girl did not want to have a relationship with him going beyond friendly.

It took a lot of years, and the ruler of the serift, hoping that this will become his wife, lowered his hands and stopped seeking the location of the princess of good. By that time, Perseus became an adult and was able to stand up for himself and the mother, so the PSD decided to get rid of the strengthened young man.

Perseus in mythology

Medusa Gorgona

In the mythology of ancient Greece, the feat of Persea is directly related to the murder of Jellyfish Gorgon. According to the leishes, this is a monster with a female head and hairs of snakes. And the one who dares to see the jellyfish in the eyes instantly turns into a stone.

Pald decided to get rid of the son of Danai at any cost, but did not dare to resist the descendant of Zeus directly. Therefore, the king was invented by a cunning plan: the ruler of the island was doubtful in the divine origin of Perseya and asked the young man to prove his relationship with the gods. When Perseus agreed to demonstrate his power to the king, he asked him to kill the terrible Medusa Gorgon and bring her severed head.

Athena Hands Persay Shield

Palid put before Sipsession Danai A superhuman task, for the jellyfish not only easily paid living beings into a stone, but also dwell together with two sisters. The Olympic gods of Athena and Hermes helped the hero to cope with the monster: thanks to them, the Perseus acquired useful attributes - a magic curved sword and a polished copper shield, in which everything was reflected in the mirror.

Also, the hero visited the prophest sisters - the old Forkad, who had one eye on three and one tooth. The young man kidnapped their innermost objects, and Gray offered in the exchange of sandals with wings, the invisibility of Aida and the magic bag.


Armed with the legs to the head, Perseus arrived in shelter to the Gorgon. The son of Danai rose into the air with the help of magic sandals and cut off the head of the jellyfish. In order not to turn into a stone, the hero was reflected on the Athens shield. And then with the help of the invisibility cap disappeared from other gorgon.

After that, hiding the trophy in the bag, mythological hero went to the northwestern part of Africa: there he met Titan Atlanta, who, in punishment for the rebellion, arranged against the gods, was to forever sign the heavenly arch of his mighty shoulders. It is worth noting that the Atlant's doomed to suffer dislike the uninvited guests, for he was predicted that one day the son of Zeus would appear, which would cause him trouble.

Perseus and Medusa Gorgon

When Perseus was introduced by the unfortunate son of the thumbnail, who cut off the head of the Jellyfish Gorgon, he did not believe him and called the liar. Then the young man decided to prove the truthfulness of his words and pulled the trophy from the bag. Atlant, looking at the head of Gorgon, immediately turned into a stone block, which is now located between Marrakesh and Tunisia.

Percut, the hero went to Polydekt. Since Perseus traveled around the heat, soon the blood gorgon leaked out of the bag. The drops that fell on the hot land immediately turned into a rattle snake. Over time, they have multiplied and destroyed all the living things that were in those edges, turning the terrain into a desert desert. Fortunately, at that time Perseus was already far away.

Perseus and Andromeda

The hero went to Ethiopia. On the road in the city of Yopp, which is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, he managed to free the royal daughter Andromeda, who was doomed to the right death: the girl was given to the egregation of the sea monster. Perseus dealt with the fiance of Andromeda and took the unhappy in his wife. After the murder of the Marine Crank Perseus washed from the blood in the reservoir, after which the water acquired a scarlet shade.

Next, the young man finally arrived in SeriF, where he found his mother in the temple: Danae was hidden from the persecution of the king of Polydekt. Perseus showed the winner of the crown and his associates head jellyfish, after which they all appealed to the stone boulders. According to another version, the young man turned into the stone of all residents of the serift. In fact, the island is a very rocky - this fact became a counterfeit to play the plot by comic poets.

Perseus with jellyfish head

Later Perseus and his mother decided to take a visit to the acryption, which, remembering the prediction, did not let them on the threshold. But, as they say, you will not run away from destiny: after many years the fatal prediction came true when Perseus participated in sports competitions and accidentally cast a disk towards the audience. The fucking projectile killed acrycia. Sofokl said that the king died after the third throw of Persea.


The directors are accustomed to please the kinomanians not only with new ideas, but also with paintings, captured by historical or mythological plots. Kineetels did not bypassed Perseus, so we consider the pictures where this hero appears.

"Battle of Titans" (film, 1981)

The adventure fighter director Desmond Davis won the spectators' attention, because he introduced the free interpretation of the ancient Greek myths: if snakes are born in the legends from the blood of jellyfish, then in the myths - scorpions. In addition, the picture shows how Perseus turns the Finea into a stone, which was not in the picture. In the plot, the deaths son of Zeus - Perseus - Must save Beauty Andromeda from the magic spell and kill Kraken. The main character has courage, determination, as well as faithful friends - Owl Bubbo and the winged horse Pegasus. Roles performed Lawrence Olivier, Harry Hamlin, Ursula Andress, Maggie Smith, Claire Bloom and other stars of show business.

Harry Hamlin in the image of Perseya

"Battle of Titans" (film, 2010)

Director Louis Leterier removed the remake of the movie of the same name, providing him with special effects. The film also decided not to be based on the original and invented his own concept. The picture begins with the fact that the fisherman caresses the casket, in which the dead body of a woman with a lively baby is hidden in his hands. Spiros, along with his wife, decides to make up the boys and calls him. When the saved young man grew, he learned that the gods prepare the war. In the brilliant acting painting included Raif Fayns, Nicholas Holt, Sam Worthington, Liam Nison, Jason Fleming and other cinema stars.

Sam Worthington in Perseya

"Wrath of Titans" (film, 2012)

Director Jonathan Libesman continued the storyline and removed Spin-off to the "Battle of Titans". This time the picture tells how after the victory over the sea monster the Perseus forgot about the heroic exploits, lived a calm fishing life and engaged in raising his son. However, Tartar's walls began to collapse, so the Thunderstroke Zeus asked Persea to save the world from the coming chaos. Rosamund Pike, Bill Naia, Danny Houston, Lily James and others were added to the acting.

Interesting fact

In the film "Percy Jackson and a zipper", which was released in 2010, the chief character was called Percy in honor of Perseya. True, the real Perseus took place from Zeus, and the cinematic hero was the son of Poseidon.

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