Elena Glinsky - biography, photos, personal life, reforms, board, death



Great Princess Elena Vasilyevna Glinskaya Rules by the Russian state from 1533. The government did not enjoy popular neither the people or the boyar. Known through financial reform and conclusion of the Russian-Lithuanian war.

Childhood and youth

Princess Elena was born in the family of Vasily Lvovich Glinsky (on the nickname "Dark") and Anna Yakshich in 1508. The exact date of birth is not preserved in the chronicles. Uncle Glinsky along the father was a major government official of the Grand Duch of Lithuanian, but after the insurgency fled to Moscow with the whole family. Legends say that Glynsky's genus originates from Mamia.

Elena Glinsky

The girl grew up with a static red-haired beauty. She studied languages, political way of country, painting and art. In 1526, Elena became the bride and wife of the Grand Duke of Russian Vasily III, who was divorced with the first spouse because of her infertility.

Governing body

In 1533, Elena Glinsky became a widow and made a coup in the country. The princess took the power of everyone who appointed the regent her husband before death. He ordered his wife to take care of the state while his eldest son Ivan matures, but the power of a woman did not entrust.

Elena Glinskaya and Vasily III

Elena forbade the purchase of land from serving people and strengthened control over monastic lands. So the princess decided to fight with dishonest boyars who wanted to increase their territory at any cost. Glinskaya led a tough struggle with princes and boyars who were against the central government. The woman wanted to pass the son calm, submissive and thriving country.

The main assistant Elena Vasilyevna was Prince Ivan Fedorovich Sheepskin Telepnev-Obolensky. It was rumored that they had a novel, despite the fact that the man was married to the daughter of Prince Osip Andreevich Doroborovsky.

Portrait of Elena Glinsky

Prince Ivan Fedorovich could easily influence Elena, and hence all the works of the Russian state. The filed were unhappy with the arrogant behavior of the favorite, the fact that he did not hide his status.

Elena Vasilyevna was a strict to those who allowed themselves to publicly speak badly towards the ruling princess or Prince Ivan Fedorovich. They were sent punishment. So Glinskaya planted for the bars of his uncle Mikhail Glinsky. He sat down in prison after the woman learned that Mikhail talks about Obolen's television. There uncle died of hunger.

Portrait of Elena Glinsky

In 1537, Elena Glinsky concluded a peace treaty with the Polish king of Sigismund I. Favorable conditions for the country she achieved with the help of a professional and cohesive army. The king understood that this is the best that he will receive from this war, which devastated the treasury Poland.

During the reign of the princess, many defensive structures appeared. One of them is the Korgo Wall. It was built in three years in order to protect Moscow from the raids of the Crimean Tatars. To our time the wall is not preserved.

Money Elena Glinsky: penny 1535-1538

The most important from the reforms of Princess Glinsky is considered monetary. Elena Glinsky introduced a single cash currency in the territory of the Russian state - a silver coin weighing 0.34 g. One quarter of this coin was called "half". On the coin, the Grand Duke on Kon and with a spear in their hands. All fake coins were withdrawn and melted in the original. This reform made a significant contribution to strengthening the country's economy.

Elena was with the authorities not long (five years), but managed to lay the foundation for the board of His Son Ivan. So, the woman began a lift reform. She ordered to take the earth from the governors and transmit them to the lifting elders and "favorite heads", which submitted to the Boyar Duma.

Tsar Ivan Grozny, Son Elena Glinsky

All these years, the smaller Ivan Grozny watched the Mother's Board and made his conclusions. Baby's education was engaged in grandmother Anna Yakshich. Looking at the struggle for power between boyar families and on the Boyar Board itself, Ivan became cruel, sharp and secretive. He understood that such distributes lead to the decline of the state and the embezzlement of the treasury.

Ivan was the only contender for the throne, as the Father himself handed over to him "Scepter Velika Rusi". The second son of Elena and Vasily Ivanovich was deaf and the "simple mind," as they say in the preserved chronicles. He did not make a brother competition in the struggle for power.


Died Princess Elena Glinsky on April 4, 1538. Some historians claim that there are confirmation that a woman poisoned the boyars Shuisky. Studies conducted later than the death of Princess point to the presence of rat poison in the body. However, this version is not considered the main, because in those days, mercury often used to produce cosmetics, which could cause death. Elena constantly emphasized her beauty, including a thick layer of cosmetics.

Elena Glinskaya Restored

I buried the Russian state government in the Kremlin, in the Ascension of the Women's Monastery. After her death, the remains of the tens of times took scientists to learn more about the princess. A portrait of a woman was drawn up on her skull bones.

If, at the beginning of the board, citizens of the country belonged to a foreign expensive, which seized power, with caution, then five years later fell in love with her. They noted the strengthening of the protection of state borders, financial stability and the weakening of the Boyar power.


  • 1945 - The film "Ivan Grozny"
  • 1999 - Elena Glinsky's appearance reconstruction
  • 2009 - TV series "Ivan Grozny"

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