Vladimir Glyaev - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Vladimir Glyaev is a representative of the cogators of the actors who have never happened to try on the role of the first plan. But it did not prevent you from becoming a famous, the real favorite of the audience. The artist knew how to master the bright character of the minor hero.

Full Vladimir Glyaev

Few fans know that this modest person in the world of cinema was going to devote the life of the army, during the Second World War, selflessly dismissed Russian land behind the aircraft steering wheel. That's where the military gauge, which Vladimir Leonidovich admires the TV screens.

Childhood and youth

Volodya was born in Sverdlovsk in an intelligent family. Mama Maria Alekseevna - Pedagogue, and Father Leonid Mikhailovich received a degree of candidate of historical sciences at one time, replaced the head of the Molotovsky Aviation School political waste.

Since childhood, the boy was dreaming about the sky, and at the age of 15 became a member of the Aeroklub. The passion for aircraft was realized during the Great Patriotic War. Vladimir in the first days of the onset of the fascists rushed together with peers in the military registration and enlistment office, but the guys unfolded - Glyaev did not fulfill even 17 years old.

Vladimir Glyaev in youth

I had to help the homeland, and at the same time go along the way to a dream in another way. The future actor got a mechanic to the Perm Aviation Workshop, where he worked for almost a year. In the spring of 1942, the young man put on the cadet of the military aviation school, and in the late autumn of 1943 in the rank of younger lieutenant, the Air Force hit the front.

In the war, the pilot-attack aircraft Vladimir Gulyaev showed a valor and courage, becoming one of the best pilots of the front. On the account of a man 60 combat departures on IL-2, during which wounds and contusions do not read. One day, a young pilot managed to plant a lost control plane on the forest and survive myself, although he got a lot of serious injury. The point in a military career put the task to throw off the commandant of Königsberg Ottoly Ultimatum.

Vladimir Glyaev in youth

Vladimir Glyaev was lucky to the colleague pilots - the top of the world's best heavenly warriors - to go along the route of Victory Parade, which took place on June 24, 1945. With a military career I had to say goodbye: Vladimir Leonidovich, wounded and more than a contused, commissioned. In search of a place in life, the young man came to VGIK and entered the workshop of Sergei Yutkevich and Mikhail Romma. So began the acting biography of the former military.


Vladimir never received a leading role for the film, however, the characters of the second plan at the artist were brilliantly. Gulyaev sincerely and wrinkled ordinary people, forever remaining in memory of the audience. The first works were minor roles in the popular films "Rural doctor", "Alien Rodin", "Test of Loyalty".

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In 1956, the Soviet screens came out the picture "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", which brought Vladimir Leonidovich Spectator love and all-union fame. The actor reincarnated in the driver of Yurk, having sobering vulgar chastushki. Coupling the script did not assume, this is the improvisation of Glyaeva, who just wanted to joke and cause smiles on the gloomy faces of colleagues on the set.

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The image of Sergei from the film "Aleshkin Love" is also remembered. The main role was sent to the young Leonid of Bykov, but Glyaeva critics and movie lovers noted. The ability to remain recognizable in episodes was manifested in subsequent work. The actor tried unforgettable images of a policeman in the comedy "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurika" and the driver of Volodya from Moura in a diamond hand tape, which decorated the cinema with light hand Leonid Gaidai.

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In the creative piggy bank of Vladimir Glyaeva, painting of people-representatives of the police and the military. The artist was not afraid of such roles - he knew how to convince the viewer that charismatic and charming personals work in the structures of power. His phrases pronounced in films became covered. Until now, the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space are sometimes inserted into speech: "Hello from Michal Ivanovich!", "Semyon Semyonch!", "What is your head?"

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The sharp career flourished in the 50s. Gulyaev, owner of a simple Soviet guy, was very in demand. In the 60s, the director gramed up, inviting a man to completely modest episodic roles. Vladimir Leonidovich continued to appear on the film until the beginning of the 1990s.

Vladimir Glyaev played with the stars of Soviet screens. It fell good luck to divide the film crew with Yuri Nikulin, Oleg Basilashvili, Alla Larionova, Yuri Belov and other celebrities.

Personal life

Vladimir Leonidovich had three stamps in the passport. The first time former military and the actor married early, still in student time. The classmate of Rimma Shorokhov became the elect, who played together in the Spring on Zarechnaya Street together. It is noteworthy that the viewers of the artists showed the difficult attitude of the pair, in which the misunderstanding reigns.

Vladimir Glyaev and Rimma Shorokhov

The second wife of Glyaeva also called Rimma. Two children were born in this marriage, daughter of Catherine and Son Leonid. The third wife of the actor was Lucumber Efimov.

The passion of Vladimir Leonidovich to the aircraft was replaced by love for cars. "Ground technique" let him give such bright emotions, but still allowed to feel the speed, complete submission of a man's will.

Monument on the grave of Vladimir Glyaeva and his wife Lucius Efimova

Glyaev gladly went to meetings with the audience, unlike some colleagues on the workshop did not refuse even from the deaf depths. Such evenings have always promised fun - the actor diluted the stories by jokes and humorous jokes, in love with himself.

The man was famous for the collaboration of talents. He sang perfectly, and learned to brilliantly execute popular compositions in the war, participating in regimental amateur. In 1985 he tried the forces on the writer's field - from Pen Gulyaeva, a documentary story "In the air of Il", in which readers from the mouth of the younger lieutenant Leonid Ladygin learned about the battle exploits of pilots during the Second World War.


The war seriously undermined the health of Vladimir Glyaev. In the 90s, the actor often sickly, canceled meetings with the audience, stopped being removed. The "driver of Volodya from Mura" and "Driver Yurka Zhurchenko" died in early November 1997. The body of a man was cremated, the urn with ashes rests on the Kuntsevsky cemetery.


  • 1951 - "Rural doctor"
  • 1954 - "Test of Loyalty"
  • 1955 - "Alien Rod"
  • 1956 - "Spring on Zarechnaya Street"
  • 1960 - "Aleshkin Love"
  • 1965 - "Operation" S "and other adventures of Shurik"
  • 1965 - "To me, Mukhtar!"
  • 1968 - "Diamond Hand"
  • 1969 - Zigzag Good luck
  • 1971 - "Old Rogue"
  • 1973 - "Eternal Call"
  • 1974 - "Love earth"
  • 1982 - "Hope and Support"
  • 1984 - "Elephant lost" "

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