Elmira Bikbova - biography, photo, personal life, Yuri Shevchuk, death



Remembering his first wife Elmira Bikbova, Yuri Shevchuk says that he lived next to the spring. In the family, the woman was so called - the actress Spring. Musa leader "DDT" died in the early 90s, but the musician is still hard to talk about the beloved person in the past time.

Childhood and youth

In the biography of Elmira bikbova many white spots. When she was alive, no one occurred to anyone interested in the details of the life of Shevchuk's wife. And the musician itself does not apply to family secrets.

Elmira Bikbova in childhood

Elmira was born at the end of May 1967 in Ufa. Father Shamil died early, Mother Lily brought up daughter and son alone. The girl studied at the same school as her future husband even lived next door. It was inquisitive, perfectly drawn, I read a lot, with friends he listened to "forbidden music", including the Album "Peripherals", recorded by the first part of DDT.

Bikbova, as a friend remembered, not the Turgenev girl at all. The surroundings had to put up with the character of Elmira: then she laughs fun, next minute - romantic and thoughtfully, and sometimes there was cutting and categorical in judgment. When the company walked down the street, men turned around the high, slim and plastic beauty.

Elmira Bikbova with girlfriends

Closer to the end of the school, Elmira was fascinated by the dances and saw in them not just the harmony of movement and music, but also thoughts, souls.

Classes of pop dance studio, who attended the girl, was held in the House of Culture "Avangard" (or "Synthesispirt" for other sources). There was also rehearsed by the DDT group, at that time well-known in narrow circles. In the 80s, in the Soviet Union, the ramps, the tastelessness and informals seemed to be not welcomed to Mildly. When DDT was persecuted, Elmira with his company wrote a letter to defense of the musician.

Elmira Bikbova in the Studio Pop Dance

According to the stories of classmates Bikbova, this act expensive to them. In the KGB, they decided that the children could not write such a thorough message to protect the Opt Shevchuk, which means that someone stands behind them. From the aviation institution, where girls were collected by signatures, excluded several students. At home in another girlfriend, the mother of which was a well-known journalist, arranged ambitious disassembly.


At the end of the school, Elmira suddenly wanted to become an actress and with friends of Tatiana and Elvira went to Moscow - trying to enter immediately in Gitis and VGIK. Looking at them, Shevchuk also filed documents to the directorial. Yuri's admission committee liked, but the teacher decided that the rock singer would never throw music, and did not become a student of theatrical Shevchuk.

Actress Elmira Bikbova

Competition in the capital's universities girls failed and returned to Ufa. Bikbova got a job to work as the head of the children's dance circle. Then Elmira entered the Institute of Arts on the course of Pavel Romanovich Melnichenko, who was preparing the artists of the puppet theater. At all, a short girl served in the doll theater, in which Melnichenko served as the main director.

Elmira Bikbova and Pavel Melnichenko

Shevchuk at this time moved to Leningrad. Elmira regularly traveled to the northern capital, once threw his native university and some time studied at the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography at Leo Dodina, but then returned. The family reunited when Bikbova graduated from studying.

Personal life

At the time of dating Yuri Shevchuk was 27 years old, and Elmira finished school. As her close girlfriend later told her, the singer surrendered to the participant of the team show during a speech at the Chess Club at the Oil Institute. The musician took care of the girlfriends, read them poems, told the truth about the war in Afghanistan. Mom Elmira called Yura's past laundry and did not oppose the choice of her daughter. More survived the neighbors, perplexed, that such a beauty found in a bearded a spiker-anti-sake sweat, dressed in a stretched sweater.

Elmira Bikbova and Yuri Shevchuk

When young people decided to create a family, the future mother-in-law said the Shevchuk directly that Elmira is similar to her - "unsystematic person", and besides, spoiled and not adapted for home affairs. Although I knew everything, but did not always do. However, singers did not bother. The main thing is that Lily Feodorovna was disturbed - the education of his daughter, and Yuri promised that he would send Elmiru to learn.

Elmira Bikbova with Son Pete

Later, when the persecution began by the KGB, Shevchuk moved from the city to the city, lived in Moscow, then in Sverdlovsk. In 1985, she finally donkey in Leningrad. Couple writing to each other southerling letters. Finally, in September 1986, Yuri and Elmira got married, in a year the son of Petya was born.

Peter Shevchuk finished the Nakhimov Military School, but did not do the officer career - he was engaged in computer technology, organized a promotional group "Trium Techno Night" and plays techno under the name DJ PETE.


The cause of the death of the wife of the leader DDT in March 1992 was cancer brain. No one who suggested that the charming, energetic girl, who was not even 25 years old, is waiting for such a rapid end.

The theater of dolls in which Bikbova served, put the play "Cranes". The main role went to Elmira. During rehearsals, the woman began to complain about headaches and numbers. She was laid in the hospital, but in the branch of neurology. And only Mother Lily Feodorovna guessed that the head examination was needed. The brain institute discovered a tumor with a matchbox. Elmira burned out of the disease in a few months.

Elmira Bikbova in 1990

Operation abroad could help Elmira if the diagnosis was made early and did not get a financial question. It was almost impossible to find $ 20 thousand in Russia after Pavlovsk reform. "DDT" shortly before that has invested the means to record the album "Plastun". There was no money simply. Neither an operation made in the Leningrad clinic nor chemotherapy helped.

Vyacheslav Butusov came to support a bikbova funeral. How then recalled the frontman "Nautilus", he even does not defend relatives in the last path, and the only time when it happened is the death of Elmira.

Grave Elmira Bikbova

Muse Yuri Shevchuk is buried on the Volkovsky cemetery, not far from the grave of St. Petersburg Rock Star of the 80s Mike Naumenko. The grave is installed plate, which decorates the image of a woman made by an elmia.

After the death of his wife, the musician passed the baptism rite. The memory of the Elmira is dedicated to the album "Actress-Spring", its drawing is used as the cover. In the spring of 2018, on the anniversary of the death of Bikbova, Yuri Shevchuk and DDT released a clip to the song "When you were here." In the design of the clip, a drawing of a solo wife was used: a schematic drawn girl flourishing on a balloon.

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