Evgeny Kuznetsov - biography, personal life, photo, news, hockey player, "instagram", wife, NHL, nickname, Washington 2021



Evgenia Kuznetsov from his youth propted a brilliant future. He justified expectations, reaching incredible success in hockey. The athlete conquered the Ice Arena of Russia and brought a lot of victories to the American team Washington Capitals.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Kuznetsov already in early years the biography was closely related to sports. The boy was born in Chelyabinsk in 1992, and the age of 6 had skates. The Azam Hockey's Hockey was taught Father, but soon the game captured Zhenya with his head, and he joined the rows of sports school "Tractor".

The ice palace was 100 meters from the house of Kuznetsov, so a small athlete was literally disappearing in his walls. He already showed hard work: instead of standard 2 hours, which are discharged to training, drove on ice for 8 hours in a row. The exercises were tightened sometimes until the night, Zhenya did with other teams and asked the guards to put it after closing. Winter holidays The boy considered a torment, because everyone was on vacation, and he could not play hockey.

Vladimir Shabunin, the first coach Eugene and the head of the Tractor-1992 team, immediately saw talent in the child. A persistence was added to the natural data in achieving the goals and an adequate response to criticism. Working with the ward was a mentor only in pleasure.

It is not surprising that training quickly began to bear fruit. When Kuznetsov turned 9 years old, he first officially fought in the tournament. The opponent was made by the Magnitogorsk team, which the "tractor" defeated with a score of 12: 2. In this competition, Zhenya showed himself as a promising scorer.

In 2004, a group of young hockey players took the new coach Alexander Schworev under his wing. The man was already heard about the Ural nugget, but still did not cease to wonder the talent of Kuznetsov.

Soon Evgeny became closely on ice with peers, and he began to play with adult athletes. The young man accepted the "tractor" the main structure when he was 17 years old, and he immediately proved that it was not for nothing - in 35 matches scored two washers.


Soon after the start of the professional career, Kuznetsov won the title of the best player "Tractor". And then he was called to the Russian youth team. The first championship with Evgenia for the country failed, the guys got only until the 6th place. Athlete upset this event, he began to train with even greater perseverance.

The efforts were not in vain - in 2011, at a meeting of youth teams in American Buffalo Kuznetsov became the author of the decisive goal and won the world title. The game turned out to be beautiful, with intrigue: the Russian national team almost losing Canada, but in the end, I broke the victory with a score of 5: 3.

A year later, the player has already served as captain of the national team, which was able to get silver at the World Youth Championships. The personal achievement of the zhenomena in this tournament - according to the results of the points gained and playing, he was called the best attackers. The next championship of the world again ended with Tryurf Kuznetsov, the Russian national team took the 1st place, this achievement managed to repeat in 2014.

Hockey player capable of playing in different positions, be it a defender, central or extreme striker, is a lined candidate for world leagues. Back in 2010, Yevgeny Zadrftoval team NHL Washington Capitals. Then at the ceremony in Los Angeles with a career achievement, Alexander Ovechkin congratulated a colleague on the ice.

After that, the player continued to play for the "tractor". In his native Chelyabinsk, he was a star and a favorite of the public. But when the team did not get into the playoffs, a wave of criticism collapsed on Kuznetsov, and his accounts in social networks were filled with insults and negative comments. Then he realized that the career in Russia came to the end and it's time to leave.

In 2014, the Ural nugget is terminated by a contract with the "tractor" and already in the spring he played for "Washington", whose representatives promised a Russian $ 900 thousand a year. After moving to the American capital, the player first lived in Ovechkin, who introduced the city to the compatriot and acquainted with local orders. They became not only with colleagues in ice, but also comrades in life, and warmly responded with each other in an interview.

The debut for "Washington" took place in the match against "Pittsburgh Penguins", and at the end of the season, the hockey player revealed the potential. Therefore, the contract has been repeatedly launched, and he allowed the team to replenish the piggy bank of the achievements by the Presidential Cup.

But the most significant reward, to the conquest of which Kuznetsov became involved, became Stanley's Cup, won in 2018. Although according to the results of the vote for the best player who manifested himself in the playoff matches, Ovechkin won, the coach and experts stated that Eugene worthy of this title is no less.

But after the winning season, the next, who remembered by fans of the doping scandal with the participation of the star was followed. According to the results of the samples, the athlete had cocaine in the blood, because of which he was removed from participation in world championships and deprived the title of the world's bronze champion, conquered together with the Russian national team in 2019.

Although many feared at the athlete career in the NHL, he continued to glorify Washington Capitals. True, later Evgenia still had to suffer punishment, but for another reason. It was disqualified by 4 matches due to the violation of the rules adopted due to a coronavirus infection pandemic. The consequences of infection with a virus athlete felt and admitted that it would not want this to anyone.

Personal life

The personal life of celebrities has developed successfully. In early June 2011, a magnificent wedding of a hockey player took place at the ice arena of the Tractor. The choices became Anastasia Zinoviev. The wife, too, from a sports family - the younger brothers were fond of hockey, trained in the same club as Zhenya. There is a couple and met.

Four years after the wedding ceremony, the spouse gave the daughter athlete, which was called Esenia. And after a few years he was born heir - Son Fedor. Photo of the beloved and baby Happy Father later published on the Instagram page.

Evgeny Kuznetsov now

The beginning of 2021 was outstanding for an athlete heavy, the consequences of the suffered disease affected and the lack of opportunity to regularly go to the ice. But in April "Washington Capitals" was noted in a bright victory in the guest match against Boston Breastz. Players from the star team scored 8 washers, and he made several effective gears. And in the summer it became known that Eugene will perform with the composition of the Russian national team at the Tokyo Olympics.

Now Evgeny continues to train to improve the statistics and please the fans with new achievements.


  • 2009 - Silver winner of the world championship among junior teams
  • 2011 - World Champion among youth teams
  • 2012 - Silver winner of the world championship among youth teams
  • 2012, 2014 - World Champion
  • 2012 - Finent Cup owner
  • 2012 - Bronze Veritor of the Russian Championship / KHL
  • 2013 - Silver Veritor of the Russian Championship / KHL
  • 2016, 2017 - Bronze medalist of the World Cup
  • 2016, 2017 - Presidential Cup
  • 2018 - Prince of Prince Wales
  • 2018 - Stanley Cup

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