Anatoly Mukasy - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Operator, Films, Svetlana Druzhinin, Sons 2021



Perhaps, without Anatoly Mukasy, dozens of Russian films would lose their charm. The masted operator is modestly hiding behind the camera, trying to create real cinema masterpieces. And he has it brilliantly - all the pictures taken by Anatoly Mikhailovich, became hits, including thanks to the carrier work.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly - Son of an unusual married couple. Mikhail Mukasy, a Jew by nationality, a native of Belarus, and his wife Elizabeth served as requested illegal and houses appeared occasionally. Anatoly Mikhailovich was announced in an interview that she did not see parents with her sister Ella, a total of 2 decades. The legendary scouts came to their native fenats for a week, then disappeared again, reminding children about the existence of parcels and notes transmitted through acquaintances.

The Son with his daughter from early childhood knew that she was not worth sharing with the details of the family's life, and as the senses were kept as Zenitsa. They grew under the supervision of nanny and the so-called "chefs", which were attached to the guys and often looked at visit.

One day, a father working as a consul in Los Angeles, he met Charlie Chaplin and Theodore Diver, he himself took a meeting at a 16-millimeter color film and brought to children. Since then, Tole has a cinema, making the discovery that determined his future.

Anatoly suddenly realized that with the help of the stories removed on the film, it is possible not only to carry a person. The camera is able to stop the time, save it to dozens, if not hundreds of years. Mukasy decided to enter VGIK, and in 1961 he held a diploma in his hands on the end of the operator faculty.


The young operator worked on the Leningrad Newsreel Studio, after he got on Mosfilm, where there was a lot of ingenious films that became the golden heritage of Russian cinema. The director operator honed his professional skill, relying on his own philosophy.

Anatoly Mikhailovich always considered his craft the best of all directions in the cinema, because the viewer sees the operator's eyes taking place, and compared it with the work of painters - these are the same pictures, only in motion. He said that before shooting, I could have looked through the booklets with the works of artists, and at the same time I watched the actors. He is convinced - every heroine should go out on the screen by beauty, even if the role involves the image of the drank.

Such an approach of Mukasese with the famous directors and filled with masterpieces filmography. In 1964, young Anatolia invited to cooperate over the new film eldar Ryazanov.

Together they removed the lyrical comedy "give a plaintive book" with Larisa Bulkoy and Oleg Borisov starring. It was followed by the second wonderful work "Beware of the car", where Ryazanov gathered the stars of the Soviet cinema of Innocent Smoktunovsky, Oleg Efremova, Anatoly Papanova, Olga Arosyev.

I managed to create Anatoly Mikhailovich on the set in a team with Rolan Bykov. The director entrusted Mukases to capture a picture for children "Attention, turtle!" (1970) and the interpretation of the story of Nicholas Gogol "Nose" (1977).

Several filmmaster Mukasy created in a duet with Alexey Korenev. The wave of visual love swells in 1972 the authors of the film "Big Change". The comedy gathered all the color of the actors, ranging from folk and ending with graduates of theatrical universities.

5 years later, Alexey Alexandrovich again called Anatoly Mukasey on the shooting. This time they shot a comedy "for family circumstances", raising the problems of fathers and children. The next picture in which the roles of Galina Polish, Anatoly Papanov, Evgeny Stems and other favorite spectators actors also waited for a grand success. However, as the next work of Koreneva and Mukasey "Trap for a lonely man." The production saw the light in 1990.

Anatoly Mikhailovich most likes to work on comedies, because it is possible to become part of a cheerful process, because many scenes and replicas for such paintings are invented on the set. For example, the cameraman belongs to the idea insert a moment in a multi-point picture of the "big change" when the hero of Eugene Leonova teaches a foreign language in a dream to a tape recorder - the system is fashionable in those times.

A series of films who became hits, Anatoly Mikhailovich presented to the Cynameans along with his wife Svetlana Druzhinina. For the first time as the operator and director, the couple met at the production of Music tape "Watching Gusar" (1979). In Fantasy, Mikhail Boyarsky, Elena Korenev, Andrei Popov, were involved in the fantasy of the "Petersburg Rostovist" Nikolai Nekrasov.

The fruits of the talented union of this creative couple were also tapes "Princess Circus" (1982), "Vivat, Martemarines!" (1991) and "Gardemaryna-3" (1992). At the beginning of the new millennium, the married couple worked on a large-scale project "Secrets of Palace Dobor". The series, telling about the difficult female share of Russian Empress, is interesting because the events of the long-lasting days go backdrop, and the plot focuses on the personal relations of heroes.

Talking to journalists about the moments of creative biography, Anatoly Mikhailovich admits:

"I was lucky on the wonderful director who appreciated the work of the operator, understood the image value. Now commercial times have come to the movies, and the light sometimes tries to rush me: they say, time is money, you need to shoot faster, but I will not build a light until it gets the result that is needed for high-quality image, I do not start shooting. "

Anatoly Mukasy, except for operating work, tried and roles in movies. For example, a man can be seen in the image of Gusar in the "Watching Gusar", sergeant in the movie "Bridge" (1987), the driver of Solomatin in the film Alexander Atanesian "on treason" (2010).

The film operator talent was marked by significant awards: in 1986, Anatoly Mikhailovich was awarded the USSR State Prize for work in the drama "Stuffed". 5 years later, he became a Honored Arts Worker of the RSFSR. In 2009, he received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In April 2018, Anatoly Mukasy received a premium named "The Garden of Operator's Art" Sergey Urusevsky "White Square", which is awarded with outstanding operators for the best work in full-length feature films.

Anatoly Mikhailovich plans for the near future at the beginning of the year learned Maria Shukshin, having visited the program "On Guest in the morning" in the house of Mukasey and Druzhinina. At that time, the spouses were preparing for the filming of the fourth tape about the adventures of Midshipmen.

The director and the operator were thoroughly prepared for the start. It was sewn 800 suits, a nature was chosen, stoves. They agreed to participate and actors, among whom Dmitry Kharatyan, Christina Orbakayte, Alexander Domogarov.

Personal life

In 2018, Anatoly Mukasy and Svetlana Druzhinin celebrated a diamond wedding. Their photos appeared in many domestic tabloids. The future operator and actress, and part-time and the director, met in the student - studied in one university. Once the feet of the girl in the locker room of the volleyball court of the institute rolled up the ball. Anatoly Mikhailovich in this way found a reason for dating. It was the beginning of their love story with long life.

Before familiarizing with the parents of Beloven Svetlana, it was so worried that after a momentous day for a couple of days I got sick. However, it was not worth being afraid - relatives themselves offered the heir to get married until the end of the institute.

The lush wedding took place in the luxurious metropolitan restaurant. Parents Anatoly went with young on holiday in Yalta, and then handed the girl a letter and left again abroad. The message was warned that since then Svetlana is deprived of the right to travel beyond the country, and all the secrets of the family should remain secret. So the joint personal life of two creative people began.

In marriage, which in the Russian show business today is recognized as one of the strongest, two children were born. The eldest son Anatoly chose the path of the artist, although in his youth tried forces and in acting, and in music. Together with the son of Georgy Deltera Nikolai, he organized the rock band "sorcerers." Young people not only shook themselves in public, but also in real life they love to surprise ordinary passersby or subway passengers. Sometimes pranks went beyond the framed.

After an unexpected death of a friend, Anatoly thought about the meaning of life. At the 28th age, he visited the Pskovo-Pechersk monastery, began to go to the temple. From his beloved Irina Muravyeva-Moiseenko in 1987 he had the only heir to Daniel. But soon for an unknown reason, the son of the Druzhinina died. For parents, this event has become a terrible blow. On the causes of the death of Anatoly neither the director nor the operator, never spoke to journalists.

Irina Muravyova - in the past, the champion in synchronous swimming - survived the father of his son for several years and also died with unexplained circumstances. The grandson of Daniel took his grandparents under his custody. They tried to give the young man a good education: he graduated from an English-speaking college, helped Svetlana to mount her films, starred at her grandmother in the historic TV series "Secrets of Palace Dobor". But the young man did not manage to take place in creativity: I also got into unpleasant stories, from which relatives were pulled out.

The fate of the younger son Mikhail was happily. He went at the footsteps of his father and graduated from the Faculty Classroom. Later, engaged in producing. From the first marriage raises two children - the son of Maxim and daughter Elizabeth. The second time Mikhail married an athlete, the world champion in volleyball Catherine Gamova. Their firstborn is the fourth grandson Svetlana Druzhinina and Anatoly Mukasy - appeared in September 2019. According to the famous director, the boy was born a real warrant - height 57 cm and weighing 4.2 kg. The state of the director shared with the subscribers of his page in "Instagram".

In 2019, Daniel visited the broadcast of the TV show "Male and Women's", where he told about what he was engaged in music, he writes songs and lives in India. The young man has posted that the grandmother does not give him the right to dispose of the only housing that went from the mother.

Later, the young man gave an interview in the stars show "on NTV, where he repeated his intention to sell an apartment. According to Mukasey Jr., it turned out to be problematic - his relatives stopped going to communicate with him. Later, a young man managed to realize his intentions. The funds received, he invested in his project and invested in the opening of a ballet school, but did not receive return anywhere.

Anatoly Mukasy now

In 2020, to continue the shooting of the 4th paintings dedicated to the adventures of the Gardenaarines, it turned out to be impossible: it was preventing the broken pandemic of coronavirus infection. Nevertheless, the work on the project neither Svetlana Druzhinin, nor Anatoly Mukasy, are not going to complete. They plan to release the film in 2022.


  • 1964 - "Give a plaintive book"
  • 1966 - "Beware of the car"
  • 1968 - "First Girl"
  • 1970 - "Attention, turtle!"
  • 1972 - "Big Change"
  • 1973 - "Execution of desires"
  • 1977 - "Nose"
  • 1977 - "According to family circumstances"
  • 1979 - "Watching Gusar"
  • 1982 - "Princess Circus"
  • 1985 - "Stuffed"
  • 1990 - "Trap for a lonely man"
  • 1991 - "Vivat, Marthemarines!"
  • 1992 - "Gardenairins 3"
  • 2000-2013 - "The secrets of palace coups. Russia, century XVIII "
  • 2002 - "Michelle"
  • 2021 - "Gardemaryna-1787"

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