Iya Ostergen - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Life Ai Ostergeni would not attract the attention of the Internet audience if not an unusual figure of a charming Swede. Long legs "from the ears" at first became the reason for school ridicule of classmates. Persistent work in the gym, except for the figure, changed the biography of the model by making the girl one of the most popular fitness bloggers "Instagram".

Childhood and youth

Iya Ostergren was born on August 14, 1983 in Sweden. The childhood of the girl was not different from the peers, except that the appearance of the teenager obviously did not fit into standards. Schoolgirl was harring high and thin. But the remarkable item is unusually long legs, which were attached to the figure non-standard and allocated young Swedes among classmates.

Ia ostergren

Teenagers cruel in judgments and often ridicule those who are not similar to them and stand out from the crowd, whether unusual appearance or behavior. In the disproportions of the physique who are thrown into the eye disproportions did not avoid this fate. During his studies, the Swede was ridiculed and frankly mocked the teenager. The role of "ugly duckling" was not easy to transferred, ultimately, psychological pressure led to depression.

However, Iia admits that, in spite of everything, continued to love himself and his body. Just once the girl firmly decided to work on himself and improve what kind of nature presented, making it worthy, not a disadvantage. The decision to do sports in the root changed the life of Swedish beauty.

Model business

Professional fitness sessions began for Ostergen in 2013. Already a year later, persistent physical labor began to bring results. Then the girl decided to share the success and wonders who create sports with the human body in the network. Since 2014, the photo of the Swede appear in "Instagram" on a personal page.

Model Iya Ostergen

There, the girl publishes photographs where the process of forming an ideal female body is tracked. Of course, the main distinctive feature and highlight of the figure of the AI ​​remained long slender legs. The expression "from the ears" seemed to be invented for her. The Swedes are known for attractive appearance, but the ostergens would not be distinguished from the numerous fitness-blogger "Instagram" if it were not for the legs.

When heighting at 178 cm, the length of the feet of beauty is 108 cm. Incidentally, in the world book of records, the title title owner of the longest legs belongs to Russians Catherine Lisina. The legs of the former basketball players reach almost 133 cm. The only difference is that the growth of Lisina is 205.7 cm.

Swede compared to the record holder is much lower than the growth, but in the proportional ratio of its legs are longer. This disproportion is noticeable and externally.

Figure Ia Ostergen

Fitness helped Swedish to achieve balance and femininity of the figure. The weight of the girl due to the muscle mass increased compared to the youth. The waist of Beauties remained unchanged, but the thighs and buttocks acquired more rounded shape and became harmonious. The same applies to hands, back and chest. Due to reinforced training, the figure figurine resembles an hourglass with endless legs.

The unique figure and the purpose of the girl did not pass unnoticed. IA, thanks to the popularity obtained in social networks, builds a career model. Contracts with large model agencies at Swedet, however, not yet signed, but earning online popularity comes out in the modern world quite well.

Feet II Ostergen

By the way, the Swedish model is known and loved by Russian users. Noticing the trend of the growth of comments and subscribers from Russia, I even introduced Hashtegi in Russian in "Instagram". In truth, comments on the page are not always enthusiastic. Some adhere to beauty standards and sincerely wondering how disproportionately long legs for a relatively small body of the model can be considered beautiful and attractive.

Ia does not pay attention to the pruning reviews. The girl is confident in herself, loves her body and satisfied with the results. Ostergen says that every person is beautiful, just sometimes to see it, you need to make efforts.

Personal life

Fitness and work on themselves changed the personal life of the current Swedish model. Starting the "instagram", I did not suspect that this passion would bring love and happy marriage. In 2014, the Swedish network became acquainted with the future beloved - the bodybuilder Torbzhorn Ostergen.

Iya Ostergen and Torbzhorn Ostergen

The young man was a smoke sentenced to the exceptional appearance of AI, and she in turn did not believe that such an attractive and bright man paid attention to her and showed interest. The novel developed rapidly, and soon the pair legalized the marriage.

Iya Ostergren with family

In 2016, the first daughter of spouses appeared, and in a year the second one. By the way, "Instagram" did not lose already during pregnancy. Fitness-blogger, without changing habits and lifestyle, continued to visit the gym, sharing photos with fans. After childbirth, the model published advice on how to return the shameless ideals of the forms. He helped his wife in working on the Spouse's figure, becoming a personal trainer of the Internet star.

Iya Ostergren now

In addition to raising children, the Swedish model develops a page in "Instagram", does not stop the diligent training and gives tips on nutrition and maintain the figure in the right form.

The page is divided that the hall visits daily without weekends and holidays. As for nutrition, it is eaten 2.2 kg of meat a week to maintain muscle mass.

Iya Ostergen in 2018

Photos popular in the network of long legs are regularly laid out by the model on the page. Moreover, selfie and professional pictures are sometimes provocative, while not deprived of refinement and charm. It is not surprising that the number of beauty fans of the Swedet grows every day. Hundreds of thousands of subscribers with delight are watching the life and career of the Swedish model. I, not embarrassed, left on the page address of the direct links of a personal internet wallet, so that everyone able to support the works of the star "Instagram".

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