Group "Guests from the Future" - Composition, Photo, News, Songs, Clips



For ten years, the "guests from the future", for ten years, pleased the fans with a kind of music, unforgettable vocals of the soloist and clinging the souls with the texts of the songs. Since 2009, the team has ceased to exist, but the participants continue to work on a musical field.


The beginning of the creation of a group as a musical team was found in 1996 in St. Petersburg by two like-minded people - Yuri Usachev and Evgeny Arsentiev. True, Arsentev soon left the composition. The true founder and the unchanging inspirer of creativity and music team, together with Usachev, became a little later Eva Polna.


Yuri Usachev was born in the city at the Neva on April 19, 1974. Since childhood, the boy dedicated his free time with music. Gifted toollist Usachev played almost on any musical instrument - shock, guitar, cello, piano. There was a piggy bank and singing experience in the choir of the Leningrad Radio House.

Already in the adulthood, Yuri is interested in electronic music. The songs written by the musician were performed by the participants of the team "Outwashing Scammers". In addition to music and arrangements for the popular Band Band 90s, a young man creates a number of its own projects - a cast-iron sword, "asset-positive."

Yuri Usachev

Eva Polna was born on May 19, 1975 also in Leningrad. Creative talents appeared in childhood. Eva was engaged in dancing and singing. In 1994 he fell into the music team "A-2". In the rap project, the girl worked as a dancer and singer back vocal. With a fashion genre, a beginner star did not work out, and in a year, Polna left the group.

The historical meeting of the two colleagues took place in 1996 at the nightclub in St. Petersburg. Usachev, who was in the search for a soloist for a new group, saw, and more precisely heard the Euro vocal scene. A man admits that since the first minutes I realized that destiny presented a real gift. The girl with such a voice can conquer millions.

Eva Polna

After a couple of days, young people met in a small studio, where Yuri worked. Together they recorded the first song "Time - Sand".

After a creative couple realized that the vision of modern music coincides, they launched with a disservice to record new songs. Without choosing for days from the studio, the musicians postponed all the affairs and entertainment. In a joke, one of the friends called musicians by guests from the future. So the name of the new team appeared, who conquered millions of fans.

Huge help in promoting the created group provided DJ Grub, who worked on the radio stations of the capital and speaking in nightclubs. Usachev offered a musician to listen to the song recorded by the guys. Groove agreed to include a radio station composition.

On March 8, 1998, DJ invited the team to perform in the metropolitan nightclub, where he worked. Coming out on stage, young performers at first numbness from the number of public. But as soon as Eva Poche, the hall began to singing. The listeners already knew and loved the work of the team that appeared. It was the date of the first speech that became the official starting point for the creation of the group "Guests from the Future".


It would seem that success promised to cover with his head. But Fortuna is deceptive, and the first recorded album did not gain popularity. The public did not understand and did not perceive the style that the musicians tried to bring to the scene.

Fortunately, the guys did not leave attempts to make their way to the musical Olympus, and soon the popular popularity of the collapse of the team. It was necessary to search for producer. The choice fell on Evgeny Orlova, who worked as everything with the same "distems of fraudsters." Producer support brought new stages of development - the first video was removed, the album was recorded, the rapidly reached the first places of charts.

Soon the team goes to the tour. Concerts with anchlats are held not only in the cities of the Motherland, but also in the CIS countries and Europe. Having touched the necessary experience and entrusted on the pop scene, the musicians broke out a contract with the producer and continued independent swimming in show business.

The team existed until 2009, the release of albums, with a constant success of the public. However, each creative unit sooner or later comes to the wishes of growth and achieve new vertices.


In 2009, Eva Polna announced the departure of Yuri Usachev from the composition. At the same time, the composer and the musician remained a saund-producer and a colleague of the soloist in the studio. In fact, the singer began a solo career, and Usachev dedicated himself to arrangements, studio work and the development of new projects created.

Personal life of the participants of the group all this time did not stand in place. The tight schedule did not prevent young people to acquire families and children, the photos with which they often appear in the press.

In the late 90s, Usachev announced homosexuality, but later admitted that the statement was only a PR-move. During the end of the 90s, the theme of the same-sex love was scandalous and popular among stars of show business. However, soon it became known about the civil wife and daughter of Yuri, Emilia, born in 2003. The relationship did not exist for a long time, the couple broke up. The musician supports the relationship with the eldest daughter, which until recently lived in London.

Yuri Usachev and Tina Kuznetsova

Since 2009, Usachev in official marriage with Tina Kuznetsova, singer and star of the musical project of Yuri. In 2010, the spouse gave her husband to the son of Gabriel.

As for Eva, the girl made official camining-out in 2001, confessing in bisexuality. The singer is attributed to the Roman with the director of Piara Alexander Mania. True, when rumors about the upcoming marriage of a couple in the Netherlands appeared on Life's site, Eva came to rabies. Alexandra also denied information.

Eva Polna

The soloist group has two daughters - Evelyn (born in 2005) and Amalia (born in 2007). On the TV channel "First Channel", the popular singer Denis Klyaver, the soloist of the Tea group, admitted that he had the father of the eldest daughter Eve. Later, in an interview, the singer was recognized that she became an unpleasant event about such revelations of Klyaver. Mom girls explained that he tried to protect his daughters from the hype and gossip, so she kept paternity in secret.

Pope of the youngest daughter is a businessman Sergey Pilgun, with whom the star lived in a civil marriage for several years. Now both small ladies live with mom, periodically meet with fathers.


The creation of the group is distinguished by the usual pop pop compositions. Texts of songs are intellectual and filled with meaning. The first unsuccessful attempt with the release of the Jungle-style album served as an excellent lesson for convulsions of Eva and Yuri.

The popularity of the first hit "Run from me" is fixed by higher lines of charts and rotations on leading radio stations.

Each of the recorded albums brought songs, which were in the future thousands of listeners, such as "love me in French", "You are somewhere", "dislike." He recorded the team and guitar songs - "split the souls of your window", "this is stronger than me." Eva's heartfelt vocals accompanied by a guitar accompaniment Yuri produced a furyor on stage.

During the existence, the team recorded nine studio album, removed the order of nine official clips. All the works of the group fastened the constant success of fans.

"Guests from the future" now

Currently, Eva Polna continues the solo career, performing on stage as old songs and its own compositions. The former soloist of the group recorded two studio albums - "sings love" and "Phoenix". In 2018, the singer gives concerts on the cities of Russia with the program from the last album.

Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev in 2018

Yuri Usachev came close to the development of its own musical projects, including the spouses of Tina Kuznetsova - "My-Ti". The musician continues to career composer and arranger, collaborating with the stars of show business. In addition, since 2002, Yuri is the general producer of a major soundproof company "Gramophone Records".


  • 1999 - "Run from me"
  • 1999 - "Nelyubov"
  • 1999 - "Real only music"
  • 2000 - "You're somewhere"
  • 2000 - "Winter in the Heart"
  • 2000 - "This is stronger than me"
  • 2005 - "The best in you"
  • 2005 - "I draw"


  • 1997 - "Hundreds of years ..."
  • 1998 - "Sand time ..."
  • 1999 - "Run from me"
  • 2000 - "Winter in the Heart"
  • 2000 - "This is stronger than me, part 1"
  • 2002 - "Eva"
  • 2003 - "This is stronger than me, part 2"
  • 2005 - "More than songs"
  • 2007 - "Behind the star"

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