Sam Winchester - biography, series "Supernatural", actor, image


Character History

Characteristic Sam Winchester, ghost hunter and demons from fantasy series "Supernatural", impressive. The only young man who kills the most terrible demons - White-eyed. And the only one, in whom at the same time angel and the demon and demon. He and also only three heroes of a multi-sized film managed to visit the four world of reality - land, purgatory, hell and paradise. Sam died several times and, Sunday, became all merciless and cool.

History of creation

The path of the series about hunters for the representatives of the other world from the idea to the incarnation took 10 years. Write a script for a mystical picture. I was conceived by the televiser and screenwriter Eric Crypt, since childhood enthusiastic legends. During the work, the concept of the project infinitely changed, but one remained unchanged - the author certainly wanted to create a television product about travel. At first, two journalists appeared the main characters, which in pursuit of demons are furious to the country's expanses, but then decided to do without professions.

Eric Crypt

Difficulties arose with the names of the main characters. The crypt in the imitation of the novel "On the road", written by Jack Keroac, called the heroes of Salom and Din. However, in the future Sal was rejected, and the young man turned into Sam. In the series, the character is named after his own grandfather - Samuel Campbell.

The scriptwriter wanted to borrow the surname for hunters at the adored Harrison Ford, but failed - in Kansas there was a namek Sam Harrison, and this was already threatened with the problems of a legal nature. Then Kripka decided to associate the project with the legend of the house of Winchesters.

Jared Padalekia was immediately invited to the role of Sam Winchester, and he agreed - he really loves horror strokes, especially the "twilight zone" and "secret materials". After reading the script, the actor discovered parallels with these series. In addition, the young man has always attracted images of characters who are by the will of fate become heroes. For example, Sam compared with Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars and Neo, who saves the world in the Matrix.

The first series of "Supernatural" came out at the beginning of the autumn 2005 on the "The WB" channel. They planned to shoot six seasons, but the number of them exceeded the dozen.

Car brothers Winchesterov

Two brothers travel in America on the retro car "Chevrolet" and investigate paranormal phenomena. The enemies become ghosts, demons, hoists, vampires and other evil spirits. It is noteworthy that the creators of the project almost abandoned the special effects, the monsters are not frightened by the appearance and fully retain their secrets, and it will blow the blood stronger than from visual horror stories.

Biography and plot

Sam was born in 1983 in the town of Laurence Kansas in the usual American family of John and Mary Winchester. Brother Dean Winchester older than four years older. The appearance of Sam on the world was predetermined over - the boy was needed to demonstrate the azazel to grow from him the leader of hellish forces on the planet. A terrible event happened to one of the nights - Mom died in fire in the children's bedroom, when the demon tried to supply the child with blood that changed his nature. Since then, his father began to study the otherworldly world, trying to calculate the killer of his wife. At the same time, a man raised children with real monsters hunters.

From early childhood Sam and Dean nomocated around the country. And if the brother liked such a lifestyle, then Sam hated dangerous and incomprehensible journey. The boy dreamed of living "Humanly", so once he fled and entered the college in Stanford. But I had to join your brother after the father was missing without a trace, and Sam's beloved named Jessica killed the demon. Later, the parent contacts children to throw a new job, - on the way the brothers fight with vampires, werewolves and ghosts of different sewing.

Sam and Dean Winchester

After the death of Father Sam found out about the plans of the demon: a young man, together with people with supernatural abilities, prepare for the apocalypse. And the young man decided to devote himself to a parent, to save as many people as possible and, perhaps, change his own destiny.

With the development of the plot, Sam Winchester died several times, got into hell, revived, said goodbye to Din. The brothers managed to prevent the apocalypse. And once the young man lost his souls, which was locked in a cage along with the fallen angel Lucifer. The year, a soulless Sam worked terrible things, without sparing in battles with the evil spirits of ordinary people. The character's soul is so expelled that he confuses reality with hellish nightmares. From the torment Sam got rid of Angel Castiel, who took flour on himself.


In early 2013, the WB channel announced the extension of adventures of monsters hunters. Sam Winchester continued to fight with his brother with otherworldly creatures and get into incredible stories.

Sam's personal life does not play paints. After good and caring Jessica - only a series of short novels. The young man tried to shut up a hysterical girl Becky Rosen. The hero was delayed near Demonian Ruby, who taught the use of forces against demons. Several series Sam spent in the society of Widow Amelia.

Image, character and strength

Sam is very different from his brother. According to nature, the father resembles a father - the same stubborn and unshakable on the way to the goal. Developed intelligence, thoughtfulness and meticulousness pushing the character to collect all the details of the case. This damn infuriates Dean, for which he calls Brother Botany. Crowley, the demon and the king of the intersection, calls Sam "Losyara" due to a large complex, hairstyle and "flat" sense of humor.

Sam Winchester

Unlike Dean, the young man honors the law, even saving people, trying not to overtake the framework. In the fight against evil spirits, it is certainly looking for non-permissive ways. In love affairs, the hero is modest and usually chooses the last option between the flirt and work. Fobia Sam - Clowns: the young man is experiencing inhuman fear of them.

Since the young man from early childhood is dedicated to the subtleties of hunting on mystical monsters and monsters, then perfectly owns hand-to-hand combat techniques, confidently uses cold and firearms.

Demon from the series

The hero has paranormal abilities, which is concerned about his own further fate, because there is a risk of moving on the dark side. He has talent for telecision and anticipation - future events appear in the form of visions, and when the hero turned into a ghost, it was easily teleported in different places. Having drunk the blood of the demons, it is able to influence the strength of thought on these creatures. Also, the young man can drive the demons from the bodies of people, where they dreamed to accommodate them, and send them to hell. Moreover, Sam managed to develop the ability of such power that it easily hurts the demons and even kills them.

Interesting Facts

  1. Like all the heroes of popular TV series, Sam has its own fandoms. Fans of the series are experimenting with a way, coming up with stories with incredible plots. Among them were ridiculous work with just as ridiculous names, for example, "Sam Winchester paints his lips ... and not only."
  2. Samuel (the full name Sam) is consonant with the name of the angel of death from Talmud Samael. Sometimes it is considered as the true name of the devil.
Sam Winchester in hell


"Murder of a guy, murder Meg .... After all, I did not hesitate. It turns out, for you with my father I am ready for this. " "When I told the Father that I was scared by a creature in my closet, he gave me a pistol of the 45th caliber." "Do not smoke, not to drink, sex to the wedding - no ... Dean, yes they declared you out of law all!" "I was the dead year, returned, and your jokes did not become funful." "People do not disappear, Dean, just others cease to look for them."

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