Anastasia Voznesenskaya - photo, biography, personal life, news, wife Andrei soft, actress, films 2021



Anastasia Voznesenskaya - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Behind the shoulders of the star screens dozens of noticeable roles. But the greatest fame of Voznesenskaya was brought together with her husband Andrei soft in the cult comedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Garage", where the performer played the unprincipled market director Alla Kushakov.

Childhood and youth

About the early years of the celebrity of detailed information is not found, which is explained by the long-standing dislike of Anastasia Valentinovna to journalists, excessive bustle around its person and the reluctance to let out in private space.

The press is known that the Light of Voznesenskaya appeared in Moscow, the year of birth - 1943, and on the sign of the zodiac star - lion. He graduated from the metropolitan general education school and in early 1960s entered the MCAT Studio School. On the course of Vasily Markova, Yunaya Anastasia studied together with the faith of Alert, Vladimir Menshov, Irina Miroshnichenko and the future husband Andrei soft.

About who were the parents of Anastasia Valentinov and how to decide the daughter to become an actress, a story silent. It is known that Voznesenskaya is not the only child in the family. Artists have 2 sisters with which, according to unconfirmed information, she did not support relations after the death of the mother in the early 2000s.


School-studio MCAT Voznesenskaya graduated in the mid-1960s. A promising graduate and a charming young woman in the Sovremennik's troupe called Oleg Efremov, but Anastasia Valentinovna delivered the condition: I agree to work only in a pair with soft. The artistic director has forced to agreed and did not regret.

At the stage of the "contemporary" actress was not lost among the constellations of talented colleagues. Voznesenskaya played Maria Shamraya in Chekhov's "Seika", Babakin in the production of "Ivanov" and Heroine Pieces Alexander Vampilova "Provincial Jokes" and "Duck Hunting".

When Efremov left the "contemporary", Anastasia Valentinovna and Andrei Vasilyevich left the Madrah to MCAT, and after the troupe section in 1987, they repeatedly followed Oleg Nikolayevich.

In the 1980s, Anastasia Voznesenskaya was a premix of the Efremov Theater. The leading artist trusted the role of the entire genre palette - from grotesque-comedy to dramatic. Critics after each premiere broke out with a laudatory review of the actress, exceeded the ability to fill any image of psychological accuracy, without losing a professional form.


The cinematic biography of Voznesenskaya was not less successful than theatrical. On the screens, the star appeared immediately after the end of the university. In 1966, Anastasia debuted in the short films "First Love" and "Travel", and a year later the director Evgeny Tashkov entrusted her a major role in the 3-Series Military Drama "Major Major", which was the basis of the novel of Julian Semenov.

Spectators saw Anastasia Voznesenskaya in the image of Radio Rodionovoy radio. Its partners on the set became Vadim Bourge and Victor Pavlov. The mini-series had a loud success, and all artists woke up famous.

Next Star Iposta did not make herself wait long. In 1969, Voznesenskaya replenished the filmography of Alexey Korenev's sparkled comedy "Adam and Heva" filmography. In the tape, a talented Muscovite played a bright secondary role Aishat. Adam and Hebu played Georgy Gegechkin and Ekaterina Vasilyeva. Before Frunzik Mkrtchyan, the director set the task of playing the unlucky Beciera's burner, trying to return his wife in vain.

The first half of the 1970s came the peak of popularity of the actress. At this time, soft, although starring, but remained at a step behind the popular spouse. However, remaining in the shade, did not jealous to success. Anastasia Valentinovna, receiving offers from directories, sought to "knock out" for a spouse at least an episode in the picture where he was shot.

Everything has changed in the mid-1970s, when one Film Ryazanov "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry!" The screens came out on the screens, and then another, in which the Husband of Voznesenskaya shines in a duet with Alice Freundlich. Now Andrei Mikobykov searched for roles for his wife.

But if in the comedy "Garage" managed to persuade Ryazanov to give the work of the Voznesenskaya, then the director "Big Change" Korenev, who removed his spouse in Adam and Heva, did not go for concessions of the celebrity: Nestor Petrovich played Mikhail Kononov, and the image of Svetlana Afanasyevna teacher, Who mild demanded for Anastasia, got Natalia Bogunova.

In the late 1980s, the career actresses went to the decline. The only "loud" project, in which she was entrusted with the episode during these years, turned out to be a melodrama Ryazanov "Station for Two". Anastasia Voznesenskaya there was the role of duty in the "Intourist", who sheltered the hero Oleg Basilashvili.

The major role of the artist in 1983 entrusted the director Aida Manasarov in the Drama "Look". Anastasia Valentinovna played Tatyana Sukhanov, who tried to find a common language with a teenage son (Dmitry Schokelov). In the film also appeared tobacco and soft.

In 1986, the premiere of the comedy Manasarova "from salaries to salaries", in which Oleg Efremov and Andrey soft were played by the main characters. Appeared in the foreground and Voznesenskaya. Spectators and critics warmly met the ribbon, but now the picture is undeservedly forgotten.

Anastasia Voznesenskaya - photo, biography, personal life, news, wife Andrei soft, actress, films 2021 15268_1

A year later, the spouses starred as a husband and wife in a children's comedy about the life of a big and fun family "Kuvokes through the head." Anya Migdal became the on-screen daughter of actors. The plot is based on the story of Zoe Cranes.

The next film, which is now relevant thanks to the problems "Fathers and Children", became the drama Mikhail Tumanishvili "Accident - Daughter of Ment". The ascensional viewers learned in the image of a grumpy, but the caring mother of the main character, which Oksana Arbuzova played brilliantly.

In the 1990s, Anastasia Valentinovna flashed on the screens in the episodes of projects "Is I" guilty, the "Execution of Stalin" and "Crusader". Today, the last for the actress is a role in Madame Zhevuzen in the 2nd series of film film filming, shot to the 100th anniversary of MCAT.

Personal life

With a future husband, Anastasia Voznesenskaya met in youth in the theater university. Soft, who has already had a chemist-technologist diploma, turned out to be senior among classmates. Attention on a charming fragile Muscovite Leningradets drew on the 1st course. Over time, the broken romance flashed stronger, and the student wedding of the couple played, not postponing to the end of study.

Together, the spouses lived more than half a century, there were no feelings. Familiar acting family said that a pair had a touching and tender relationship to the very end, as in the years of the birth of a joint personal life. In 2013, artists celebrated the Golden Anniversary from the day of marriage: together, without children. Without becoming parents, they were "adopted" and "having fallen" their students, students of the MHAT Studio Studios.

At the end of the 20th century, the Society spoke about the developing alcoholism of Voznesenskaya. Colleagues and journalists believed that because of low demands in the theater and cinema, a woman plunged into depressions and regularly drinks alcoholic beverages. A loving husband was helped to overcome a detrimental habit, surrounding half with warmth and care.

At the end of 2017, the fans of the pair were alarmed by the news about the hospitalization of Andrei Mikov, who had fallen into the hospital with strong headaches. In the media spoke about star couple, which was not heard anything for a long time. In the theater, where the artists had previously worked, they said that now soft and Anastasia Voznesenskaya did not appear for the scenes because of health problems.

Anastasia Voznesenskaya now

Although for a short time, Voznesensky resumed rare performances, in recent years, an elderly woman has dedicated to the care of her husband and the fight against its own disease - diabetes, which previously aggravated due to a stroke. The pair escaped the paparazzi, did not post the photo on social networks.

On the night of February 18, 2021, a tragedy occurred: Andrei Vasilyevich died in a Moscow apartment aged 82 years. Anastasia Valentinovna discovered the spouse without consciousness and caused doctors, who arrived, the doctors stated death.

According to the media, the cause of death became acute heart failure. Farewell to Andrei Mustochem decided to spend on February 20 in the MHT building named after A. P. Chekhov. The state for the people's artist, the state allocated the actors on the Alley on the metropolitan Troyekovsky cemetery.


  • 1966 - "Travel"
  • 1967 - "Major Wihry"
  • 1969 - "Adam and Heva"
  • 1979 - "Morning Bypass"
  • 1979 - "Garage"
  • 1979 - "Old debts"
  • 1982 - "Train Station for Two"
  • 1983 - "Looking around"
  • 1986 - "From salaries to salaries"
  • 1989 - "Accident - Menta's daughter"
  • 1991 - "I am guilty"
  • 1993 - "Stalin's Testament"
  • 1995 - "Crusader"
  • 1998 - "Chekhov and Co."
  • 2002 - "Retro" (film-performance)

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