Kyunna Ignatova - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



The star of Soviet cinema with the unusual name Kyunn shone for a long time: beauty and talented actress, famous for the films "Lyana" and "Long Way," died with a strange coincidence of circumstances aged 53 years.

Childhood and youth

Kunna Ignatova was born on September 26, 1934 in the capital of the USSR. Mom Tatiana Nikolaevna was a ballerina with Russian-Jewish roots. Dad Nikolai Mikhailovich Alekseev - half Yakut, famous ethnographer and library science. His grandfather was a patron and merchant, in the pre-revolutionary years he received a golden clock from the king himself.

Kunna Ignatova in childhood with parents

With Yakutsky, the name Kyunn is translated as "Sunny". Shortly before the death was baptized in the church of the resurrection of the word in the Assumption enemy, the name of Galina received during the rite. Parents broke up when the actress was small. Dad went out of the capital in Yakutia, the girl brought up stepfather, whose surname - Ignatova - she received.

Kunna Ignatova in youth

Since 1953, Kyunna is a student of theatrical school. Schukina, enrolling the course to Cecilia Mansurov, graduated from 1958 under the leadership of Joseph Rapoport. The group raised the Group of "Talents and Fans" by Nikolai Ostrovsky, "Three Fatty" Yuri Oleshi and "Chudak" of Nazima Hikmet.


A talented student was noticed on average courses of theatrical: In 1955, the film "Lyana" was released by the director Boris Barnet, where she played the main role of a Moldavanka girl. After a year, Kyunn performed one of the leading roles, the political exile, in the first art film of the Soviet director Leonid Gaiday, shot on the motives of Vladimir Korolenko's stories. By the time of the diploma of Künne Ignatov was the already famous Soviet actress.

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After graduating from studying, it is taken by the Moscow Theater of Drama and Comedy, where the leadership immediately gives Kunne leading roles: Oksana in "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" and Falluses in the "quiet American". After getting married to Belokurov Künne went to MCAT.

The first play was the "noble nest" there, where Ignatova performed the role of his wife Kalitin. Then Kyunne was also entrusted with a dozen main roles and a couple of dozen episodic. The maid from the "three sisters" she played 25 years. Together with the body, Mkhat leaned on tour abroad.

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After the first successful roles in the films, the further career in the movie was difficult. In 1960, with Vladimir Samoilov, she starred in the tape "And again morning", a year later, in a duet with George Zhuzhev, he performed the role of a member of the crew of the spacecraft in the science fiction film "Planet Storms".

Another interesting image is the graduates of the Churchochka Khuryochki - Künne created the story about the newlyweds in the tape. Evgeny Leonov, Kirill Lavrov, Alice Freindlich and Anatoliy Kuznetsov, partners in the shooting area.

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The last major role of Kunna became the actress of the Agitbrigada Anush, which she performed in the film "Explosion after midnight." At sunset, the actress cinema appeared on the television screens in the episodic role in the Crown of the Russian Empire, the tape went to the screens in 1971.

In 1987, after the section of Mkat, Dick and Ignatova chose Tatyana Doronina's troupe. For the first time in many years, Kyunne got the leading role of Frau Vermelskirm in the "Ren Horsel", but the production was quickly removed from the repertoire. There were no more famous roles from the Soviet actress.

Personal life

Kyunna was officially married three times. The first spouse was Vyacheslav Sokolov, actor and Khouser of the Central Concert Hall "Russia". In 1958, the only child of Ignatova - Son Peter, who became an actor, playwright and screenwriter.

Kunna Ignatova and Vyacheslav Sokolov

On the set of the film "Long Way" Kyunn meets with Vladimir Belokurov, People's Artist of the USSR. The acting and personal biography at that moment changed dramatically: the beauty fell in love with a man who was over for 30 years older.

Kyunna Ignatova with Son Peter

Mastydnoye Belokurov persistently worked and soon became the second official husband Kyunna. Vladimir led her creative activity, chose roles. It is believed that at this time the actress began to get involved in alcohol, but the son denies such dependence of the mother.

Kunna Ignatova and Vladimir Belokurov

The marriage lasted more than 10 years, until a young actor Alexander Dick appeared in the life of the actress. Feeling in love with the young talent, Ignatova threw the incurablely painful Belokurov and moved to the beloved in a removable apartment. He was 14 years old younger Kunna and only 9 - older Pepter's stepper. As the last one will tell, the relationship with the wilderness did not work out - they often quarreled and even fought on the soil of jealousy.

Kunna Ignatova and her husband Alexander Dick

A couple lived in a civil marriage for a long time, then officially issued relations. But the stamp in the passport did not interfere with the actors periodically diverge and re-converge. Alexander Dick - Widower Kunny Ignatova.

Kunna was fond of reading: loved Bulgakov, Tsvetaeva and Akhmatov. Russian romances, Belarusian "Pesnyarov" and Mark Bernes preferred from music. In addition to acting fees, Dick and Ignatova earned at concerts, spending the summer months on tour.

In 2015, the TV channel Russia-1 received the transfer dedicated to the memory of the actress, which came the third husband and son. Even after, after the death of Kunny, the men did not find a common language. Peter accused Alexander in involvement in the death of the mother. Kunny Ignataya Three grandchildren - Elizabeth, Arseny and Savvathi, were born after the care of the actress from life. Judging by the photo on the network, the granddaughter is very similar to the famous grandmother outwardly.


At the end of February 1988, Alexander Dick returned to the tour: no one opened the door. The apartment had to hack - on the floor of the living room found barely Cunnu, dressed in all white. The house was perfectly clean. The spouse caused "ambulance", the actress was taken to the hospital, where she died in two days without coming into consciousness. The official cause of death is hemorrhage into the brain.

Kunna Ignatova

In the actor's event after the funeral began to walk rumors about suicide or even about murder. Nevertheless, the most likely consider the version of the accident: Ignatova fell and hit the area about the corner of the table. Künne is buried on the metropolitan introduction cemetery.


  • 1955 - "Lyana"
  • 1956 - "Long Way"
  • 1957 - "Wrestler and Clown"
  • 1959 - "The Tale of Newlyweds"
  • 1960 - "And again morning"
  • 1961 - "Planet Storm"
  • 1968 - "Error ONORE DE BALZAKA"
  • 1969 - "Blast after midnight"
  • 1971 - "Crown of the Russian Empire, or no longer"

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